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2007-04-04 - 11.07pm��previous entry��next entry

Post-smear spotting and other stuff...

Okay, so after I said, "I NEVER spot!", I do have some spotting, haha! I put it on my chart so I thought I would update briefly (my goal tonight is BED, and soon! I'm so tired!) in my diary too.

A couple of hours after the smear test I went to the loo and found EWCM (what?!) which was streaked pink. Since then I've had only a tiny bit of brown spotting, so I'm 100% sure it was from my cervix as a result of the smear test, and not anything to do with my cycle. I do have EWCM a lot today though. And I had something similar yesterday. What is up with that?! I don't want to put it on my chart because it will go all stupid and make my red crosshairs all dotted, telling me it's not sure I ovulated when it thought I did, because now I've got fertile CM. Tsk. It bugs me SO much to see a dotted line and silly comments like that, so I don't want to chart the EWCM! I think increased goop (sorry!) is something I had with the boys' pregnancies after a little while (like after the first couple of weeks or something), and evvveryone on my due date groups were frantically posting anxious questions about the same. So hmmm. I have never had it right before a period either.

I am really quite crampy tonight. It's rather on-and-off, but at times it's quite distracting. I don't know if that's annoyance from the smear, but I wouldn't have thought so. Some of the crampiness is like.... how to describe?... sort of like a credit card (?!) being pressed through my lower abdomen, slightly off-centre to my lefthand side a bit, just above my pubic bone. Suspiciously pregnant stuff is definitely going on in there. The "ball" feeling in there is getting quite uncomfy when I lie down, especially on my side, which I do a lot to nurse the little ones. It makes me want to arch the small of my back to relieve it a bit, but if I actually do, it doesn't really give me any relief. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being crazy and maybe I'm just mightily constipated or something (what a nice image, hehe!) but I don't think it's that.

I gently checked my cervix at the normal time tonight, and it's still being pregnant, still tight shut and thus not about to let a period through at this moment in time. So I guess I go onto day ELEVEN since ovulation! I absolutely can't believe I am about to reach 11DPO, seriously! I keep saying to myself, "But, but.... my last two luteal phases were FOUR and SIX days long!!" in complete disbelief! A breastfeeding-induced short luteal phase simply cannot (okay, I don't KNOW this, but I have never seen any evidence of it in myself or others) jump from 4-6 days to eleven days in one cycle. There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind now that I must be pregnant. But I just don't know if I'll stay pregnant. Or if I'll even see confirmation of it. Eventually, I'll either get a positive test or my period. But right now it feels like neither of those things will happen for weeks and weeks, as time feels like it's moving soooo sllloooowwwwwlyyyy! Aaargh!

Darn cheapy test place has not replied to my email about the lack of tests on my doormat. I received a PAYMENT confirmation, but not an order confirmation, and the payment is done separately (they forward you there when the order is complete). I didn't think about it before, but I probably should have received one. Sooo, maybe my tests aren't even coming! I have one Clearblue left, and those things are EXPENSIVE. But I still plan to test daily now till I see either a positive or a period. Although, if I see a significant enough temp drop then I won't test, even though I won't have my period yet.

I am starting to say the same old things over and over in my nightly entries here! Sorry!

I am eating sweet foods a bit better. I don't know if that's a bad sign (for the potential pregnancy), as I was rather repelled by them for a few days before today. Although the DAY before that started, I was wanting EXTRA sweet stuff, so who knows!

I am eating a bit better today generally, actually. I charted decreased appetite yesterday I think, and haven't generally been that interested in food for a few days now, just feeling queasy a lot. I am still feeling queasy, and throughout the day too, but it seems a lot milder today in terms of how severe it feels. But today I am charting increased appetite at LAST (something I get early on in pregnancy, usually somewhere in the 2WW) because I am soooooo hungry. I'm painfully hungry between meals, and that does sometimes happen if I don't eat much and then have an active afternoon, say. But this is like every few hours after eating, I'm distracted from my busy-ness by my scrunching stomach. It's not as intense as it got with my past pregnancies though, yet. Just a noted increase. I'm scrunchingly hungry now, actually. Also I am more thirsty today. We went to the swings with my friend Katie and her little ones, and on the way home I had to stand on Katie's front doorstep gulping down a huge glass of water that I begged from her, while my little ones whined at me from where they'd been hastily parked in their pushchair on the driveway! I just felt so ragingly thirsty that I didn't think I could make it home without a drink of water, even though we are like a FIVE minute drive from their house! ;)

And, I really haven't had ALL that much more water to drink than normal today, though I have glugged down that extra water at Katie's, but I think, just maybe, that I might be wanting to pee a bit more often today. I am a twice-a-day girl - I have AWFUL peeing habits. I have an industrial strength bladder (!) and find it easy to ignore it for most of the day if I'm too busy to take time to go and pee. But, a bit like the food, today I found myself feeling desperate to pee after a few hours each time. I know that probably everyone normal pees at LEAST every few hours! But it's a shift away from MY norm, so I'm noting it :) I don't know whether to chart "frequent urination" yet though. Hmmm. Maybe not today, but if it definitely picks up soon then I'll add it for today's data in hindsight.

We'll see what tomorrow brings! I haven't a clue what to expect now! Still wondering about whether I'll see a drop in temperature in the morning, maybe to add on to this morning's small drop? If I see another drop after today's, then I guess I'll expect my period. But if it's the same, or higher, then not. I don't know!

I should go to bed now. It's getting late, I'm SO tired, and Matthew appears to have caught Arthur's (thankfully extremely mild) cold today, so he might have a disturbed night tonight. I'll update asap tomorrow!

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