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2003-05-01 - 11.30am��previous entry��next entry

It's Maaaay!!! And preconception stuff...

It's May, it's May, it's Maaaay!!!! Yay yay yay it's May!!! Forgive me for being over the top about the fact that it's May, but I can now say, "Next month we might conceive a baby" and that's pretty exciting to me!! Well, next month (NEXT MONTH!!!) we start trying anyway. Yay!!!

Wow, last entry was a contraversial one! I'm glad I wrote it though - and thank you so so much for all the guestbook entries about it. Especially Nicola for taking the time to leave such a long entry about your sister and brother-in-law's experiences with SIDS and co-sleeping - thank you. Your message has given me more confidence and I really appreciate it :) Thanks also to April, Meg (the baby goes on your chest or next to you!), Andrea, and the lovely Lizzy for your entries.

But I'm gonna try to be less activist about parenting issues from now, because it's all well and good for me to have decided on MY chosen practises, but if I get all heavy about it then it really does start telling people that their chosen ways aren't as good or something. Which I don't mean to do. So I won't be so heavy anymore! Well I'll try! Just don't get me started on anything, okay?! Heh. Like cloth nappies. Check out Erica's diary entry about it :) I just found it and ooooh how I agree!! But I will try not to be heavy. I know what I want to do and that's that for now. And all you other mothers out there or mothers-to-be, you will all be lovely parents whatever you decide - so here I am being free and generous, hehe! I can't promise for when I am pregnant and hormonal though! ;)

I am still umming and ahhing about whether we start TTC in June or July. But I keep on leaning over to June so I think that's when we'll start. Provided we feel everything is okay to go ahead at the time. Neil had a stressy moment last weekend which ended up in an argument about finances. He gets so stressy about money even though we're okay financially - not great, but okay. And last weekend he said how he wanted to wait a year till we had more money. Which of course made me frustrated because if you wait till you're ready before starting a family, you'll never start one. Okay so that's a bit extreme, and money considerations are valid, but he's super paranoid and there is no real honest reason not to start a family this year, so I got frustrated and argued with him about it. But things were okay. We got to talking about trusting in God and he changed his whole outlook and everything was fine. I asked him how he feels since then and he says he is happy to try for a baby as planned, in June or July. He just sometimes freaks out about money. I don't, maybe because I'm not the one earning it, but also maybe because I utterly trust that God will provide for us, even if we're in the most difficult financial circumstances. So I don't worry. Plus I know babies mean expenditure, but like I've already said in a previous entry, there won't be much expenditure the way we're doing things. And if I say more I'll be repeating myself for one thing, and getting heavy like I said I wouldn't for another! So I won't. But yeah, we have no reason to worry about money with a baby.

I have two more periods left!! My last period just finished, and it was another bang on time 28 day cycle, so that makes it easy to work out when I'll be fertile in June. My temperatures have been slightly weird this cycle so far, but I'm starting to wonder whether I should quit charting. I read an article at UKparents about it, and it was by a doctor saying that studies have shown that timed intercourse based on charting does not actually give a greater chance of conception than intercourse 2 or 3 times a week all the time. The latter means that there are constantly live sperm in the fallopian tubes, because sperm live for up to 72 hours, so that gives the highest possible chance of conception because each time sperm die out in there, another batch is already there to take over (!!). Also the article said that by the time you ovulate, it's too late, and you need to be trying to conceive BEFORE you ovulate so the poor wee spermies have a chance to swim there before the egg snuffs it! So hmmm. Food for thought. Plus the latter course of action sounds like more fun! ;)

Anyway, unless my next two periods are waaaay out of whack, which they never are, I should be fertile from June 29th to July 3rd. I am soooo impatient for time to hurry up and pass!! Day after day I do my "There you go, baby!" thing with the prenatal vitamins, and look at my growing pile of nappies thinking, "Those are ____ or ____'s nappies!" (depending on whether it's a boy or a girl, and no, I'm not telling the names!). Of course we might change our minds on the names anyway, but I am pretty keen on a particular girls name and two particular boys names, and Neil likes the girls name and one of the boys names, but not the other one I like. I find it weird that I'm starting to get more personal with my baby, ie. referring to items as ____'s crib, or ____'s nappies, when I am not even pregnant yet! But that's a change that's been happening these last few weeks. I don't want to get warned over this, but I am very confident of conceiving this year, and of having my baby next year. Hopefully by this time next year :)

But the one thing I am still waaaay behind on is fitness. I think if I get pregnant with my current level of fitness I will have agony in late pregnancy with my back, because I know the muscles and ligaments are not strong enough to support a pain-free pregnancy. I read a lot about building those muscles up beforehand and what can happen if you don't. Sometimes my back aches just doing laundry so I reeeally need to sort that out BEFORE getting pregnant. I do not want to be kept awake at night all through the third trimester with crippling back pain! The books say swimming is the best thing to start building up those back muscles and it's a good all-over workout, so I should get swimming. I went swimming with Neil before the Easter holidays and then I haven't been since because the pool would have been overrun with kids with it being the school holidays and all. So now the holidays have finished and I should go back. But I am procrastinating as usual. I have always got an excuse - I'm too tired..... I haven't got time before I have to do such and such..... I'll go tomorrow..... I don't want to go out..... I don't feel like swimming today.... etc, etc. But hello?!! I have eight and a half weeks until possibly conceiving!!!!!! (WOW!!) And I don't think that's even enough to get properly fit even if I went every week. So I'd better get started and make the best of it that I can. Infact, I am stirred to action having written this! I think I will go right NOW. It's 11.30am. The pool shouldn't be that busy. I have nothing that needs doing for the next couple of hours. I have cash to pay for a session. My swimming costume is clean and ready for action (!!) and the pool is a five minute drive from here. I ate over an hour ago and if I go now I'll be back in time for lunch. The only thing that isn't conveniently ready is the fact that I need to shave before I go :( But what a small price to pay for the privilege of getting fit for pregnancy!! Oh yes, I am all motivated now! So I'm going swimming. I'll write again soon!

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