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2008-08-22 - 11.20pm��previous entry��next entry

7DPO - flat temps-a-rooney

Thanks for all the comments after my last entry! Jemma, I'm sorry if I was a touch over-sensitive in my rantings! Thanks so much for the lovely email and the comment (will reply to the email asap - bit behind there at the mo!). Thanks also for everyone's support and reassurances that you are happy reading my waffle! ;) Caroline, thank you for standing up for me and being supportive! :) Jemma is indeed a real-life friend of mine (we live quite close so have met up quite a few times, even though we originally "met" through my diary yeeeears ago). She's ever so honest and doesn't hold back saying or suggesting things to me, and if I find that anything irks me then I pretty much just say so (eg. last entry, hehe!) and then she responds ever so graciously as you can see. I'm so thankful for ALL the support and friends I have through my diary! Thanks girls :)

Well it's 2 days since I last wrote here, and I still don't have my period yet. I am 7DPO today, and wondering about my luteal phase again. In all honesty, I am wondering about more than just my luteal phase now! But TRYING not to get too freak-out-obsesso-woman-ish over it as yet!

The weirdest thing right now is my FLAT temps - what do you make of that?! Apart from the day after ovulation, my temp has been 36.4 every day. Sometimes I double check it by temping again, as it seems so weird to keep seeing it every time I look at the thermometer! Oh but not forgetting the big dip at 4DPO!!!! Which is kind of exciting really, but again, I'm TRYING not to make anything of it till other things start to arouse my suspicion. But seriously, out of six days in a row, my chart is just a straight line across of identical temps, with a big old dip almost down to the coverline at 4DPO. Hmmm! I was so surprised to see the low temp that day, that I immediately re-temped (not a word, I know this), and when it was the same, I re-temped AGAIN, hehe! So it was definitely accurate.

I don't think I have ever had such a run of flat temps. I looked over my previous charts (before July 2003 really doesn't count as I temped at all sorts of wacky times so they weren't accurate, and one time I put flat temps in after ovulation because I didn't temp for the rest of that cycle), and the cycle that most resembles this one is the cycle where I got pregnant with Nathan - my most recent pregnancy. On that cycle, I had the same temp for pattern over 7 consecutive days, BUT those 7 days included a big dip (same size as this cycle's actually!) at 3DPO (which later transpired to be 4DPO from dating scans) and then a tiny rise at 6DPO (0.1 degree) before settling back for 3 more days at the flat temp level.

When I got pregnant with Matthew, I also had flat temps but they're not quite so obvious because I was using a BBT fertility thermometer that had 2 decimal places! I lost it during that pregnancy and that's why I didn't use it when charting before Nathan was conceived :( Anyway, so the tiny fluctuations were recorded on my chart, so instead of 36.4 every day I guess I would have had 36.43, 36.47, 36.44, etc, and the chart looked slightly more wavy-lined than flat. But I did have flat temps for quite a few days running, a slight rise and then flat temps at that level for a few days, etc. I had flat temps with Arthur, but not till 15DPO onwards, and then it was TOTALLY flat for ages.

I've only had flat temps in two or three other charts in my time - once I had 4 days of flat temps in a non-pregnant cycle around this stage post-ovulation. And the other two were chemical pregnancies (the one the cycle before Arthur's conception had 3 days running of the same temp at the same stage that I'm at now, after ovulation).

I pretty much feel neutral still, but there are one or two changes since my last entry, and they really could be pre-menstrual OR pregnancy related. I have the most awful, um, WIND at the moment, hehe! I've had that for most of this week, but it's really bad and not going away. For me, that always accompanies the 2-week-wait when I'm pregnant, but I'm sure I'm gassy at other times too! ;)

For the first time last night I had a crampy moment. Cramps seem to be my big thing both leading up to a period AND before testing positive when pregnant, so I'm waiting and wondering over the type and intensity of any cramps, but there really haven't been any. If I AM pregnant and the temp dip at 4DPO was implantation, I really haven't had any symptoms alongside it this time.

I HAVE had the odd moment of a flash of cramp like an achy "stab" about an inch above my pubic bone on my right side, just this evening. THAT definitely makes me suspicious (very similar to Nathan's pregnancy during the 1st week post ovulation), but it's so little all on its own, to make anything of it. I do have turbulence issues at the moment, after all! ;)

I'm very hungry at the moment, for the last couple of days (but I have had increased appetite before ovulation too, so I'm not putting too much on that symptom alone). I currently need to eat every 3 hours or so, and I go from fine-and-dandy to scrunchingly hungry in an instant and have to fix it right away. Tonight I ate dinner at 7pm and then was painfully hungry at 10.15 so ate the leftovers (another full portion!)! That's not really usual for me. I peed in the night last night, which is very unlikely, but I was up anyway. I just needed to go badly enough to get up and do so, which isn't my norm.

All of these things could easily mean nothing - they're such subtle symptoms on their own, and even put together they could still have nothing to do with being pregnant! But I'm noting it all in detail just IN CASE I turn out to be pregnant! I like to have every detail recorded, especially early on, for future reference! :)

My breasts are hurting today, and last night. And it is sore to nurse, but not awful. The tender breasts thing is not something I've felt for a while though. I have loads of milk, and am still breastfeeding all three. Recently I have begun to really WANT to wean Arthur, and not really enjoy breastfeeding him any more, which must mean it's time. I am thinking about weaning him gently for his 4th birthday (less than 3 months away! Yikes!). How amazing to breastfeed a little one till they're four! :)

I can't think what else, and it's getting late, so I will go to bed and update again soon. I'm kind of excited to see my temp every morning, but without any particular hunch or hope or expectation, which is nice (and feels rather unnatural to me!). I really have no idea what to expect from tomorrow's temp (except that maybe it'll be 36.4 for the rest of my LIFE or something?!). I don't feel like it will drop, or rise, or necessarily stay the same! But obviously it has to do ONE of the above, hehe! So I'm just eager and intrigued to temp in the morning. It's the weekend (yay!) so I'll add it to my chart asap - maybe even in the morning!!

I promise to try to update my arthursmummy diary this weekend. I am so behind, and I have such ridiculous amounts of waffle to offload, and boy happenings and milestones and photos, etc. So I'll get to that as soon as I can! Thanks for the support here! I love that there are people out there excited over a chart of my daily temperatures and various goop records, haha! ;)

P.S. But seriously, does anyone have a clue about flat temps like this? Any thoughts?

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