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2005-08-24 - 8.11pm��previous entry��next entry

BFN and A. Nother coverline.

Aaaaargh two entries in one day - it's come to that!! Hehe! ;)

Somebody online just told me that she feels soooo sure I ovulated on CD20 with my lowest dip that I should override Fertility Friend and change my chart! Yikes. So I did, just to see what my temps would look like, and oh my Bob, they look so pregnant! See?...

As soon as I had done that, FF told me my chart was triphasic and that I should take a pregnancy test!!! Of course after I finished gasping and gulping and hyperventilating, I changed it back again.

This afternoon I saved up enough hours of wee and then peed on another stick, and got a very definite negative. At least that is that, and I think I can rule out ovulating on CD20, as I would be 14DPO today and that's late enough to get an accurate test result I think. If I ovulated on CD22 though, I would be 12DPO today. With Arthur, I got my first BFP at 12DPO, but it was sooooo faint. I know it's not uncommon to test negative at 12DPO and then positive 2 days later. So maybe I will retest in a couple of days if my temps are still high. Urgh, this cycle is such a mess!

Okay but today has been weird again. I have heartburn. I am soooo hungry all the time. Still peeing more, although I managed okay for 6 hours saving up for the pregnancy test, so maybe it's all in my head, the peeing thing? Two indisputable things about today though - this morning I went to scratch my cheek absent-mindedly and came down to earth with a bump when I touched my skin, because it is pregnant skin. Seriously, I kid you not. Whether I get my period or not, I have pregnant skin. All of a sudden today it is suuuper soft and almost spongy feeling. I remember it well from my last pregnancy. I remember last pregnancy absolutely LOVING what the hormones were doing to my skin, and I would constantly say to Neil, "Touch my face!" or similarly weird things, just for the joy of having pregnant skin! :)

I had an osteopath appt today (I told her there was a miniscule chance that I might be pregnant, and she didn't ultrasound my back today because of that, so that's good that I mentioned it) and when I dropped Arthur off with Neil in his lunch break, I said, "Feel my skin!" He touched my face and jumped back like he had been stung! He said, "Are you pregnant?!!" He knows my skin when I am pregnant. He told me he had not wanted to mention before, but the past two days he has been thinking that I am pregnant because my face looks slightly different. He says it looks a slightly softer shape, and that's how it looked when I was pregnant. So that's exciting.

BUT. Skin changes in pregnancy are brought on by increased progesterone. If my luteal phase was being fixed by the B6, my probably pathetic levels of progesterone could be making a big increase back to normal this cycle (I'm hypothesizing though). So maybe that is why my skin feels so different? Because of normal pre-period progesterone? I don't know. Or maybe it's actually just due to fluid retention, because my period is coming? Or something.

The other new thing about today is something I felt slightly squeamish about mentioning when I was newly pregnant before as well. Around test time with my pregnancy with Arthur, or maybe a couple of days later, I noticed a sort of bubbly feeling in the vaginal area, occasionally througout the day. Well I am noticing that again. I mentioned it before in case it was relevant as a pregnancy symptom, as I had never had that feeling before. And I never have since either, until today. Ooh actually it was yesterday evening too.

So what is up with all that if I end up getting my period?

As you can tell, I am being a complete obsessive within DAYS of jumping on that official TTC train!! What am I like?! ;)

Okay this evening I went back and looked at my chart, and it just doesn't doesn't doesn't sit right to say I have ovulated on CD29. It just doesn't feel accurate at all. I went back and looked at the notes I made when I entered each day's data, and discovered something I had forgotten - I corrected quite a few temps with the temp corrector when I temped an hour or so outside of my usual time. Also the spike on CD24 was a weird one, with a LOWER temp later on (I should NEVER temp twice, hehe!) and it was after not nearly enough sleep. So I discarded that. I wondered what would happen to my chart if I just put the few temps I had corrected back to their original readings, but with the original time next to them instead. So I did that. Then I changed one more thing - I changed the last day of EWCM to creamy, because I think that is actually way more accurate considering my notes about it at the time. And lo and behold! My coverline got changed AGAIN!! Back to CD27. Which feels better, more "right". And my temps look more normal. But it still doesn't fit with the pregnancy symptoms.

Anyway my new coverline makes me 7DPO today!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Of course I could still get my period tomorrow and get a 7 day luteal phase like I have had before, but still that is a good luteal phase for me! Maybe the B6 is working?!! I am so encouraged! Especially since my temp is nice and high today at 7DPO!!! Yay! I slightly dread seeing a big drop tomorrow but oh well. If I am not pregnant then I just hope my LP will be as long as possible before I finally get my period. I really want to see it 10 days or more. Then I would know we had a good chance of conception next cycle.

Well I think that is it for tonight. Oh but I told my mum that I feel pregnant. I told her how I was feeling (she remembers last time because we were staying with them during my 2WW and when I tested positive), and she said, "Ohhh you're pregnant then!" I told her my body is good at playing tricks on me. She said I should trust my body more. I don't feel like I can trust my body! It's too clever for me and I keep on getting fooled and disappointed! She thinks we are crazy for TTC again so soon. When I first told her I might be pregnant, she said, "Oh NO!" Which of course I challenged! And told her we are officially trying again. She said we're mad, and what if Arthur woke at 12am, little Gillian (where did she get that?!) at 2am, and little Matthew at 4am every night?! I told her we want a smallish gap, and if that happened we would just take it as it comes, either ride it out or end up taking more drastic action. I know God will lead us through. WHY didn't I say that to her though? Tsk.

Anyway. You can be pretty sure I will update tomorrow! ;) I am so obsessed. It's no good telling me not to be. I just am! I enjoy a nice obsession on a rainy day! :)

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