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2003-01-28 - 7.46pm��previous entry��next entry

Mega diaper photo entry :)

Thank you Becky, Kelli and Lizzie for your guestbook entries! Thanks for the folic acid advice girls. The UK Babycentre recommends 400iu a day for pre-natal whatsits, but the US one recommends 400iu a day before conception and up to 800iu a day during pregnancy. Hmmm. I have been taking 600iu for the last month, so I am okay on that one I think! Thanks for letting me know though. Prenatal supplements have been part of my diet change that I made just before Christmas so I'm glad to be doing that right so far!

I haven't got much pregnancy related news today, just that MSN have sorted themselves out and I can now post all those photos that were building up! There are several so I'll get started. This first one is the latest view of my nappy-making supplies! I don't know why I took this one - it just struck me as funny, seeing the corner of my little bedroom turned into some sort of mini nappy factory or something! The big colourful pile is all my gorgeous Malden Mills fleeces that I ordered from America or various places that also got their stock from America. It's only available there. Darn it. Anyway, underneath is a basket full of flannels and stretch terry and prints and ohhhh loads of stuff! The mess in front of the pile is a scrap pile. Mostly pieces left over from nappies I've already made. And the yellow basket is there for finished Honeyboy diapers and stuff. Yay! Here's the photo:

Okay, so that's my supplies. On Sunday I made two fleecy Honeyboy diapers that I am REALLY pleased with!! So they HAVE to go here. This is the first one, it's a lovely stretchy soft interlock on the inside, with fleece on the outside. The colour is yet again a bit off in the photo - the fleece is "jade". There are five layers of stretch terry in the soaker pad (aren't you all just fascinated about these little details?!). I found the fabric for the tabs which is a really cute nursery print - I used to work at Laura Ashley when I was 18/19, and I got looooads of discontinued swatches while I was there. They have just been sitting in my fabric drawer for aaaages, until I found them this weekend and saw that they'd be perfect for diaper tabs! So anyway, I am thrilled with this dipe. It's a newborn size:

The next one I made right after the jade one. This is special because it's my first ALL FLEECE diaper!!! Mmmm! Soooo gorgeous! It's 200 weight fleece on the outside and a buttery chamois-leathery soft microfleece on the inside!!! The colour is called "Butternut" and ohhhh it looks and feels so gorgeous, that I had to eat white chocolate when I'd finished it!! Don't ask me why, it just came over me that's all! But yeah, what else? Um, there are three layers of lovely jubbly Burley Knit Terry in the soaker. The tabs are more fabric that I found in my drawer and I was thrilled cause the bees match the butternut fleece so nicely! I sat for ages just stroking this diaper when it was finished, and I truly honestly could not for the life of me understand why anyone would want to put plastic and chemicals round their darling child's bottom when they could have such edibly-soft fleece next to their skin and beautiful colours. Why oh why? It makes no sense to me. It's not like it's saving anyone any money! Hey ho. Here's the photo:

Okay I have to hurry this up because I have to go out in 10 minutes and I'm not ready! I wanted to put an entry in my normal diary too, but never mind. I'll have to do that later or something.

Yesterday I made another one. Well my machine started chewing and spewing out thread right before I finished it, so I had to sew on the aplix and stuff by HAND - that was far less fun to do! But this is kind of an experiment. I doubled up some lilac 100 weight for the outer, and put some gorgeous soft (like the butternut) pink microfleece on the inside. The tabs are yet again a Laura Ashley swatch. But isn't it pwetty?! I like it a lot. Very girlie though. Today's one is yet more girlie. I might just have to have a girlie boy or something! Or else it gives me a lovely opportunity to have to make more (ohhh what a shaaame!) if I have a boy :) I just absolutely LOVE making nappies. It is the MOST fun thing I have done for ages. I had no idea at all that it could be this fun or addictive when I started. Anyway where was I on the blurb about this dipe? Oh yes, BKT in the soaker, etc, etc. Newborn size. Here it is:

My sewing machine bugged me today as well but it seems to have sorted itself out now. So I made another Honeyboy diaper, this time from a kit I bought at The Nappy Mill (see links). Yeah, it's pink again! This one is pretty bright, so I made a size small instead of newborn, because I can't help but think that the really bright colours will be too bright on a newborn. This diaper has a really pretty flannel as the inner, and good old BKT as the soaker. It was easy to make therefore! Here is the latest diaper:

And just because I KNOW you haven't had enough yet (hehe), here's a photo of it opened up so you can adore the pink daisy print.....

Okay, I'm done. That's all the photos. And I HAVE to go now or else I'll be late for housegroup. Wheat free diet is still going (day two, weyhey), and I'm hating it already and hoping more than ever that I won't be wheat intolerant! But I'm still managing to eat my pre-pregnancy diet okay. I need to increase my fluids, somehow I've started getting about 500mls less than normal. Hmmm. Can't think what else, probably nothing to tell. But I am sure I will write again soon :)

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