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2008-01-02 - 1.00am��previous entry��next entry

34 weeks, 2 days - teeny tiny Fuzzi Bunz!!

Oh it's 1am, but I have just ordered 4 XS Fuzzi Bunz and I'm sooooooooo excited, hehe! I had to write it here :)

I spent two evenings trawling through allll the various retailers of Fuzzi Bunz and second hand places, to try and find the cheapest option for them, and finally just checked the last place I bought Fuzzis from ages ago,, and there they were! Not everyone sells that size, and if they do then they might only stock white ones. Anyway, I found white AND baby blue there, so I bought 2 of each! When I said to Neil about possibly getting some XS Fuzzis he said YES, because he remembered how much they would have come in handy in the early weeks with Matthew! So yay :) Babykind has a sale on so they're only �6.94 each!!! And really good postage rates. And payment by Paypal as an option, and I had �2.50 in there from a refund from an eBayer who sent me jeans for Arthur with a broken popper. And we decided to allocate Nicola's gift of �20 to the Fuzzi Bunz, and we're only out of pocket about �7 on 4 brand new Fuzzis with inserts!!! Yaaaay! Thank you so much Nicola! Your gift will make life a lot easier in the early weeks with Nathan, and (almost more important, haha!) has made it SO MUCH FUN for me to go shopping for teeny tiny nappies! I so love to shop for baby things! :)

I can't WAIT to get them in the post. They are sure to be the tiniest things. I am too broody/mushy for words at the moment. I know I will just crumple up in a heap and stroke them for hours, haha!

And Nathan has changed sides today, for the first time in a few weeks. His back has been on my left side for a good while, with his feet pushing out into my right side and up on the right half of my tummy. I was so used to that! Suddenly this evening he has rolled so that his back is on my right side - it was weird to feel hiccups there instead of low on my left today! And so his feet are pushing HARD (it's amazing how sharp his toes and heels feel!) into my left side, and up on the left hand side of my tummy. It actually HURTS quite a lot. I think it must be because my flesh isn't used to that kind of action! When he pushes with his feet I have to push gently back, or at least apply gentle pressure with the flat of my hand so his feet don't push out too far for comfort. It feels like a big bruise where he's pushing. I wonder if he'll stay over there or if he'll roll back?

The back of my pelvis hurts whenever I get up or walk about the house, all the time now. I have NO pubic bone pain. This is totally new for me! I had it so bad with my other two pregnancies, so I'm not quite sure what to make of the fact that it's just NOT HERE this time. I didn't have the back-of-the-pelvis pain so bad as this time though. That makes me think that he must be posterior then, but with his back up against my tummy, I know he's not. Weirdness. But I'll take it! The pubic bone pain was just the worst. I'm so glad that I'm 34 weeks and still without it! I know it could change pretty soon....

Last night was the first that I could not sleep on any side of my body without pain. Hmmm! I hope it won't be every night because 6 weeks feels like a long time to have pain all night when I'm trying to sleep! Matthew had a better night than last with his cold, but was still a bit disturbed. I woke more than he did to try and get comfy or go for a wee though! Oh the joys ;) Which, I kind of dislike that saying because YES pregnancy gets awfully uncomfortable, but ohhhhhh how I LOVE it all the same! It IS a joy, even the difficult bits. It all merges into one big joyful blessing of an experience when I look back, and that's why I just want to do it again and again. Well, that and the scrummy little newborn person that I get at the end of it :)

But anyway. It was my hips last night. My pelvis seemed... wonky, for want of a better description, in the night. If I lay on my left hip, it felt like it was slightly out of place in my pelvis and hurt like diddly. It made me want sort of move till it "clicked" into place, but I couldn't seem to do that. So it just hurt. I tried my right side, but that hurt too, just not as bad. I feel lightheaded now when I lie on my back so I don't sleep that way any more, and obviously I haven't been able to lie on my tummy for a good while now! So that leaves no sides of me left to sleep on! I hope my hip will be better tonight.

Okay that's all for tonight. It's toooo late so I am going to bed. I'm so excited to have something NEW and tiny and adorable on its way to me for my third baby boy! Ohhhh what a good GOOD thing it is that we are not having a girl! I know there's a slim chance we might be, but we're probably not, and I'm kind of thankful on behalf of our financial status! I do not know how I would survive without BUYING girlie stuff, seriously - nappies, clothes (ohhh the clothes!), shoes, just everything! There is so much cute stuff. There is for boys too, just as much as for girls, but I have already got EVERYTHING I need for a baby boy, after all the eBay splurges for two babies so far! If we ever have a girl, Neil is going to need to be earning a good wage, haha! Or else we take out a loan ;) I love shopping for baby things, it's a weakness of mine. I'm even quite excited that some of our boy stuff is getting worn out after our two little boys (being second hand already from eBay) as it means I can BUY BUY BUY to replace them, hehe! But we do have plenty so I'm being good for now, since we have no money and all that!

Definitely going. I just write like I talk, at my diaries. I could talk the hind legs off a donkey (apparently). But I don't, unless I'm really familiar and friendly with the person I'm talking with (what my family has to put up with!) - and my diaries are like familiar friends, thus the endless waffle. Which I will now STOP, so I can go and get some sleep!

Back soon though! :) Oh, still haven't taken that 34 week belly pic, but plan to tomorrow, so hopefully I'll update the gallery then.

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