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2004-01-20 - 10.32am��previous entry��next entry

Back from France - Ovulated!!

Thank you Meg, Melissa and Mia (all the 'M's!) for your guestbook messages! :) They encouraged me no end, and it was particularly nice to read from a REAL super-duper mother that I am on the right track about something already! Thanks Mia :)

Well I'm back from France! I had a lovely lovely time. I got home last night. Neil has a horrendous cold so we haven't been getting too near each other iykwim! But I think I was already exposed to it before I left, and didn't catch it so I'm probably okay.

I have been charting while in France to find out when I ovulated. I didn't ovulate the day I hoped, but oh well. I definitely have now. Today I entered my temp thinking that I ovulated yesterday, since that was the first significant rise in my temperature, but FF just gave me a coverline - woohoo! - saying that I ovulated 2 days ago. I am not sure to be honest. My temp was only 36.2 the day FF say it was a post-ovulation rise, and 36.2 is always a low PRE-ovulatory temp for me. So hmmm. But FF's idea does match with all the other signs - CM and cervical signs, etc. So maybe I did. I personally think I ovulated in the early hours on the morning of CD16, not CD15 like they say. So we'll see. If FF are right, my next period is due Jan 31st. If I'm right, it's due Feb 1st. I am hoping they are right, because it makes it a little more likely that some sperm were still alive.

I don't know what our chances are this cycle for pregnancy, since we didn't get to BD at the last minute before I ovulated. I know my CM isn't likely to keep sperm alive more than 24 hours at best, and I have noooo idea what the stats are for real egg white. Probably similar? I don't know. So we'll wait and see. We are trying it again next cycle though, which will fall more conveniently I think! We will definitely get ovulation (and all its shananigans!) over with before we go to stay with my parents (on the 19th), and then we should just be getting home again (on the 27th) before my next period is due, depending on when I ovulate. So the whoooole 2-week-wait will be in France. Hmmm. I will try not to over-stress.

It's kind of weird that I'm thinking ahead to the next cycle all the time now. That's what happens when you just don't conceive and start to lose track of the number of months it's been. Pah. But it's probably a good thing to be always thinking ahead.

Soooo today I am on CD18, and I'm 3 days past ovulation. I am thinking oh-so-sanely at the moment, but give me oooh 5 days, and I'll be back in the thick of irrational hormones and a warped outlook on life!! Heh. I am beginning to expect it, but even so, I will still try my best not to get over-flappy or negative/upset about this cycle and our general journey towards being parents. I am just warning you, that's all, because I should know by now that hormones prevent me from being sane/positive by the final week of most cycles!! ;)

Well in other news, I have been going crazy at eBay lately. I won dozens (yep, dozens) of baby clothes just in the last week. Mind you, 10 of them are just from one lady, who seems to have the exact same taste in what-to-dress-your-baby-in as I do, and all her things are in excellent, hardly-used condition. And amazingly cheap. I have a little embroidered summery outfit for 1p. Yeah, 1p! And a pair of gorgeous corduroy soft shoes for another.... 1p!! Most of the outfits were like 20p. I was so amazed. All the bids closed in the middle of the night so maybe that's why there weren't any last minute bidders. Anyway, I won them all :)

When I got home there were packages for me to open! There's a little denim dress with embroidered flowers on it for a 3-6 month old baby. It's cuter than you think. I only buy the absolute cutest clothes that I would want to buy full-price in a shop. Also there's a package of 6 baby clothes hangers, which I know I need, and they were only 50p so I got them. Today I got a package with two thick soft velour outfits in it. One is like a little dungarees/overalls set with a caterpillar embroidered on the chest, and the other is soooooo adorable, I sat up late waiting for this auction to close as I wanted this outfit sooo much! It's an all-in-one with feet and long sleeves, in cream velour, just plain but with Disney's Little Roo embroidered on the front with a big smile on his face. Ahhhh it's so cute, I can never describe how cute things look on here! I should take photos really. Oh well.

Anyway, this outfit is in tiny baby size (up to 7.5lbs), so that adds hugely to the cute factor! I am faaairly confident buying tiny baby clothes (have won auctions on quite a few in that size this week), because I don't think that Neil and I will produce a baby bigger than that at birth. Of course we possibly COULD, but I don't think it's likely. We both weighed about the same when we were born - he was 5lbs 8oz (at 36 weeks though) and I was 5lbs 10oz at term (39 weeks and four days!). My brother was 6lbs something. I am quite little - 5ft 3 and 7st 11lbs. So I think (hope!) the odds are fairly well stacked for us to have newborns that weigh 7lbs or less. So I will need some tiny baby clothes or else everything will be hanging off my little one for the first few weeks!

Oh dear I'm rambling on about baby clothes again. I'll stop now! But I'll be back to write another entry very soon.

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