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2005-09-24 - 11.09pm��previous entry��next entry

Biiiiig day :)

An evening entry after such a big day! :) Thank you all sooooo much for the wonderful guestbook entries and notes!!! You guys rock :)

I have done exciting things online today! Announced my BFP at the various places I go to, and at FF. Signed up for Babycentre emails for this pregnancy. I hope that wasn't premature. I had those emails right from the start with my pregnancy with Arthur and loved them. I still get those actually. Today I got "Your 10-month-old - third week!" in my inbox :)

I made a few little changes to this diary too - added a few dividers on the links column over there. It was getting really long and linky! It needed dividing into sections really. There will be more links coming with the new baby's ultrasounds and belly pics and birth story, etc. I added a billion exciting pregnancy-related blinkies that I have been hoarding and getting desperate to use, hehe! So there they are :) And I finally added Arthur's FF ticker to the bottom of this diary, the one I've had for him since he was conceived! I also made a new ticker for this pregnancy and added that down there too. I can't believe it says I am just 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant! That is sooooo early!!

Okay. I am so tired out. I will give an update on my day and then I am going to bed. I just can't wait to be asleep! First of all, I peed on a Clearblue test this afternoon - I think I had not peed for maybe 4 or 5 hours. It was positive :) It's really faint though, and the photo isn't the best with the light on the test window, but here it is:

I am nervous now about my temp tomorrow morning. I still want to take it till after my period would show up (with a normal LP length), just so I can get that peace of mind. I would prefer to get a warning of a big old temp dip if I was going to get my period after all, sort of to cushion the blow or something.

This evening I went to the sites I had bookmarked when I was pregnant with Arthur, the developing embryo ones, and it was amazing for me to discover that already my lil blastocyst has pretty much completed implantation, and is almost invisible (obviously at enormous magnification!) on the surface of my womb now, as it has burrowed beneath the surface enough so that the surface is closing up over it. There should be a bulge and a dimple there remaining now! :) The cells in my lil blasty are already grouped in categories of Baby, Placenta, and Amniotic Fluid/Sac. The amniotic cells are beginning to accumulate fluid, and the placental cells have just today (or near enough) established a rudimentary placental circulation, and thus communication with mama! :) Hello little Bean! I love you already!

That's the thing. This morning it was so surreal. This afternoon it was so surreal. This evening I am beginning to feel such a warm sense of love towards my tiniest one. Even this early. And that makes me a bit scared in case things go wrong, as they still could. But I was so amazed to discover all the incredible development and progress that has already taken place without my knowing it! Blasty is now going to do an amazing thing where he/she flips him/herself inside out. It's so weird and amazing that it's the one part of pregnancy that can never be seen, as it all takes place under the surface. Blasty will re-emerge in 4 days all nicely flipped-out and ready to make a spinal cord :) Soooo amazing. By the end of next week, a heart should be beating. I soooo hope it will be. I hope it all goes okay. I really want this bean to stick. I am surprised by the strength of my attachment and fondness for the baby already.

What else can I make note of today? I have been so shaky and adrenaliney! So excited! :) Not so constipated today, I hope it lasts! I seem to remember having horrible trouble with that for the whole of my first trimester last time. Urgh. I have enough trouble with it without pregnancy anyway. Yeurgh.

I checked my cervix again tonight. I will do that for a few more days, like my temping. I have hardly any CM again. I am beyond exhausted tonight. I'm going to bed now, but I feel like I should have been in bed HOURS ago! What a day it has been! I've phoned family to tell them my news. My brother was sooooo excited!!! :) I can't wait till my grandparents are home from holiday so I can tell them too. They are away for another week yet. Neil's mum was happy for us too! It's so exciting!! I can't believe I'm actually doing this - I'm actually pregnant again!

I have been very crampy this evening, and on and off more mildly throughout the day. This evening I have had really bad cramps at times, so much so that I kept on checking my underwear for blood. The cramping feels like hard pressure which is very uncomfortable and distracting. Not vice-like period type cramps, but an odd but strong pressure at times. When I was nursing Arthur in bed this evening, I felt such a strong pressure in there, like when you press so hard on say your arm, that the other side of it feels like it's going to break with how over-stretched the bones/tissues are. That's kind of how it felt behind my bladder, though not making me need to pee at all. I longed to change position to see if it eased, but Arthur was so sleepy and nursing so sweetly :)

I have been grazing on snacks all day long. We desperately need to go supermarket shopping so there isn't really much nutritious snacking stuff or meals in the house at the moment. I keep on snacking therefore. I am just hungry 10 minutes after a snack (ie. 2 digestive biscuits, or a couple of rice cakes, etc). The BEST snack of the day has been water crackers with cottage cheese and cucumber. Mmmmm!! Soooo good!

Arthur has hurt himself today (banged his head quite badly) and had the most awful painful (bleeding!) constipation episode, poor love, so he has been extra clingy. I'll write more about Arthur's newsy things in my other diary though, when I can. I think Arthur senses something is up today too, so maybe that makes him cling closer to me as well.

I have felt dizzy with hunger sometimes, and shaky with it too. Also dizzy and woozy with tiredness, like now. My breasts have been slightly tender at times, on and off really. Milk still appears to be there as usual. I can't think what else. Oh my skin is sooooo soft! :)

Tomorrow I hope my temp is up still. If it is, I will test again. I'm not sure with what - probably a cheapy stick again. I only have one Clearblue left. I think I'll save that for another day or so. Maybe. We'll see. I hope Arthur sleeps well tonight. I need like 50 hours of sleep without a break, hehe!

Thanks again for the lovely congrats! xx

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