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2007-04-04 - 10.47am��previous entry��next entry

TEN days past ovulation! And to the doctor...

Quick entry as boys downstairs unsupervised!!

My temp is still up there. Another little drop, but still up. I am really really annoyed that my internet tests did not turn up in the post! I'll have to take it up with the website, though I have never had trouble with them before. I ordered on Saturday evening, and they should have been posted first class by Monday, so SHOULD have been here yesterday, but still nothing. Neil went in late to work to watch the little ones while I had my smear test done, and so he ran out for a twinpack of Clearblue tests before I went! :)

The test was negative again. Now I'm seriously starting to wonder what's going on. 10DPO, no period, OBVIOUS pregnancy symptoms, I mean, I'm obviously pregnant, or have been. But no positive tests. And no period, or signs thereof. Except maybe the little temp drop today?? I wouldn't think a drop that small is related to a period coming though, for me. Not sure what to think now. I think I SHOULD have tested positive today if I really am pregnant, because I definitely had early implantation and I tested positive with Matthew at 10DPO.

My chemical pregnancies were very symptomatic but VERY hard to get a positive result on. So I wonder if that's what this is heading for. I just which I could confirm that I HAVE been pregnant thus far.

I went to the doctor this morning because of the lump on my cervix, and she checked it. She said it didn't look like anything remotely cancerous, and that I have a layer of skin cells that are usually lining the uterus, outside on my cervix. I asked her if that is something that only happens when you're pregnant or if it could be something that's still there from a while ago. She said the latter, so that's probably what it is. I was diagnosed with that exact thing halfway through my pregnancy with Arthur, so it's probably just left over from that. I know it makes me much more likely to have spotting, but I NEVER spot, so that's weird of me! :)

Anyway, my cervix has really changed position in the last few days. It's sticking out a long way and from a whooole different angle. It's very closed. She said that the protrusion and angle might mean that when I go to check my cervix as normal, I feel those cells more prominently because of it. She said they're normal, but she did a smear test anyway. Hooray!

In the UK, smear tests (Pap smears) are every THREE years. That is just stupid and highly annoying to me! Three years is nowhere near frequent enough, but that's what we get. So my last one was about 2 years ago, and I'm thrilled to have squeezed that extra one in, hehe! I would personally LOVE to have annual smear tests. I get fidgetty about the long waits between them. I get the results in 2 weeks, but she said not to worry about it in the mean time.

I asked her if she could tell by looking at my cervix whether I might be pregnant (as I told her I might be when I went in), and she said no. Poo! It's early days, so I need to just wait it out. Aaargh! I am SO not good at waiting!

Today so far, I feel a bit crampy but not much of anything really. Don't feel all that pregnant OR premenstrual really. I am queasy still. My skin still feels soft. I feel kind of "sewn up" if I really think about it. I don't think I'm imagining any symptoms I do have because of over-obsessiveness or just eagerness for a certain result. I just FEEL pregnant, or have been feeling so. I did just eat a chocolate biscuit with only minimal queasiness though...

I don't know what to think!!!

I might get a little spotting after the smear test, but who knows. I guess I will just wait and see. I'll update here and on my chart if I get my period, otherwise I'll see what tomorrow's temp brings again. If it's still up, I guess I'll test again. This is starting to feel tooo drawn-out for comfort, and yet it's still soooo early, hehe!

Okay, better see what the little peeps are up to :) Thanks so much for all the reassurance in my notes and comments in my other diary! xxx

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