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2008-09-21 - 12:31 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

9DPO - temp still up!!!

Edited to add: Scroll to the bottom for more waffle that I added this evening!

Nine days past ovulation today!! And you know I said last night that I couldn't believe that the high temp from yesterday would be sustained (since it was such a big jump!)? Well, it's HIGHER today!! Yikes! Yesterday's temp was a huge 0.5 degree (Celsius) jump (about 0.8F) to 36.85, and today I got 36.9. I am honestly just stunned. I can't believe my temps are so high, or that my chart is starting to look reeeeally classically pregnant. I feel so very in-denial, and I have no idea why!

Also this morning: Weirdly soft skin. I thought it was super soft (not just my face, but my back/arms, etc) and so I asked Neil. He said absolutely no doubt about it - it's definitely weirdly soft skin! Which is always a pregnancy sign for me. Still I doubt, though. I just think, "Well, surely there's a first time for everything - one of these days I was sure to get weirdly soft skin without being pregnant."

So I have basically no other obvious signs of pregnancy, but I also feel no evidence of my period approaching, and I'm 9DPO. Last cycle, my period arrived at 10DPO. Given that I'm one cycle further on than last time, and my cycles improve a little every time, I guess it could be expected that I'll get to 11DPO before my period gets here? I have never had a luteal phase longer than 10 days (that is, my period arriving at 11DPO) after having a baby, before getting pregnant again. I usually get one that's 10 days long and then get pregnant on the next cycle. Soooo, this could be the one where my LP finally reaches 10 days? Or maybe 9 days was sufficient last time (especially given that it was a chemical pregnancy) and this cycle I really AM pregnant?? I can't believe that I really could be! It seems too surreal! But our chances (parsnip-wise) are better than FOUR out of the last 5 times we conceived, including Matthew, Nathan, and 2 chemical pregnancies, so I shouldn't be so doubtful! We had parsnips the DAY of ovulation with the chemical pregnancy before Nathan was conceived (2 cycles before him), so not that one! But anyway, our chances are good in that department.

Despite feeling no particular signs of pregnancy and also being in denial, I still ended up using my last internet cheapy pregnancy test this morning. I knoooow, I'm a crazy woman. *sigh* But yeah, it was negative. I see a weird line that I'm not sure what to make of, a thin line of greyish pink (very faint), down the MIDDLE of the fatter space that is supposed to be the second line. It showed up well within the 5 minutes (around about 3 minutes actually) but it's not a proper line so I can't call it anything. Also it's not the kind of line you can count on a husband to verify, no no. He will verily acuse you of seeing things, and generally roll his eyes in your direction. ;)

I got up to pee in the night last night. I was up with Nathan anyway (he was up at FIVE THIRTY today after a disturbed night, yeeesh) in the night, but I NEEDED to go for a wee. That's the 4th night running now. I'm keeping track. :)

I woke up a little more crampy today, but not the usual periody cramps. In fact they were a bit different so I even wondered if my bowel was annoyed or something, but I don't think it particularly is. I have IBS nearly all the time to some degree, so it's definitely possible for me to confuse aches and pains in that region, unfortunately! Anyway, these cramps felt full and achy and heavy, but not like a bowel thing, like the same sensation but in my uterus. I felt like there was a lot of.... "fullness" in there, pressing on other places and making me uncomfortable. Right now I'm reclining against a pillow on Matthew's little toddler bed (cosiest part of the house right now - furthest from the kiddies who are noisily getting home from their walk with Daddy, not too near to Nathan who is napping in the other bedroom, and right in the warm sunlight and cool breeze from the open bedroom window. Plus I love this bedroom! It's soft green and I find it so relaxing). Anyway, so I'm reclining a little in a sitting position, and I have the laptop on my lap/hips. I can feel that fullness still, but not too badly. It's putting gentle pressure down on my cervix/bladder, if I can pinpoint it accurately enough. I can even slightly feel it on the outside sort of, where I pee from (how anatomically sophisticated, haha!).

I guess I am staaarrrting to think I might be pregnant, going by the beginnings of the crazy rantings about random non-symptoms that we all know and love, hahaha! ;)

How embarrassing that if I'm totally NOT pregnant, then you'll all know that on Sunday, my likely-constipated bowel was making me feel all achy and full, and putting pressure "where I pee from", hehehe! ;) There's no point in censoring this stuff. My dignity here disappeared many years ago :) Is it not amazing that I have been writing here about having babies since January 2003 - well over FIVE years ago?! Wow.

