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2004-01-21 - 8.32pm��previous entry��next entry


Thanks Ash for the guestbook message! And just because Ash asked (!!), I couldn't resist showing you a few photos of what I've bought at eBay this week/last week. They won't be visible for much longer because they are hosted by eBay and will get trashed in the next couple of weeks I should think. But anyway, here they are!

This first one is the little denim dress I won with embroidered flowers in different colours all over it. I just thought it looked so cute. It's much lighter denim than in the photo. It's for 3-6 months:

Okay, then here's the Little Roo velour suit that I was talking about last entry, for a baby up to 7.5lbs. It's actually ivory/white, not yellow like in the photo. I like it. It's so cute and soft (not to mention TINY!!):

Then lastly here is one I won yesterday evening - ahhh it's soooo gorgeous!! I've had my eye on it for a week. It is fleece, so obviously no use in the summer! But fine for all the other seasons in England! Anyway, isn't it gorgeous?!! Oh whoops I haven't posted it yet, sorry! Oh and it's for up to 7.5lbs again. That's a bear and footprints embroidered on the soft little hoodie top.

Okay enough with the eBay addiction! ;)

Today I am on CD19, 4 days past ovulation (allegedly). My temp dipped today, which is odd since I took it nearly an hour later than normal, and that usually makes my temp HIGHER, not lower. And a dip is odd for me anyway around now. Except it happened last cycle, so oh well.

I am fully (ish!) not meaning to read into anything, but 2 weird things happened today. I know it's too early anyway, but I have to write about it all the same.

I was on the computer this afternoon around 2pm. Suddenly, and I mean SUDDENLY, out of nowhere, I HAD to have a McDonalds. I had to immediately shut down the computer and get ready to go out, and get in my car and drive to the nearest McDonalds and buy me a hamburger meal (the kiddie type, not a big meal) and a chocolate milkshake. But mostly it was the burger I HAD to have.

The relevance is that I HATE McDonalds. I mean, really really really loathe McDonalds. I haven't had one in yeeeeears - oh wait there was that time last month when we were driving for 5 hours and we were absolutely ravenous, and the only thing at the service station was McDonalds. Then I had one. Yuck. My stomach hates them as much as the rest of me does. It hates me for the rest of the day if I eat that junk.

But today I absolutely had to have a McDonalds burger. Apart from last month I had successfully avoided McDonalds since..... oh I don't know, maybe 6 or 7 years?? And probably only then because I was out somewhere and hungry and the only thing nearby was McDonalds.

So hmmm. It was bliss. But of course now my stomach hates me, and I can't think why on earth I enjoyed such yucky stuff. Weird.

Then this evening Neil and I were in the supermarket getting basics that were running out. I went up to the milk to get a 4-pinter. You know that smell that is sometimes around the milk aisle? Not the yucky off-milk one, but just milk? Well I don't mind that normally, but today I got a whiff of it and felt positively gaggy. Hmmm.

So I had to note those two things. I was NOT previously searching myself for signs! I hadn't even considered that yet because it's sure to be too early. Probably. Maybe. But anyway. I have heartburn right now, but that's probably the McD's. Yucky stuff.

Well I can't think what else to say now that's vaguely interesting, so I think that's it for today. I will be sure to write again soon though! :)

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