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2003-05-04 - 5.10pm��previous entry��next entry


Thank you Schelli for the lovely guestbook entry! And for reminding me that I can still get fit after I'm pregnant (or fitter anyway!). I forgot about that.

Somebody is pregnant and I want to be excited here but I guess it's still hush-hush right now so I won't. But yay for them anyway!!! So exciting!! And Erica is having her baby on Thursday, yippee!!! Babies babies babies. I want one. But I want to be pregnant first.

Well I did go swimming straight after I wrote my last entry! Go me!!!! :) Infact, exactly one hour later I was in the pool doing a nice slow breast-stroke lap and thinking how weird it was that I was writing about it exactly an hour earlier. I think about silly things. But I am sooooo glad I went because I am now well motivated, and really excited about preparing my body a bit more for pregnancy in this way. It was a Thursday that I went swimming, and I decided I will go swimming every week on a Monday and a Thursday, for the month of May. Then in June I'm gonna go three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Before I left the pool I picked up some leaflets on their rates and activities, and I discovered antenatal exercise classes, and also an aquanatal class that runs for six weeks every term! And they have other classes I'm interested in while I'm trying to get fit. They have aquafit classes (I've always liked that idea), and they have a class on Wednesday mornings called "Get and stay fit", which isn't a water activity, but it sounds good to me. So in June I might swim Monday and Friday, and do the class on Wednesday. It's pay-as-you-go. I think this will be okay and that I won't be overdoing it, even though it's a lot all of a sudden. This is because I will be taking the swimming sessions reeeally gently. On Thursday I did ten gentle laps with rests in between. I took it really slowly and even so I was only in the pool for 15 minutes before I got out and came home again. I was still tired though. I am so unfit. But I figure that if I go really regularly, even if I don't do loads each time, it will still really benefit me. So I'm excited about all that!

It's exactly eight weeks today till my fertile window in the cycle where we will be TTC for the first time. Okay so maybe counting this down is slightly obsessive, but I don't care! I've been waiting ages to start and it makes it more bearable to count it down. If you live in the UK and you need to buy pregnancy tests or ovulation kits, get them online here. It's soooo cheap. And lots of choice of brands too. I found that site back in January and have had to just plonk it on my favourites list and wait. Because it's May I am allowing myself to choose what I'm gonna buy. In June (and not before!) I will let myself buy the tests! After four months I am so excited to be at the choose-what-to-buy stage. I should probably get out more. I don't think I need to worry about getting ovulation kits but I really want to see that I've ovulated when we TTC (more obsessiveness!) so I am gonna get a pack of ten dip-and-read ovulation prediction tests, just because. I figure I will only need five though, the first month. And I'm getting a value pack of two Clearblue pregnancy tests. My periods are like clockwork so if I'm not pregnant after the first try, I probably won't need to test and test and test incase my period's not just late, because it never is. I'll just get my period and that will be that. But if I can't bear the suspense and test too early (you know I will!) then I'll need another one. If I test positive I'll need another fifty probably, just to confirm it because I am sure I won't believe it when I see it. But I think two is a good start! I can always go back there and buy more, because they deliver the next day if you buy before 6.30pm. So yeah, I know what I am getting. But I can't get them till June.

The last two days I missed my folic acid and my other vitamins, because I had a bad tummy and didn't eat anything for a while. I hate that I had to miss a couple of days though, because this is actually counting towards something for my baby. I don't think it's a major big deal though, and I feel better today so I just took them now.

I've been having baby dreams a lot lately. They're all muddled and I can't remember what was in them, but I wake from them a lot. Do you know that this big thing I want to embark upon is scaring me half to death? It's the most confusing feeling ever, to be so desperate and obsessive for something and yet to be scared silly of it and want to push it away. If I would just BE pregnant then I wouldn't have all this aggravating stage of waiting and preparing, and I probably could skip the scaredy bit, or at least there would be much less point to it once I was actually pregnant. I can play about with the what-ifs while I wait, whereas once I'm pregnant the ball is rolling, and as time passes, the fears will be unfounded, etc. I think. I wish time would zippy zip by and hurry up to the end of June! But also not. Because I want to enjoy this time now it's here - the "soooo close" time where I get to buy pregnancy tests and plan how I'll tell family and friends and enjoy getting my body ready.

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