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2003-06-18 - 11:26 a.m.��previous entry��next entry

Lizzy news!!! And bits of my own...

LIZZY'S BABY IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Huge excitement!!! Blake Kenneth James, 8lbs 5oz. Congratulations Liz!!!! I am just so excited because I love when I follow someone through their pregnancy (via their diary!) and then they have a baby. A real baby, as though I was just reading a story that wasn't real when I was reading through their pregnancy. It's no less amazing with each time it happens. I used to feel the same thing when I was doing my midwifery training (which I didn't finish just incase you didn't know and were wondering!). Every birth is an absolute miracle. I like to watch it happen to other people, but I'd like a try myself now, I think! :)

Thank you Meg for your guestbook entry! I suppose it is pretty exciting! But I'm trying not to overdo it :)

I am on day 28 of my cycle and no period yet, so I guess it'll be at least 10 days from today that we can start trying to conceive. My temperature was still up this morning so we'll see. I am never later than 28 days normally so I shouldn't think I will be waiting too much longer.

Guess what?! I have pregnancy tests!!!!!! This is greatly exciting to me because I've been putting off buying tests until the last minute, so to speak, and now I have them!! :) I ordered them yesterday online and they are sitting here on my desk at 9.30 this morning! They are the cheap type, a vial of 20 sticks (that should keep me going for a few months!). The type where you want to see 2 lines instead of one when you read them. I like looking at my vial of pregnancy tests :) Also I got a medium Bummis Super Whisper Wrap in the piggy's ride print in the post today! So I now have one small and one medium in that print, and pretty soon I'll be getting a small and a medium in the froggy print too!! I got a brand new white Tots Bot yesterday with the silkiest white microfleece lining ever, so I have been sitting around with my hand in that a lot. I am weird. I really should post a photo of my nappy supply. This will thrill some of you more than others (!!) but I have a really good collection now so I should make a record of it somewhere or other. Here seems as good a place as any! Okay I will take a photo and post it. It'll take me AGES to upload but never mind :)

Here are my nappies!! Please doze while I explain what's what, if it bores you :) Those are my newborn shaped pads at the front. They are brighter in the photo than real life, but they are cute all the same! They fit exactly inside a newborn prorap with the notch cut out for the umbilical cord. I made them out of a flannel print, burley knit terry in the soaker, and soft microfleece on the side that faces the baby's skin. Yum. I have made seven so far. Anyway, the PUL wraps (including the piggy's ride ones!) are on the left. That little pile of squares are muslins. The Redrap fleece wrap is at the back and my blue version is in front of it. The next two columns are homemade Honeyboys which I've mostly shown you already, earlier on this year. And the white gorgeous things are the Tots Bots, with the 2 unbleached ones at the back. The colourful column is my homemade version of the Tots Bots, and then there are 7 small prefolds and a couple of my own ideas that I'm working on. Oh and not forgetting a grand total of 3 cloth wipes so far, hehe! I'm going to make zillions of those eventually. Zillions. I love cloth.

Wake up now.

There is a new baby across the road who really screams and won't be consoled for an hour from 7.30 every evening. Poor sausage. She looks about.... I don't know, six weeks ish? Very new still. With all the windows open everywhere in the hot weather I have really been able to listen to new baby stuff. I really want to have a baby. I am broody. But I am trying not to get over-excited about our timing, because even though I have pregnancy tests and there's however many days to go, we still might not try this month if we don't feel ready or something at the last minute. I think we will, but there's still a chance that we won't so I'm trying not to pin everything on it this month. And failing most of the time! But still trying.

I just realised I don't think I know any July babies. Lizzy had her baby, and Robbi is due anytime now and then after that it's July, and WHERE are the July babies?!!! There must be some out there! I need babies to look forward to every month you know.

I have had really bad hayfever the last 2 days so I am really hoping I will be like Nicola and the ladies that my consultant told me about, and that my allergies will clear up a lot when I'm pregnant.

I really have nothing to talk about, do I?!! I just want to write baby stuff and pregnancy stuff. Baby baby baby. Nappy nappy nappy. I want some news to write :)

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