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2004-01-25 - 2.28pm��previous entry��next entry

Impatient!!!!!!! And a couple of photos...

Wow, I'm back yet AGAIN!!! I just can't leave this place alone! :) This cycle I feel soooooooo impatient and the days are dragging by soooo slowly. I write here to keep myself sane. Or something.

Yesterday's hotdog was a bad bad bad idea. I won't be doing it again!

I have photos - not very interesting ones but oh well. The first one is of that cute little dress for a baby up to 7.5lbs that I mentioned last entry. The photo is kind of blah though - it's a much nicer lilac colour, not nearly so dull. And the trim on the hem is embroidered flowers and leaves and it's all sparkly :) But the photo doesn't show that. Also you cannot see how TINY this dress is!! Seriously. It's about 12 inches from top to bottom. Sooooo cute:

And the other one is just another photo of my baby wardrobe, after being rearranged the other day. Yay for new camera batteries!! :) There's still all the completed and bought nappies on the bottom right. I think if I put the changing station up (STILL haven't unpacked it or left feedback at eBay!), I can store the nappies and stuff on there, and there will be more room for the clothes and maternity things in the wardrobe. C'MON pregnancy!!!! I am so so so so so impatient this cycle. I don't know why. But much more so than before. Oh anyway, here's the photo:

Quite a collection now eh?! I know, I'm way too obsessive.

Today is Neil's 30th birthday :) He is at the cinema right now watching some violent movie. He likes to see those on his own anyway (which is fine by me!). One of us is in their 30's! Where's our baby? :(

I've been looking at some pregnancy charts on FF this afternoon, just a quick browse. I like them, they really encourage me, because they are from alllll sorts of women with alllll sorts of fertility issues (or none), and they all took varying times to conceive. Some say 1 month (go AWAY!!) and yet there are PLENTY who finally conceive after 3 or 4 years. Which is very reassuring, yes? I seem to be looking around for reassurance these last few days, and I'm glad that I have places I know I can go for it. I am in a new message board buddy group, for people TTC longer than 6 months who are control freaks!!!! Hehehe! That's soooo perfect for me! And I love it. It took me a while to warm up to posting there frequently and getting to know the ladies there, but I feel like I care for each of them so much now and I look forward to reading their posts everyday. They are really encouraging and understanding, obviously, because we are all in the same boat.

Today I am on CD23 and 8 days past ovulation. I had flat temps for the past 3 days which was starting to bug me (!), but my temp shot up this morning which is good! We'll see what it does over the next few days. If it stays that high or even near it, my chart will be very triphasic, even more so than last cycle, which is exciting! :)

The other night I had a dream that I was spotting, just pink, not red, and I was soooooooo excited because I NEVER spot (other than the end of my period) and I knew it was perfect timing for an implantation bleed (if I was pregnant). So yeah, I was ecstatic. And then I woke up. Pah. No spotting or anything in reality, but that doesn't mean I'm not pregnant of course. Aaaaaaghh I'm so ready for all this faffing about and waiting to be over!!!!! I feel soooooo impatient!!! Have I said that enough times this entry?!! Hehe. I just can't wait for next weekend when I'll either get my period or hopefully test positive, and then at least the waiting can be over and done with for another cycle. At the moment I feel like it's just a matter of time, so every day that passes is just another day closer to the pregnancy that I'm longing for. I'm always excited to wake up because I'm really excited about taking my temperature this cycle for some reason (?!). But by late morning I'm like, "Hurry up and be the end of the day already!!" Heh. Maybe it's hormones.

I have run out of things to say now, so I'll stop. But you know I'll be back again soon! :)

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