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2008-08-23 - 8:26 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

8DPO - temps and photos to squint at! ;)

Quick-ish update to say that I'm 8DPO today, and my temp is still up! BUT, just so you know, the temp I put on my chart this morning cannot be relied upon. Nathan woke an hour earlier than usual (6.20am!) and wouldn't go back to sleep, and I temped when he woke in case I didn't get another chance. I got 36.3 (my flat temps have been 36.4 all along). Temping earlier than the usual time tends to result in a slightly lower temp, and temping later than the usual time results in a slightly higher temp. After a bit, Arthur woke up and Neil took both of them downstairs, and I went back to sleep (lovely Neil!). I slept till 8.15 and thus an hour AFTER I usually temp - a couple of hours of solid sleep is often more than I get when I usually temp, so it's accurate enough for me. I temped again and got 36.8!!! Yikes! Much higher than I expected!

So, I had no idea what to chart this morning, as the two different temps were so far apart and neither at my usual temping time. In the end I used the temperature corrector tool at Fertility Friend and it gave me 36.45 for my usual temping time, pretty close to my flat temps! But I know it's not necessarily accurate, so I don't want to put too much on today's temp. Just wanted to mention that. I wanted to put SOMETHING on my chart though, and I reckon that's probably the best thing to put. I will have to see what tomorrow's temp is to get a better picture.

So, my temp is still up there. I know I'm only 8DPO but I went into crazy obsesso mode and HAD to pee on a stick. So I took a pregnancy test and I really can only chart it as negative (will do so in a mo), but I SWEAR I saw the faintest of faint pink lines (yes, I know I am a broken record, haha!). Neil couldn't see it. It showed within 10 minutes and hasn't disappeared. At some angles, squinting at the stick (and in some lights) you can't see it at ALL. But at other angles you can juuuuust about.

I was so convinced that I tried to take a photo of it. It looked reeeally negative on the photo! See?

Although, now I stare at it, I think maybe I do see a greyish looking line (that's not greyish in real life) on the photo. But anyway - negative result. So I took another photo from directly above, and then played with colour and contrast, trying to do what I've seen people do at the testing side of Fertility Friend - making the slightest hint of a line show up more if it's actually there in the first place. I found a fun effect - "fisheye"!! And that brought it up better. I also added a little arrow to point at the almost-non-existant line for people to see what I'm (not!) seeing, hehe! Here's the photo:

I can see it even better if I tilt my screen up a bit so the contrast of the screen makes it a bit darker. Neil looked at it from standing up (looking down from an angle at the screen) and wasn't sure if he could see what I was talking about (before I added the arrow, hehe!), and then when I made him sit and look from the tilted up angle, he said, "Oh gosh, yes! NOW I can see it!" So what do you guys think?

I am going to wait and see what my temp is tomorrow. I hope Nathan wakes at the usual time and that I haven't been mouth-breathing or anything annoying, so as not to skew the temp! ;)

I am a bit more crampy today, and NAUSEOUS. But, like I said yesterday, I am just soooooo gassy and it's horrible. I have had trapped wind up high for hours now and have felt really really queasy the whole time. I'm sure it's just the wind but yuck, I don't feel nice. I have also had a headache today, but that might just be because I am feeling exhausted. Or getting my period tomorrow? I often get a headache that won't shift the ENTIRE day before my period arrives, although it's usually much more severe than this one.

I am hungry quickly again, and feel shaky like I have a sugar crash or something, even when I've just had breakfast. Today is the 2nd day running that I have felt queasy and full at dinner time and not been able to eat more than a few bits off my plate, but then felt ravenous and shaky after the boys have gone to bed. I'm feeling that way now so I must go and eat something.

What else, just quickly? My skin is a breaking out a bit, which sometimes happens before a period, though usually only on my neck for some reason. It's mostly my face this time, and that didn't happen to me with Arthur or Matthew's pregnancies, but it DID with Nathan's, early on. I remember writing about having spots and saying, "What's up with that?!" or something similar, because I hadn't had that with the other boys.

I'm noticing a few changes in the things I feel like eating (or not) but they're so subtle that I am not even going to make anything of them yet. I could just be picking up on not-much and thinking it's something when it's not.

Okay, Nathan just woke and nursed, and now I am feeling shakier and hungrier than ever. I feel really queasy so I'm not sure what I'll eat, but I have to go now to try. Oh, I have felt a bit dizzy at times today, too. But really and honestly, it's not totally cut-and-dry - these could be pre-menstrual symptoms, I guess. I will update tomorrow!

Megan, if I am not feeling too grim later after I eat, my mission is to update my arthursmummy diary! :) Bear with me if not though - I plan to get to it tomorrow for sure. xxx

Kaitlyn, I think we have pretty much come to a conclusion on the Quiverfull thing. We are currently leaving it all to God (hence - "Aaaaargh, my baby just turned 7 months old and I'm peeing on sticks!!!", hehe!). I say "currently" because I don't know that Neil will stay convinced about this way of doing things for ever! ;) Today he said in a slightly panicked tone, "You know... if we keep on not preventing pregnancy, we are going to just have a LOT of kids!" ;) I reassured him that God will give us all that we need to have/raise them, and that it does not even mean we WILL have a bunch of kids - maybe we've had all the biological kids we're going to have, even? He says we are leaving it to God, but his faith wavers on things a lot, and his walk with God isn't the strongest, so I am taking it one day at a time because I'm not always sure that he'll agree to it in the long run. Right now, we're agreeing to let God take control in this department, and are happy with that :)

Okay, must go and EAT!

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