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2008-12-22 - 11.45pm��previous entry��next entry

11 weeks, 6 days - 2nd trimester

I know it's been almost 2 weeks since I updated last (so bad!) but I feel so busy or tired in the times that I can update, so I just haven't for a while. Diaryland doesn't motivate me much for either of my diaries at the moment. It seems so... quiet? Unnoticed? I don't know. My comments are tailing off, but probably because I'm being boring or not updating enough! Anyway, so the combination of the above has meant no updates for a bit, which I'm annoyed at myself about! I really want to keep note of everything during my pregnancies! I don't like gaps!

However, it's 11.45pm right now and I'm SO WIPED OUT, I just can't do the update I want to do, but I couldn't leave it at the 10 weeks pregnant entry when I'm going to be TWELVE weeks tomorrow! Can you believe it?!?!?! That, folks, is the first day of my SECOND TRIMESTER!!!! :D So exciting! Bye-bye first trimester! Yay! As I say every pregnancy, I know lots of people don't go by 12 weeks for the changeover between trimesters, but I do. Lots do, actually. I go by the developmental theory, which makes the most sense to me. And I haven't got time to link or explain, urgh! But yay, 2nd trimester starts tomorrow - woohooooo!! :)

So, quick recap on the last couple of weeks. I am really not feeling Babydot move. I was SURE I felt those taps and wiggly movements at 9.5 weeks, but really I have not noticed anything since. By this stage of ALL my other pregnancies I was feeling movement of some sort (or a LOT!) by this stage of pregnancy. Maybe I have an anterior placenta this time? I hope it's in a good position, nice and high... Anyway, Babydot is doing fine in there. I have only listened with the doppler a couple of times over the 2 weeks and both times I have heard a strong heartbeat the instant I put the doppler on my tummy, right underneath (above my bikini line these days). Also the last time I listened, Babydot did a sudden "disappearing act" - one second the heart was beating away loudly under the doppler wand thingy, and then suddenly it vanished! I found Babydot a couple of inches to the left and down a bit :) I have also heard the umbilical cord, which is always a sweet sweet sound to me, for some reason! :)

I'm still feeling sick, but really just queasy now, to varying degrees. I rarely have ANY queasiness at all until mid-to-late afternoon. Some days I don't notice anything until I realise I'm MILDLY queasy during the evening for a while. Today I've been mildly queasy since early afternoon, and it has got worse since, so that I feel distracted by feeling a bit yeurghy and not nice, but that's all! Hooray! Today is now what a "bad day" is, so compared with what a bad day used to be, it's BLISSFUL!!! :) It's about the earliest that morning sickness has eased off for me, well, just about. It's very similar to Matthew's pregnancy (his was all gone by 13 weeks, no queasiness at all, and eased up from about 11 weeks).

I'm on a protein kick this week, I think. I keep wanting things like roast dinners, and spaghetti bolognese - just the sauce, mind you! I have had that twice this week, and couldn't think of anything else while waiting for it to cook! I am also eating eggs and cheese a lot. Today I ate breakfast (just cereal) at 8.30ish and then had absolutely no choice but to sneak off to the kitchen and make a mushroom omelette with toast and a glass of milk at 11.10am!!! Hehe! I ate so much cheese in the afternoon to keep from eating another meal (which would have put me off dinner - spag bol, worth waiting for!). Yesterday I had a mushroom omelette with baked beans for lunch, mmmm! The morning sickness is reeeeally loads better if I'm enjoying food again.

Oh but food is a bit bland lately. I've been ill with weirdly fluey colds for about a month in total now, tsk! Not AWFUL but it's taking ages to shift the darn things, and I'm still congested and coughing like crazy for the second week running, so maybe that's affecting my taste? Anyway, all I know is that everything tastes bland and I want to add SALT to everything (on my plate!) which I never ever ever even THINK of doing! Adding salt directly to a plate of food is just bleeeeeeeuuuurgh and so bad for you! But yeah, I confess I had to use just the tiiiiniest sprinkle on my omelette today....

Water is going down a bit better, but not wonderfully yet. Getting there.

I'm really quite spotty this pregnancy. I think I was a bit with someone else's pregnancy (Nathan??) but it's only in the last week or so that I've started finding lots of spots on my face. They're not like ones I get when my period is due or anything, so not my usual hormonal spots. Just... spots! So that's of note.

