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2008-10-20 - 11.37pm��previous entry��next entry

6DPO - been poorly, high temps???

Late, and also STILL poorly, so Must. Only. Write. A few. Paragraphs! Although I know that's not physically possible for me, but I'll try! ;)

Okay, I can't believe I'm 6DPO and have not been updating like a crazy woman since my last entry at 3DPO!! Especially with how my chart looks!

Of note, though: Urgh, have been ill with yucky fluey weak 'n' shaky, throaty, coldy, off-my-foody, weirdo virus over the weekend. I basically spent most of it in bed, but still didn't feel better for it. It reminded me slightly scarily of my couple of years housebound with M.E. Which I do not care to repeat even a few HOURS of, seriously. Sucky. Anyway, over the weekend I FELT really feverish in every way except that no matter how frequently I checked, I did not have a fever. Even a slight one! Arthur is ahead of the rest of us by a few days on this virus and he was seemingly almost better (just gunky) when suddenly he got a re-sore throat and fever of 102. The sore throat was also white/spotty, but he did this the last time we had one of these weirdo viruses and the doctor said it was part of the virus. So he had the high fever for 3 days and thankfully it broke this morning and I'm currently rejoicing over the huge sweat he just woke in an hour or so ago this evening! :) It means he's on the mend, so yay! It hasn't been fun.

Anyway, with his fever, and me FEELING feverish, I felt sure I had a fever too, but nope. But my temps DID shoot up, didn't they, from that flat level of 36.6 to 36.8/36.9 over the weekend? That's partly why I haven't been jumping and squealing here about it, because I pretty much just put it down to the virus. But yesterday evening I felt so much better, and finally had no more fevery feeling. I told Neil that the next morning's temp would give me a good idea of a "normal" temperature, without the influence of a virus. I pretty much figured it would fall back to the flatline level, but... it didn't! It was 36.9 again this morning!!

I don't think I've ever had a chart quite like this one, even my pregnancy charts. I have other weirdnesses, like very unusual CM (for me), lots, and odd consistency (normal though, just weird for me). Also NO crampiness at all really. Well, the slightest bit of mild cramping the other day. On Saturday when feeling dreadful in the evening, I had what turned out to be IBS (I guess? I always have horrible pain with that, but this time wasn't painful, for once) and thus diarrhoea and miiiild cramping, which I couldn't distinguish between uterine and bowel so I charted it just in case. But it's nothing to dwell on - probably my annoyed bowel, haha! ;)

It's all very quiet really. The only thing is, I've been SO distracted by feeling ill, sleeping as much as I can, and worrying about poorly little boys, that I haven't cared much about what's happening with my cycle, so I am not so tuned in as I usually am!

Feeling a lot better today, though very knackered, so hopefully things will start to return to normal from tomorrow?! I don't know what to expect from my temperatures from now. They're already so high for me, which is unusual in itself. Unless I'm pregnant, in which case, you know, it's perfectly usual! ;) But never from so early in my LP, that's the thing that's throwing me... UNLESS, instead of an implantation dip at 4DPO (which I have had before - see Nathan's chart!), I had a sharp rise to a triphasic level instead? Maybe? We'll see if my temps stay up there. Maybe they'll drop tomorrow, or I'll get a big dip tomorrow, or something. Tomorrow is 7DPO - the latest I have ever experienced implantation. If I do have a dip that looks implantation-ish tomorrow then I think I will be a tad concerned because last cycle that happened and I had me a chemical pregnancy. I'm sure it was just too late an implantation for the little bean to take properly before my short luteal phase stopped things. So the same could be true this time if that happens again, maybe?

Anyway, we'll see! Kaitlyn, I got pregnant with Matthew when Arthur was 10 months old, and with Nathan when Matthew was 11 months old, so this would be the earliest I have gotten pregnant so far, if that's what happens this cycle! Normally I'm starting to TTC by now (9 months) or having a chemical pregnancy - actually both my chemical pregnancies before the older boys were at 9 months postpartum. Then I got pregnant next cycle with Arthur, and waited a cycle with Matthew before conceiving him. But my cycles have returned to normal more quickly since Nathan, for some reason, so I think I'm a bit ahead on what my body has done previously.

Oh, I have a cold sore, ugggghhhh! It suddenly came up on my lip last night. I HATE those. Hate them so very much. Ughness. Of note though: I used to get them about once a year, not very often. I had two during my pregnancy with Arthur, and noted that as unusual, but I was SO RUN DOWN during that pregnancy. My immune system went on holiday and didn't come back till he was born and I caught all manner of stuff and had it all SO BADLY while I was pregnant. With Matthew and Nathan I had an usually STRONG immune system - weird! Anyway, the last time I had a cold sore was during my pregnancy with Arthur - it has been a nice hiatus for me! I'm bummed to get one after all this time, and obviously I'm poorly and knackered and anxious about managing the days feeling like this with Neil back at work (though today went okay, so I'm less anxious now!), so that's probably why it came up.

But part of me wonders.... hmmm, maybe I'm pregnant? And then I get a sinking feeling, thinking.... hmmm, maybe this pregnancy could be like Arthur's and I'll have pfthth immune system again?! Which, frankly, scares me! Last time I pretty much stayed at home and didn't have much exposure to viruses, it being my first baby. I rested plenty, etc. This time it's the start of at least 6 more months of horrible flu/bug/cold season and I have THREE SMALL CHILDREN - aaaargh! I mustn't, mustn't have another low immuney pregnancy! I will gladly take one over NO pregnancy at all, obviously, but the thought of another like Arthur's but with three little ones to catch things from and look after while I'm feeling dreadful makes me distinctly panicky! Throw in morning sickness and... yeurgh! I hope it will be okay...

It's late now (was interrupted just now!) and I just nursed Nathan, but as I put him back into his cot unconscious, I could feel that he's somehow peed through his night nappy and his sleepsuit. *sigh* So I will now go and wake the poor boy up with a nappy change, and hope he doesn't get toooo angry and wake the other boys up with his crying! Night night! Will update again soon! :)

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