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2005-08-20 - 3.05pm��previous entry��next entry

Cycle Day 30, and still not sure...

STILL don't know what to make of this cycle. I am currently on CD30. This morning FF gave me my THIRD ovulation coverline of this cycle when I entered my temp!!! Obviously the last two weren't actually ovulation and got taken away by 4dpo, but we'll see what happens this time. My temps are okayish but not that high really. Also they are a bit up and down, so I think they could still easily plop back down and I'd get my coverline removed again, confirming that no ovulation occurred. I just don't know what to think, whether I have or haven't ovulated. I reeeeally want to know one way or the other. It's bugging me now! I had SEVEN days running of EWCM in the last fertile patch, and FF says I ovulated on day 5 of that patch.

Also something to make note of here is that we last had parsnips on that day. Hmmm! The previous time was 2 days before. If I DID ovulate, we have an excellent chance of conception. I can't bear the suspense of having noooo idea whether my luteal phase will be longer or not, because if for some reason it IS longer, I might be pregnant. But if it remains unchanged then I won't be.


I ordered some stuff from the cheapo pregnancy/fertility test website that I last used when I bought all the OPKs, pregnancy tests, etc back when we were TTC Arthur. It feels fun and exciting to be back there making an order again! I ordered some OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) because at the time I STILL had EWCM and it was driving me crazy to know whether I was really going to ovulate or not. An OPK would have given me some idea as to whether I would in the next 24 hours-ish. I also ordered 10 cheap pregnancy tests, because I know me and pregnancy tests! Plus they really are cheap. I am not worried about accuracy (seems to be a bit debated as to whether they are any use or not, at online forums) because they always worked fine for me. I got my 12dpo BFP on a cheapy test from this website. I had a pack of 25 back then though, hehe! I got 20 OPKs. Hopefully that should keep me going, although if I get another cycle like this one, I'll probably use the whole lot in one cycle!! And I also decided to buy a proper fertility basal-body-temperature thermometer, with two decimal points!!! I am so excited about the thermometer. I'm easily entertained though ;) I have a digital thermometer at the moment but it's a normal fever one, and anyway, I just had to have that fertility one. I LOVE temping! It's so much fun :) I know, I'm weird.

Anyway those should arrive on Monday (it's Saturday) so if I start up with EWCM again and my temp drops, at least I can start taking OPKs to see if I really am about to ovulate.

For now I guess I assume (cautiously) that I have ovulated and wait and see. According to FF, I am 3 days past ovulation. If I really did ovulate, my period could arrive in like 1-4 days time, given my previous cycles. That sucks. I hope it is longer this time.

I hope I have ovulated. I sort of really really hope I am pregnant. I think all this wondering has let the possibility sink in and now I gots da baby fever.

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