What else?? I still have a fairly good milk supply!!! I'm excited because Nathan has less than 3 weeks to go till his first birthday (whaaaaa?!?!) so I think WE'LL MAKE IT!!! Yay!! Just now he woke and I went up to nurse him, and felt a very uncomfortable milk let-down. He had to swallow and gulp a lot, and it lasted a good amount of time, waaaay better than at this stage with all my other pregnancies, so I'm glad! I am still nursing Matthew at bedtime only now. I weaned Arthur! :( Well, not :( really, but yeah, I have mixed feelings. He hasn't had my milk for over a week, but he's not too happy about it still.

I DID find time the other night to update my blinkies and things on the side there! I couldn't believe it when I took a good look at them and they still said things like "in my second trimester!", "adding a 3rd pea to our pod", and "due in February"!!! Also I had a flashing "It's a Boy!" blinkie, so I cleared all those out ;) I left the second trimester one because there seemed no point putting a new first trimester blinkie in just a couple of days before needing to put a different one there! I found some sweet new blinkies, and I smile every time I scroll down and see the "pregnant with #4!" blinkie! :) I'm so excited and happy and blessed! When I was randomly reading a few old entries tonight, I came across a not-so-happy post somewhere, where Neil was saying NO MORE KIDS (we just had Arthur and Matthew at the time). And now I look at that blinkie just to the left of those words, 2 years on, and just swell with happiness and awe that I've been so blessed as to be pregnant with my fourth baby! :)

Some of my bloggy friends (not Diarylanders) who are pregnant have this baby widget thingy on their blogs, and it's a bit weird but I like it all the same :) So I've got one for Babydot! It seems to be a bit wacky sometimes and shudder or freeze, but otherwise I like it because it's a little floating image of the exact stage Babydot is at. It's even more cool if you have one from the very beginning of your pregnancy, because then you can see the changes and keep up with how fast the baby is developing. By now, Babydot just looks like a baby, so it has less impact, but I love looking at it all the same, to remind myself what Babydot looks like in there!

I also finally finished Nathan's ultrasound gallery! I can't believe I hadn't finished it! I need to write his birth story - I feel so bad that he's nearly 1 and I haven't written his birth story yet! I need to get a move on. I don't want to be getting too focused on Babydot's birth before I write about Nathan's. I've put it off because parts of his birth make me so nervous! The PAIN aspect, and the scary speed aspect at the end. Mainly. The same as with Matthew's, but more so. I'm bothered by it. I just still don't feel like I can do it again! But that's how my births go, so I am nervous. I am finding myself thinking about it at night when I should be asleep, sometimes. Everything else about his birth was wonderful! I'd do it again (and will, haha!), but if only I could change the speed and the pain.

Oh! I almost forgot!! I had my first midwife appointment last Friday - 11 weeks and 3 days. Neil took a half day holiday and watched the boys, because we don't want to tell them yet. My grandparents are kindly watching the older boys for us on the morning of the scan. We'll take Nathey with us (he won't tell, hehe!). It was a LONG appointment - midwifery care here has completely changed since my last baby (!!) and is undergoing a new pilot scheme which sounds WONDERFUL! There's a team of 8 midwives for my area, and I will get to know them all during my pregnancy (unless we move, which, you know, we need to *sigh*). They'll come to deliver the baby either at home OR at the hospital!! If I am admitted for something during my pregnancy, they'll come into hospital to take over my care! Wow. I have to phone my midwife team instead of labour ward when I go into labour, even! Any questions or problems, I have to call them. They are VERY pro-homebirth, which I'm so excited about! But, I'm really not feeling in the mood for a homebirth at all this pregnancy. I'm partly thinking I'll have Group B Strep again and need to be in hospital for the antibiotics like last time (they said they'll look into that for me, though), and also, THE PAIN. And the amount of waily scary noise I make while giving birth. It bothers ME! I can't think how we'd prevent the boys from being disturbed (read: traumatised!) by it. So, I'm almost sure I won't have a homebirth. I don't really feel sad about that. I am too busy feeling weird about maybe DESIRING an epidural, and worrying about the risks involved with that. *sigh*

Anyway, there's plenty of time to think about all that (as my mum tells me) and I mustn't dwell on it now if it worries me. So, no birth story for Nathan yet. But I will do it soon.

Okay I need to go to bed. It's Christmas in a few days, and so I'll be busy no doubt! But RIGHT after Christmas (Monday 29th) I have my first proper scan, which I'm really excited about!!! I'll update about that probably before it happens. Going to bed now :)

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