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2005-11-24 - 9:27 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

Sprout's Ultrasound Gallery

... where all Matthew's ultrasound pictures will go!

Matthew at 12 weeks, 2 days:

You can see Matthew's little hand up by the face there, and the white of the spine in the torso. Matthew measured 58.7mm long from crown to rump here.

This is Matthew's ultrasound picture when he was measured. See how he is scrunching his chin onto the chest, thus making it a STUPID moment to take a crown-to-rump measurement?! Tsk. Anyway, you can also see a little better detail of Matthew's face, and also a full leg complete with tiny foot pressing me in the tummy! The squiggly looking thing around Matthew's hip area is the umbilical cord. You can also see the nuchal fold at the spinal area behind the neck.

This is just a very close-up image of Matthew's spine and neck area, to do the nuchal fold measurement. You can see the markers measuring it! His nuchal fold measured 1.7mm, well within the normal range :)

Photos from the BIG ultrasound at 21 weeks and 5 days!!

Here's the first one - a profile of Matthew with his little head and his arm (bent up to his face) and shoulder. You can see his knee bent at the far left of the picture. At the top, on the "ceiling" you can see a grey bulge of my placenta with a squiggle of umbilical cord coming down from it:

The second one is a lovely image of part of Matthew's face - I love this one because it's the clearest one of the finer details. On the right of the picture there is a huge mass of grey which is a cross-section of his tummy - the angle was looking up his body towards his face. There's a grey mass on the top left which is my placenta, and below that (on the left of the picture) is his little face, the top part of it is in "shadow", and you can clearly see his nose (and nostrils) and his lips and chin. Below his face is the squiggly umbilical cord, and just next to his chin below the placenta you can see a few fingers of one of his little hands. I love this picture!

Here are Matthew's unmistakeable boy parts!!! His thighs/buttocks are the v-ish shape on the right of the picture, and the obvious boy bits in between! There are two circles of the cross-sections of his calves as they come back down into the image, from being bent at the knee above. Again, you can see my placenta up on the left and the squiggly umbilical cord coming down from it :) I love my placenta!

And finally, another profile image. This one is a little clearer in the face, and I love that you can see his little hand with his fingers curled over, above his tummy, and his leg bent up on the left:

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