Well there's not much more to say now, except that if my temperature is still up there tomorrow (can't can't CAN'T believe that it really really could be!), I will have a triphasic chart, which is an excellent sign of pregnancy, especially with the dip at 7DPO right before it, and the fact that the 2nd level of high temps is SO much higher than the first. So that will be exciting! I used my last pregnancy test and it's Sunday, so I can't order more to be posted today. Thus I have no tests to take tomorrow. I am going to put an order in online at my cheapy test place, and that should arrive on Tuesday. If I haven't got my period by Tuesday (11DPO) and my temp is still high that morning, I will be absolutely FRANTIC for the postman to arrive with my tests!!! I will also have to hold my first morning wee till he does arrive, and sometimes he's here as late as 10.30am!!! Aaaargh! Of course I could always go to the shop and buy a test, but that's soooo much more expensive. I am going to the supermarket this afternoon though. Maybe I'll have no willpower and buy a twin pack of Clearblue tests?? Who can say! ;)

So I will wait and see what tomorrow's temp is. I'll chart any further symptoms if I get any today, this evening before bed. I don't think I ought to let myself get too excited, but I am just beginning to be a LITTLE excited about the possibility! :)

Edited to add...

It's 9.15pm now and I just wanted to update again, without writing a whole 'nother entry, as I don't plan on saying much.

I have been peeing more frequently today, so I charted frequent urination. Also somewhere around the middle of the afternoon, I started noticing that I felt really crampy, more so than the mild cramps I'd been having on and off, and more persistant and just generalised across the whole lower region of my abdomen - more like period cramps. They weren't bad enough to chart as "bad cramps" really, so I didn't. Then I went to the supermarket, and realised they weren't always there. They have been a bit on and off, but mostly there continually since this afternoon. I also have really bad low back ache with them, which is almost more bothersome than the cramps themselves. This evening (right now) they are the same but just that bit more painful, so I would now chart them as "bad cramps".

I am now wondering if it means my period is about to arrive? I did use to get cramps for several days before my period, but not really since having babies. I think the cycle I conceived Nathan I had reeaally bad cramps, and they were a bit factor for me because I was convinced that I never had bad cramps during my luteal phase unless pregnant. And I was! :) So maybe that could apply this time too? But my mindset is soooo different this time - I'm so much more inclined to say, "Oh, bad cramps - that can ONLY be my period on its way!" whereas last time I was saying, "Oh! Bad cramps - that HAS to mean I'm pregnant!!" hehe! So different. I am finding it hard to believe I can feel SO periody (like my period is here, actually, it's that bad tonight) and not get my period. I surprise myself because - HELLO?!?! Have I not already had three babies and already know that cramps in the luteal phase = bun burrowing deeply into oven?! Not necessarily period on its way. But like I said before, I am so weirdly in-denial this cycle. Odd.

Um, what else from today? Nothing really to report. I checked my cervix again - totally different position but still CLOSED :) I have a weird feeling that I am starting my period all the time, so I keep rushing to check or wipe, etc, but there's never ANYTHING there at all when I check. I had a sort of weird "bubbly" sensation once or twice today and that reminded me of a sensation I had (and mentioned here with some embarrassment!) when I was waiting to test with Arthur's pregnancy. So I'm mentioning it again, in case it's relevant! ;)

Okay, that is all. I will update tomorrow, and chart my temp and any newly-arrived period as soon as I can, but it's Monday and Neil's at work, so I'll be hard pushed to find time. I usually have a rule these days - no laptop out at ALL during the day. I make myself wait till the evening. It means my time is my children's. It's too easy to get side-tracked online, and I can't keep up with the schedule if I go on. I have had chance to pop my temp on my chart during the day a few days last week right after Bible Time in the morning, because I often have worship music playing on the laptop for Bible Time, and thus it's open and available for me to quickly chart my temp after we're done. So I might do that! I didn't buy any pregnancy tests at the supermarket (it wasn't willpower - they were closing and I still had lots left on my shopping list to buy!), and have ordered some more cheapy tests which should hopefully be here the day after tomorrow.

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