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2003-08-03 - 1.40pm��previous entry��next entry

Day 14 - I've ovulated! :)

Wow, everything is so simple with an Ovulation Predictor Kit! Plus, yay, my body works! Friday I got a positive OPK result and we've been baby-making since then. This morning (Sunday) my temperature has spiked right on cue. Fertility Friend says I have to wait till I have 3 days of consecutive higher temps to confirm ovulation, but I know I have ovulated. It makes me so excited when I am able to see my body doing the stuff it's meant to. So this was a short baby-making time! Short but accurate. We've been praying before and after each time we try, that God will help us conceive, which is something we haven't done before and it makes it feel so much more "us" and more intimate too. It's all so exciting again and so much fun!

So my temps are up and that means I ovulated yesterday. I also got some itchy spots on my neck yesterday - sounds gross and I am usually never bothered by spots, but I've noticed since I've been journalling about my fertility signs this year, that I get a few itchy spots from the day I ovulate and they last till I am due my period and then fade away. Weird. I hope that's not from progesterone (which it most likely is) because otherwise I am going to be one spotty pregnant woman with those huge progesterone levels! Oh well. I don't care, I just want to be pregnant!

So the deed is done, so to speak (!!), and now we wait again. Two weeks seems ages away, but I know at least the first week will go by quickly like last time. The second week is much more agonising because I can't help but pounce on any symptom or temperature change for signs of implantation or early pregnancy. *sigh* It will all be sooooo worth it when I get a positive pregnancy result. I am feeling much more positive about getting pregnant now that I am sure I ovulated and we have been trying for a baby at the right time. Everything went wonderfully. This time we did not do the thing I reckon was unhelpful (to conception) last time, and I also did some other things that are meant to aid conception this time too, which I didn't try last time. Ultimately it's about God making the miracle though, so I am trying to keep focused on that.

I got my newborn-size Tots Bots in the post the other day - they are soooooo cute!!!! They are so soft, and they're unbleached. I washed them and tumble dried them so they're all soft, and now I am fiddling with them all the time. My snaps haven't arrived yet :( But I'm sure they must get here tomorrow or the next day, so hopefully photos of nappies soon! I can't help it, I get so excited about the nappies I make that I have to photograph them from a zillion different angles and play with them for hours and rush to show Neil when he comes in from work! Now that I think about it, this is making me sound like a 5-year-old isn't it? Oh dear. But they're so much fun! :)

Well that's pretty much all I have to say, except yay, and I love my husband, and I feel good about the prospect of pregnancy this cycle right now. Yay! And thank you Meg for your lovely guestbook entry! :)

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