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2008-01-12 - 7:27 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

Precious baby boy has arrived!

Nathan Martin, born at 5.42am on January 12th 2008 with no pain relief whatsoever not even the TENS machine this time!), but do not be fooled into thinking I coped marvellously with the (violently brutal and excruciating) pain, no no... I did marvellously focusing on a small circular thingy on the baby heater/receiver thingy and blowing out careful breaths till each contraction passed, but by heck, by the time I was 7cm dilated (he was born less than 30 mins after that finding) I was experiencing an exact replica of Matthew's birth - hanging over the raised front of the bed being extremely noisy!

Nathan was born just as fast as Matthew was, in the 2nd stage. Even surrounded by midwives who knew things were progressing fast, they were caught by surprise at how fast he birthed. The pain, people, the PAIN. I screamed like a banshee once again, shamefully audible to the entire WING of the hospital, let alone the labour ward! I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I am just not going to have earthy joyful birth experiences. Unless I have the pain aspect removed, birth for me is brutal, terrifying pain-wise) and violent. That sounds so extreme. But it's my honest experience, and I have accepted that fine. It DOES put me off doing it again! But it was only this morning that I gave birth!

Nathan weighed 5lbs 13oz , a nice weight for 35 weeks and 6 days. He is 48cm long (19 inches, same as Matthew was at 41 weeks!). He has mid-dark brown hair and what so far look to me like dark eyes, not "newborn blue". He looks nothing like either Arthur OR Matthew, imagine that!

Still in hospital - baby boy has had no breathing probs and came out crying. e hasn't maintained his body temp sometimes so has been under the heater a few times. He is typically sleepy for a pre-term baby so won't really breastfeed. His blood sugar is being checked every 3 hours (due again soon so must go!) and so far maintaining it. ave consented to a formula top up (much hormonal snorty sobbing and crying) and am also hand expressing 0.5ml of colostrum each time I try.

Boys are fine, all went well there. Miss them soooo much (further snorty hormonal sobbing, audible to entire ward *sigh*) and desperate to go home TOMORROW with little Nathan. Not sure they'll let me though.

Thank you EVER SO much for all the comments and prayers! They have meant somuch to me, really. Thanks Meg for updating at FF for me! I'd like to tell them this news though, when get chance, if that's okay? V. grateful for your initiative before though.

Okay, will update asap! Please keep us in your prayers! xxxx

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