Alice�s Pregnancy

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Arthur's Mummy's Diary

Arthur's Belly Gallery

Arthur's Ultrasound Gallery

Arthur's Birth Story

Matthew's Belly Gallery

Matthew's Ultrasound Gallery

Matthew's Birth Story

Nathan's Belly Gallery

Nathan's Ultrasound Gallery

Nathan's Birth Story

Benjamin's Belly Gallery

Benjamin's Ultrasound Gallery

Benjamin's Birth Story

My Fertility Friend Chart


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2008-12-09 - 11.45pm��previous entry��next entry

Benjamin's Belly Gallery

My Belly Gallery for Benjamin, my fourth baby!

I missed my usual 5 week belly picture this time. We travelled to France that day and then I started bleeding, so never caught up with it, unfortunately!

10 weeks pregnant

15 weeks pregnant (missed 14, sadly!)

16 weeks pregnant (on track at last, hoorah!)

20 weeks pregnant

22 weeks pregnant

24 weeks pregnant

26 (and a half!) weeks pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

30 weeks pregnant

32 weeks pregnant

I missed 34 weeks!! :(

36 weeks pregnant

39 weeks pregnant (I missed 38 weeks)

40 weeks pregnant! Taken on my due date!

Recent entries.....

Babies 7 and 8! :) - 2016-01-10
Babies 6 and 7! - 2013-02-17
Baby #5 !! - 2010-04-03
Nearly 3 months postpartum! - 2009-10-05
6 weeks old already! - 2009-08-25