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2003-07-23 - 7.28pm��previous entry��next entry

Doing good and nappy photo!

Thank you so much to everyone for signing my guestbook with such lovely messages! I really appreciate it so much! You guys are so great :)

Well I have nothing much to write today, except that it's Day 3 already, so it's going fast enough! I ordered an OPK on Monday (think I said that already) and it arrived yesterday so that's exciting! I am going to start testing on Tuesday, which is Day 9. I know I might not ovulate till Day 17 like last cycle, but sometimes I ovulate way earlier so I don't want to miss it! We will of course be making sure conception is likely anyway! :)

A ton of kissaluvs arrived in the post today, which was also exciting! They are all in the machine at the moment - I always wash second hand nappies very thoroughly (and on HOT!) even if they look clean. They are nice anyway. I have some new coloured ones coming tomorrow, and a lavender Tots Bots, so yay for nappies!!!

Actually I wanted to post today because I made a nappy for the first time in aaaaages, and I am so so so pleased with it! I wanted to post a photo. It's sort of a Tots Bot replica, but it's not really a replica anymore since they use towelling and I've used a very cute soft flannel on the outside and pink microfleece on the inside (I dyed it myself in the machine - it used to be white!), and I used burley knit terry for the soaker. It's a size one, which fits from about 8-20lbs, so plenty of use there! Anyway I am so pleased because I used snaps (poppers) and I only did that once before on a fairly disasterous Cuddlebun (!!), and it worked a treat this time! Those were my last snaps so I am going to order some more from the One Stop Diaper Shop and then I can make these lovely nappies to my heart's content! I have loads of cute flannels so bring on those snaps! I am converted to snaps now that I've used them so successfully today, they are so lovely! I need some blue ones for another nappy I've already made. I love cloth nappies. They are so much fun!

Anyway, here's the photo (v. proud!!):

Isn't it pwetty?! I love the piggies. The inside is soooo soft. I want one, hehe! :)

Well anyway, that's pretty much all, and just to say that I am still feeling upbeat and great about things and looking forward to this cycle. And praying. A lot, hehe! :)

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