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2008-10-24 - 11.57pm��previous entry��next entry

10DPO - nooo idea yet...

Well, for most of the day I have been feeling fairly set on the idea that my period is probably on its way. I don't even know why - maybe it's just something instinctive whereby I just KNOW my body isn't busy nesting a new little burrowing person?

But, honestly, it's impossible to say! ;)

I'm 10 (TEN!!) days past ovulation today, and no period yet, so if I get my period tomorrow then I will have had a 10 day luteal phase, which I'm happy with! :) Anything more would be even better, but so long as it's not less than 10, I'm okay with that for now!

This afternoon I started to feel crampy for just about the first time since I ovulated (except for those couple of days where I charted "mild cramps" (hahaha, I missed the 'm' out of that last word by mistake the first time and laughed like a 10-year-old for a while!! It's late. I'm a little overtired, hehe!) where it was soooo mild and for such a short time that it was hardly worth mentioning really). It felt more periody crampy and so I thought, "A-ha!" and put any remaining ponderings about possibly being pregnant out of my head. The crampiness got worse over the next hour and I started to wonder if I HAD my period (I didn't) and if I should chart "bad cramps" (hahaha, did it again! Our 'm' on this keyboard is a bit stuck down, hehe!) or "mild cramps". It felt worse than mild cramps, but I didn't want to be misleading and call it bad when it wasn't quite. Oh the details, lol! ;)

Anyway, I would now consider those cramps bad ones, and I'll chart that after I finish this entry (and then go to bed! It's so late!!). I know my history is that if I have bad cramps during my luteal phase that aren't part of the day my period shows up, then I'm pregnant. But still, I am not convinced this time. The cramps have been gone for a couple of hours, but they hung around for ages without changing earlier, not like the on-and-off pregnant cramps I'm used to. I am feeling crampy again just now though.

I also noticed this evening when I was holding Nathan and doing the shifty-weighty-treadmill thing (!!) trying to settle him back to sleep (the boy has woken FIVE times already this evening!! I have no idea why), that I had a tugging pain on one side (my right) inside and just below my hip when I stepped on that side. I figured it was a pulled muscle, but it was only there for a bit and I have since walked and jiggled that boy a couple more times and there's no pain or pulling whatsoever. It was a really distinct feeling, like painful "pulling" inside, but it's not on my, uhm, windy side (!!) so it can't have been that.

I am TIRED OUT these last two days. I have been in bed too late, but it's more than that. I just feel physically so wiped out and struggle to keep my eyes open in the evenings. For me, that is a classic sign that my period is coming the next day (except that it's been there for 2 days now), but I know I am also really knackered in a similar way when I'm pregnant. So, who knows! I'm feeling weepier than usual today. I have charted weepy a few times this LP but today's weepy feeling is stronger than before. Especially children's TV and silly things that are sentimental.

I'm so contradictory here, aren't I?! It probably drives people batty, sorry! ;)

Today's temp was a little drop but not significant, because it was 36.8, and my temps have basically sat at either 36.9 or 36.8 since my earlier flat temps (except for that dip at 7DPO to 36.7). So it may be down on yesterday's temp, but it's still up in the same range. Earlier on I was totally expecting that tomorrow I will see a drop in temp, and planning on writing that here this evening. But I am not really sure what to expect now. I think I am still leaning towards seeing that drop and getting my period. If it doesn't drop I'll be surprised and excited! If it actually goes UP, I think I will take a pregnancy test, because I'll be 11DPO (my usual test time!) and should see a line if there's one to be seen by then, however faint. I have two cheapy internet pregnancy tests (don't worry, Megan, hehe!) and a Clearblue. I don't want to waste them if I'm not pregnant!

Oh, also, I definitely do NOT have weirdly soft skin at this time, so that makes me think I am not pregnant (by 10DPO) too. Although, I didn't have it yet with Nathan either...

I am still peeing more than usual, but less so than yesterday. I have a CRAZY HUGE appetite today though, out of nowhere! Maybe it's just a fluke? I don't knowwww!!

I will go to bed (that's the best thing!) and just wait to see what my temperature is in the morning - THEN I'll know. And I'll update asap!

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