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2004-01-28 - 12.51am��previous entry��next entry

Second entry today! Triphasic excitement!!!

No, no, no, forget the last entry!! Well, don't FORGET it exactly, because it's how I was feeling earlier, but I mean I feel different now.

Oh my giddy crumpet (!!) I am actually sitting up at the computer at 12.30am thoroughly excited and yet hardly daring to be excited because surely my period could turn up in a few days. But oh my giddy crumpet (as I was saying!), I wonder if I might actually be pregnant?!?!

No I haven't tested, no there's no proof, yes it IS just me throwing another hormonal excited wobbly. BUT!! I have some interesting stuff that I want to show you about triphasic charts (yes, here I go again about them! Sorry!).

This evening Neil and I were talking (me kind of tearfully) about this cycle and how hard it is at this end of the cycle. We looked at my chart on FF, and then we thought why don't I buy a subscription to Fertility Friend? I mean, why not. It would give me more stuff to do and be involved in. I would get expert advice about my charts and TTC efforts. Plus it would cheer me up (being a money-spending venture, hehe!).

So I did!! I now have VIP membership, so when (if) you go to my link over there for my FF chart, you will now be able to see allll the charts I've ever done - 13 of 'em (I know Nicola will be thrilled!), and vote in a lil poll there and um what else? Oh my ticker (Cycle Day counter) is prettier :) So I have had fun doing that all evening.

But BEST of all, now that I'm a VIP member, I get advice on my chart. The first thing I saw was confirmation that my chart is indeed triphasic, as of CD22!!!! Yaaaaaaay!! AND even better, last cycle's chart was NOT triphasic. It was a fallback rise (which is a whole 'nother subject!). So this is my first triphasic chart!!!!

But EVEN BETTER!!!!!! Then I went to the info on triphasic charts at FF, and discovered it considers a triphasic temperature pattern to be a possible sign of implantation (a fertilised egg burrowing into the womb)!! Here is what it says:

"Your chart has a triphasic pattern if after ovulation (around implantation time: 7-12 dpo) you observe a mini shift in your temperature (a third level). The triphasic pattern detector will try to detect such a shift. A triphasic pattern can be a sign of pregnancy. It will give you a heads-up before the test date. You could also be pregnant without having a triphasic pattern. Only a pregnancy test will confirm your pregnancy. In some cases we have also seen charts with triphasic patterns which did not lead to pregnancy. This is the controversial side of the pattern. The best way to approach the triphasic pattern is as an additional clue, along with other bodily changes, that you may be pregnant."

So yes, yes, I know that triphasic charts can happen without you being pregnant, but ohhhh wow this has given me real hope! I am not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But see, my chart went triphasic 7 DPO according to FF, which is bang on time for implantation. OoOoOoOoOoOoohhh!!

And if that wasn't exciting enough, I then decided to look it up in my marvellous book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF). Now I am even more hopeful, because look what it says:

"A triphasic pattern of temperatures is virtually always caused by pregnancy. It is thought to be the result of additional progesterone circulating in the woman�s body, and increases about the time of implantation of the egg. While there appears to be no discussion of this phenomenon in the medical literature, my professional experience is that this triphasic pattern seem to occur in most pregnant women who chart."

And on another page:

"If you notice a third level of temperatures beyond the typical biphasic pattern you experience every cycle, you are almost certainly pregnant. This third level of high temperatures is thought to be due to the extra progesterone circulating in pregnant women. Unfortunately, not all pregnant women experience such a triphasic pattern, and even when they do, the third set of high temperatures is often more subtle than the second set."

*shrill squealing that can't be translated into type*

But there's more! After that paragraph, TCOYF shows a triphasic pregnancy chart belonging to someone called Jenny, and says this:

"Note that Jenny was able to predict as early as Cycle Day 24 that she was probably pregnant because she was starting to observe a third level of high temperatures reflecting additional progesterone at the time of implantation. The fertilised egg burrows into the uterine lining about a week after ovulation."

So I am ultra-excited. But is my third level beyond my norm?? Does she mean actual temperatures or just a third level?? Because I don't know if my temps are higher than I've ever had them. They are AS high, at the moment, but not higher. But if she just means a third level then I've got it. And I got it right at the exact time implantation might occur. Infact so far I have found 4 examples of triphasic pregnancy charts in TCOYF, and three of them went triphasic 8DPO, and the fourth one was 9DP0. According to TCOYF, my triphasic temps actually started 8DPO, not 7 like FF said. But either way it looks goooood, doesn't it?

I was planning to test tomorrow morning, even though it will only be 11 days past ovulation. I figured it would be the easiest way to find out I'm not pregnant. But now I'm not sure what to do. I think the first thing I'll do (obviously) is temp when I wake, and see what my temperature is. If it continues the triphasic pattern then hmmm, I might test. Or a good temp might give me the strength to hold off another day. I don't know.

Other encouraging but worrysome news is that I am hugely nauseated tonight. When it came to making dinner, I wanted a McDonald's burger again. But I thought well if I AM pregnant, that will not be the best thing for my little bean, and it's certainly not gonna make my tummy like me! So instead I faffed about in the kitchen, and ended up cooking pasta, chucking mushrooms and tomato in the frying pan, and grating cheese over the whole lot! Weird food for me. I took 2 bites and nearly gagged on the flavour of the tomato, and that was the end of my meal. I've been soooo nauseous ever since, and that was 3 hours ago. But maybe excitement isn't helping now? Hmmm. I am hungry though. I just tried to eat some plain bread and butter but I feel too sick. Not "Yaaaarrggghhhhh I'm ill, I'm ill!!!" sick, but just yucky.

I also have one tingly nipple at the moment! Well obviously I have another one, but it's not tingling right now :)

After reading all that stuff I really have my hopes up. I don't know what to think though. I daren't believe that I could really be pregnant - me! Me, pregnant.... wow, I can't believe that could really happen now that I try. I really can't. I couldn't be. Could I? I feel like I can hardly believe my body could really do such a clever thing! Even though it's not me, it's God, I truly believe it's God.

Makes me feel such a flop for how I've been like a child throwing a tantrum with him today.

Well it still might not be of course. It is early days still, too early to test really, and I am a bit crampy. I update my chart first thing with my temp, so if I don't update tomorrow that's where to check on my progress! But I have a pretty strong feeling I'll be back tomorrow :)

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