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2008-10-22 - 11.50pm��previous entry��next entry

8DPO.... *twiddles thumbs*....

Okay, quick (hopefully!) update at 8DPO to say that my temp is up a little today, but we'll see about tomorrow. The one thing about the day of the dip was that I woke up in a huge sweat (the end of my virus, yay! Arthur had that same sweat the night before!) and felt surface chilled even though I had the covers on, if that makes sense. I think it was Matthew's pregnancy that I seemed to wake in a sweat most mornings towards the end of my luteal phase, and it affected my temperature (as in, lowered it). I can't remember, but I think it was Matthew... Anyway. I am still a little nervous about it being a sign of implantation because of it being on the late side for me, and thus giving less time (hmmm, I wrote "giving my little baby less time" but thought I shouldn't go that far just yet!) for the rest of implantation before my period would arrive.

I have charted frequent urination today, because last night I HAD to pee at 3am. Nathan was awake and wouldn't settle and Neil took over for me after a while and I just had to go for a wee, which isn't usual for me. I hadn't had that much to drink. Today I have been peeing literally twice as often as usual all day, from the start. I think I have peed about 10 times today and I usually might go between 2 and 4 times (although, rarely 2 any more like I used to do a lot, because I try to drink better these days with allll the breastfeeding!). I immediately wondered if it might be a urine infection or something, because if anything I am not drinking ENOUGH, and have been thirsty quite a bit today for that reason. But I'm peeing good amounts, not little bits, and I have no urge to go or irritation between when I do need to go. Also, no pain. Except... this evening I was watching a movie and needed to pee but decided not to, so I was DESPERATE by the end, and it was a bit sore when I did! But that's usual for me. The next time was sore too, so I wonder if it IS a urine infection somehow?? I don't know.

I have had so little cramping this LP - basically none at all except for the odd tiny bit one day I think. Quite different to normal. And today I am finally having a few mild cramps that resemble extreeemely faint period cramps. They come and go, but are barely noticable at all. So I have wondered if they're more to do with a possible UTI than period/pregnancy related, too? I have had some stabbing pains on my left side inside my hip and just a bit lower than it, this afternoon and evening, but again for some reason I am being quick to have a non-pregnancy explanation for everything this cycle for some reason! ;) I know I've done that before recently though, and I still was pregnant (chemical). So far I am putting the stabby pains down to something more bowel-related, since it's over on the left. I'm kind of guessing though. If it was more down at pubic bone level then it would be different :)

I still have more spots than usual, and the weird thing is that I've had them all LP, and they're on my FACE, which I never really get. Hormonal spots that I chart each cycle always seem to affect me on my neck, and I only ever get a few. I still only have a few, but they're on my face which is a bit different.

Other than those few tiny things, there's nothing to report! Weirdness!

Shelley, it's funny that you should say that about my cold sores, because I'm now on Day 3 of this cold sore and practically having withdrawal symptoms not kissing my baby boy fifty squillion times a day! I'm being soooo careful, and it's really hard! But it rings a bell somehow, like I HAVE had a time where I've found it hard to not kiss the little ones for some reason, which was probably a cold sore... I can't remember having a cold sore since Arthur's pregnancy though, which is odd. BUT, my brain is not what it used to be before children, haha! So I could easily have had a dozen and no memory of them, lol! ;) It's bugging me so I think I will search my diaries and see if I can find out.

Well, I'll be NINE days past ovulation tomorrow! :) I did not expect to get my period before tomorrow even if not pregnant, because my last LP was 11 days and the one before was 9 days. I am pretty much expecting (and hoping!) that a 9-day LP will be my minimum length now - hopefully nearer the 11-day mark from now on! A 9-day LP would mean getting my period at 10DPO (since that's the first day of my new cycle), so the day after tomorrow. I'm intrigued to see what tomorrow's temp will be! I just have no idea WHAT to expect this cycle! It's fun waiting and watching :)

If I develop anything more interesting to write about, I'll be sure to update! Otherwise whatever stats I have will be on my chart tomorrow and I probably won't update. I hope not to get a big temp drop because then my period might be arriving sooner than I hoped. But we'll see. I will keep you posted! :) Thanks for sharing the journey with me - I love reading your excited comments, hehe! :)

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