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2008-12-09 - 11.45pm��previous entry��next entry

10 weeks pregnant - belly pic and stuff!

Yay, I'm finally 10 weeks pregnant!! Double digits, and exactly one quarter of the way through my pregnancy!!! I can hardly believe I'm here! :)

I finally set up a belly gallery and an ultrasound gallery for Babydot, yay! Those were rather overdue! I added them to the list of stuff at the side. That is going to get very long if I keep having babies, hehe! ;) So far, I added the 6w3d ultrasound picture of Babydot, and the belly picture that Neil took this evening. He actually took two and they're basically the same, but they look a little different so I couldn't decide which to post in the gallery. I'm worse than ever with decisions (never a strong point in the first place!) now that I'm pregnant! ;) Anyway, here they both are, for this entry:

One is more close up but slightly angled, and I look a bit bigger in that one. But I think I'll use the less close-up one for the gallery. It will give better continuity probably, or something! I look big for 10 weeks in the close up one! :) So that might be misleading!

A lady at church on Sunday NOTICED that I'm pregnant!!!! I was standing with my boys (Neil had Nathan), with each one sat on a chair in front of me, eating a biscuit after the service. It's the only way to make sure they don't run about with half-eaten biscuits in their mouths! Anyway, she came over and started chatting about how big the boys were getting, and then looked at my tummy and said, "You're not having another one?!" I was kind of taken by surprise because although we're happily telling anyone and everyone, I totally didn't expect someone to figure it out for themselves for a while yet, so wasn't prepared with a response!! I just said, "Um, yes!" and then asked how she knew. She pointed and said, "I can SEE!" ;) When I told Neil all excitedly later on, he oh-so-tactfully said, "Oh, she's probably just never seen you with irritable bowel before."


Anyway, so that was exciting! :) The absolutely universal reaction is "Wow!" with a lot of surprise. The word "wow" is being used by almost everybody, as the first thing they say. The tone varies. Some clearly are thinking, "Wow, you're nutso!" and others are happier for us. I also finally told my grandparents the other day. They always worry and thus are not enthusiastic at first. They are always telling us to leave a good while this time, before having another. *sigh* Anyway, I told Granny on the phone. She didn't sound too happy, and the first thing she said was that we'd have to move (last time the first thing she said was about Neil's lack of job - thankfully that time I was able to tell her that he'd just been offered one, and then she seemed somewhat happier about our news. *sigh*). She went on kind of negatively about the state of the housing market and the economy for a good while, and how we must this and make sure we that. Then she sighed and said, "I AM happy about your baby, but I'm just worried." I know she worries, and I know it's because she loves me so much! But I still feel sad that people aren't more happy for us. At least I'm prepared - I have been hearing for a while that once you're having baby #3 or #4 the negativity sets in. Apparently it takes a MAJOR leap again on baby #5, and people's heads start spinning or something. Joy.

So in the end I told her how far along I was, and when I was due, since she didn't ask. I'm due 2 days after Grandoug's birthday. She said it would be nice to have a summer baby again. She did ask about the age gap but then worried about it all over again when she heard it would be a little smaller this time. When I was telling her my scan date, she suddenly said, "Oh Ali, you could have waited a bit longer!...." in a sort of strained panic tone of voice. Which, yeurgh. She doesn't know we're not preventing pregnancies, and that we're trusting God to bless us with however many babies he wants us to have, in his timing. Mummy said not to tell her that, that she'd only worry more (my family are not Christians). But that "could have waited a bit longer" comment bothered me, because HAPPY NEWS! A beautiful precious baby is already busy completing his or her organ systems inside me! Comments about how I should/could have waited a bit longer before desiring that baby make me feel sort of wrenchy inside because it kind of disregards the sweet precious in there, so to speak.

I know I'm just being oversensitive. What on earth will they say if God blesses us again?! Urgh.

Annnyway. Moving on!

My morning sickness seems to be tailing off somewhat, dare I say it?! I have had a few good days, especially over the weekend and Monday, where I had basically no actual nausea at all!!! I only had miiiild queasiness from about 3pm on Sunday, which didn't get any worse than that in the evening. On Monday it got to 3pm and I was distracted thinking that I STILL didn't even feel queasy! I think I did feel a little queasy in the evening, but that's all, just queasiness, not nausea as such. Today I have been quite a bit more nauseous, but it's like this is a "bad day" as it used to be (a couple of these often followed a few good ones), and it's nowhere near my previous "bad" days. My nausea has ranged from mild queasiness to nauseous (but not horribly horribly) and it has been worst during the evening. I didn't start feeling queasy till late morning though. I'm more aware of hunger these days when I'm due a meal, than nausea, though queasiness does accompany it. It's still THERE, but I'm just sensing a definite easing of the symptoms. This is a change for me, I think. I will have to check my diary with Matthew's pregnancy, because his was the earliest of my morning sickness(es?) to wear off, by 13 weeks. I don't remember it fading at all before it went though.... I'll have to check. With the others, it lasted longer but got better in a similar way to this from about 14 weeks. I'm only 10 weeks and it's been improving for several days already, so this is early for me!

At church on Sunday I was feeling kind of "leaky" so I went to the loo. I have a lot more CM these days, so I'm nervous that I'm bleeding sometimes, with my experience. I did have a bit of light brown spotting on Sunday when I checked, and it was SUCH a great day for the morning sickness that I got nervous. In the afternoon I snuck upstairs with the doppler and some headphones. It was freezing and I couldn't get comfy on the bed, so I sat up with my back against the radiator. I knew that was a rubbish position to hear Babydot with my womb so low, but I thought it was worth a try since it was sooooo cold lying down! Anyway, I plonked the doppler wand on my belly low down (just above my bikini line) and was so surprised to INSTANTLY hear a strong heartbeat! :) So that was lovely and reassuring!

I'm ever so craaaazy tired these days. I have also recently started to have trouble falling asleep at night, which is frustrating the heck out of me! Nathan wakes SO MUCH at night at the moment, and I'm so pregnantly tired anyway. The other night I went to bed at 9pm, it took me till 11pm to fall asleep (one waking from Nathan during that time), and then Nathan woke at 1am, and again at 3am, and he wouldn't go back to sleep till FIVE, urrrgh! He doesn't usually do that, but he is teething and had a cold. THEN I couldn't sleep again till 6am. I just lay there wiiiide awake hearing him breathing steadily, and unable to sleep! It drove me crazy. I went off to sleep at 6ish, but I had to get up at 7 or so for Neil to go to work. Nathey slept till then, thankfully! He's usually up by 6.15am. I took a long time falling asleep last night too. It feels somewhat familiar (for this stage) so I think I will check that in my diary for my other pregnancies too - insomnia at this kind of stage. I want to know how long it will pester me for! I need my sleep!

I can't think what else. There should surely be loads to write about, but I'm tired and it's sooooooo late, and I'm crazy to be up writing my diary at this hour. It took me a while to upload photos and stuff, and then I wanted to get an entry done, so...

I'll update again asap. My embryology website says that Babydot is on the last stage of embryonic development, starting today and finishing at 10 weeks and 4 days. Then, Babydot will not be an embryo any longer! He/she will be a fetus :) Babydot is losing the very last bit of his/her tail at the moment, and the toes are finishing fully separating. Babydot looks so like a tiny mini real baby now, and can grasp hands across his/her tummy! The external ear is complete and the upper lip is fully formed. The genitals are being formed, and already there are differences between male and female at this stage, but only very subtle ones that you couldn't possibly see on ultrasound. Babydot measures about an inch from crown to rump - so tiny, but getting so big compared with recently! :) I am so loving this! It's so exciting!!!

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