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2003-01-27 - 1.00pm��previous entry��next entry

Pre-conception diet and questions for the doctor

I wanted to post photos of two more diapers but stupid MSN is being annoying and not loading my photos properly, so I'll have to wait till they get back to me about it. Grr. I made two really cute dipes out of some of the new fleeces. Oh well, I will post them whenever I get the chance to.

My pre-conception diet is going well I think. It has now been five weeks (just over) since I've been eating for pregnancy and taking supplements. I don't know if I feel better for it or not - well, they say it takes a couple of months before the full beneficial effects of dietary changes are felt. My IBS is still just as bad though, so today I have reluctantly started the dreaded wheat-free diet. Dreaded because I soooo don't want wheat to be the problem! I don't know, I'm sure I'd get on fine without it, I just love wheat products sooo much! My dietitian said I'd know for sure if wheat was the issue within 10 - 14 days, so I'll do a 2-week trial and see. I have to go shopping and buy delightful things such a Ryvita and corn pasta. Mmmm. Yeah. Maybe I'll like it better than I think? I am suddenly a huge fan of rice these days which is very helpful! Dairy isn't the problem, I tried dairy-free for a couple of weeks a year or so ago and there was no change.

So if wheat isn't the problem then I'll try a course of medication and if it comes back after that, I'll see the dietitian again and say "HELP!!". Or something!

This morning I booked a pre-conception appointment at the doctor's. I want to get my rubella immunity checked, and (I wrote a list, hang on....)..... Here's my list of things to talk to the doctor about at my appointment, not this Wednesday but the one after (the 5th):

� Rubella immunity (blood test?)
� Toxoplasmosis (blood test? - I'm likely to be immune after changing the cats' litter ten zillion times!)
� Exercise (current unfitness and issues with getting fit in time)
� Current periods (the way they knock me out for at least 2 weeks out of every month, which makes it quite hard to maintain a fitness programme)
� Cervical smear (due for the next one summer 2004 - should I book in for an earlier one?)
� Medication (when pregnant, can I take Buscopan, Sudafed, Paracetamol, Benadryl, regular antacids or nasal sprays? Incase of IBS or hayfever)

That's the main stuff I'll ask about, plus anything else that comes up at the time, or anything the doctor brings up. I am quite looking forward to all these little details of preparation. They make it more real and exciting! Which of course it is!! :)

Today I wrote to my grandmother because she sent me a lot of money which I am thanking her for in the letter. But I wanted to tell her what I was going to spend it on. I bought the digital camera with some of it. But the rest we are going to put into the baby savings account. A little bit I have allocated to the nappy-making supplies I've accumulated! So this meant telling her that we are planning to have a baby. For some reason, telling my parents is not a big deal. They are very close to me and do not go OTT or pressurey about baby news. But telling my grandparents is a whoooole different ballgame! It's sort of an official announcement if I'm telling them. But I wanted to tell Grandmummy - she is very ill and frail and depressed and I think it would be lovely news for her. Plus the money thing. But I'm not telling my other grandparents yet! They'd be too excited to prevent themselves putting pressure on us asking if we were pregnant yet, and I don't think we need that kind of pressure, however well-meaning! So I'll post that today anyway. It feels weird, but exciting!

I think that's all my pregnancy-related news today. But I'll update with those photos as soon as MSN sorts it out.

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