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2008-09-20 - 10.00pm��previous entry��next entry


I had a biiiiiig temperature jump this morning!! It surprised me so much! :) I have had pretty flat temps (36.5/36.6)and then yesterday a little-ish dip to 36.4, and then this morning I temped and got 36.9!!! I was so shocked to see it on the thermometer that I immediately put it back in my mouth and temped again to be sure, haha! That time I got 36.8, so I decided to go with 36.85 on my chart. I was really nervous to put it there, because I felt so weirdly in-denial to see a high temp. I feel so.... neutral. Pretty much none of my usual early pregnancy signs, and also zero feeling that my period is anywhere near arriving.

Anyway so I felt SURE that today's high temp is a wacky fluke, and that tomorrow it'll plop back down either to the flatline, or to below that. That will look SUCKY on my chart, hehe! So I was nervous to put the high temp on it, as I'm sure it won't be sustained. We'll see. I feel really weirdly "denial-ish" when faced with any sort of REAL possibility that I could actually be pregnant, which surprises me! I just have a reason to explain whatever it is, that is not to do with pregnancy, like this morning's temp being a fluke. I guess time will tell and we'll see what my temps are for the next couple of days.

I am vaaaaguely crampy here and there today, although right at this moment I am having some twinges, like dull pokes and pulls, on my right side low down just above my pubic bone. I have had a lot of "bother" on my right side like this in the last few days, and ended up charting it as "one-sided pinching cramp" on my chart, even though often it could not have been exactly described as pinching or a cramp, but it was definitely one-sided so I used that data field to help me chart it. I wrote notes at my FF chart about the actual sensations so I could have that for future reference.

The pains (not that they're always painful as such) are always on my right side, and I feel them in a specific spot that varies a little. It's inside my hip but low down. Sometimes it seems right under my pubic bone; sometimes above it by an inch or so. Two days ago (6DPO) in the evening I suddenly told Neil that I was having some "funky cramps" on my right side. They weren't there, and then suddenly I had this yucky, radiating, PERIOD cramp going on. But then about 10 minutes later I started wondering if I had maybe pulled something or hurt my hip in some way. I felt discomfort when I leaned all my weight on that side when I was rocking Nathan in the bedroom that evening after he woke. So then I presumed it was totally to do with a pulled something-or-other. It didn't last long though, like the other on-and-off cramps I've been having - it only lasted a few minutes and then went away. Later in the evening I noticed a little dull pain radiating out through that side into my buttock, so that further convinced me that I'd pulled a little something in there.

But after that moment of buttock-pain (!), NADA. The whole lot vanished, and I felt fine in that area. I haven't really noticed any trouble there since, although I am having these pulling-poking pains on that side right now, but lower at pubic-bone level. The whole fact that it's at pubic-bone level makes me suspicious of pregnancy, to be honest. I have plenty of experience of feeling discomfort and pain along there during my pregnancy luteal phases! The left side is not doing nothing however, I am also having the odd crampy moment of discomfort there too, but MUCH more on the right side (which is not the side I ovulated from, by the way).

Also at 6DPO, I was walking across the landing upstairs (do not envisage a broad, spacious, decked walkway from large airy bedrooms to the open stairs, no no. Our house is TINY! I'm talking walking the 5-6 feet from the furthest bedroom to the stairs!) and out of the blue I suddenly had discomfort on my right side that I could only describe as "flashes" or "pulls". It lasted about 4 steps, from the bedroom to the top of the stairs, and then it faded off. Weird! But I noted the sensation because flashes and pulls are pretty interesting when one is in the window for implantation! I had "flashing" pains when Nathan was implanting, but I didn't have anything like that before then.

Okay, at 7DPO (yesterday), I wrote in my FF notes that I had more one-sided crampiness, but that it was often less crampy and more just "discomfort". Sometimes I did have some real period-like cramps, and other times it felt "pokey", but EVERY time it never lasted long, just a few minutes at the very longest. I also noted a lot of low-down backache that sometimes felt like it was radiating through to the front, but I have been bothered by low backache every day recently, and I can't remember if it started before I even ovulated, and thus probably nothing to do with whether I'm pregnant or not.

Okay, now I've written all that, my crampy pains at pubic-bone level have gone again. I'm squirming around in my seat, but nada.

I checked my cervix today. I haven't been doing that, but I just wondered what it was doing. It's doing fine, haha! VERY high, and closed. Barely any CM... I can't think what else. Oh but I have got up to pee once in the night for the last 3 nights. The first two nights I didn't want to make anything of it because I thought that I probably felt the need to go because I was up already with Nathan (his sleep is RIGHT up the spout right now - he's teething and something-else-I-can't-seem-to-figure-out-or-fix!), and I wouldn't have needed to go if I had been asleep till morning. But last night I went at 1.20am. Then Nathan was up from TWO TILL FOUR am (yaargh!) and I tried to go back to sleep after that but COULD NOT till I had been for a wee. I reeeally needed to go. I also went more yesterday evening and this morning than usual, so I finally broke down and charted frequent urination today, haha! I feel so daft for charting things that make me look like I really think I'm pregnant when I just can't believe I am (for some reason!).

I already can't believe I'm NINE days past ovulation tomorrow! I checked my last chart and I had a 9 day luteal phase, meaning I got my period on 10DPO. I had spotting at 9DPO but I never get that before a period and I know that the spotting was because of a chemical pregnancy, not just a normal pre-period thing. So I wonder how long my luteal phase will be this cycle, if I am not pregnant? I really don't know when to expect my period. Maybe I will get a 10 day LP, and thus my period on 11DPO, 3 days from now? Either way, it's not long to wait now!

I really sort of expect my temp to have a crazy drop tomorrow and look ridiculous on my chart (or rather, TODAY'S temp will be the one looking ridiculous, up there on its own!), but we'll see. I just seems to surreal that I would see another high temp like that tomorrow or the next day. I guess I WOULD if I was pregnant, but otherwise there's no reason why I would, I guess.

Anyway, that is all! I will update again tomorrow probably! :) Thanks for keeping up with me, girls!

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