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2005-10-20 - 4.24pm��previous entry��next entry

7 weeks, 1 day - Scan update

Thank you for the well wishes for my scan!!

It went great!!! Yay!! Everything is fine and normal, and phew I'm so relieved!! :) Of course now I feel even sillier for having worried in the first place!

I am soooooooo bummed that I don't have a picture from the scan :( I didn't ask early enough as I thought the sonographer would just give me a copy of one she printed out for my records, but she didn't. She said I'd get one at my 12 week scan, boo. Then I begged the lady I saw afterwards but she spouted me a load of crap about how she can't give me a picture because I might not understand what I'm looking at and then I might show a friend who asks what that part is and then I won't know what it is, then I'll get worried (apparently) and make myself crazy and then end up phoning the unit to ask for help. Um. Yeah. Neil was really angry about that lady because she spouted lots of complete bull just to make excuses. Pfthth.

But never mind. I will try to make the memory indelible on my brain. And you'll just have to take my word from it and imagine what everything looked like as I describe it!

I saw my second child!!! Sooooo amazing. I was so nervous by the time we went in (crazy me). I felt like everything would be okay, but I was nervous that I was being naive and that I would set myself up for a nasty shock if something WAS wrong. I can't see the screen during the ultrasound, until the sonographer turns it towards me when she is done scanning and looking. But Neil (who was holding Arthur), sat with a great view of the screen. I suddenly felt like I didn't want to see his face, because I knew he would betray what was happening before I heard from the sonographer. I just looked at the side of the monitor and hoped that she would swing it to face me soon.

At first it was all quiet. Arthur was so funny - he seemed so intrigued when the sonographer put the probe in and made all sorts of excited interested noises, hehehe! Obviously I was covered up but things like covers only make Arthur more interested in what they are hiding, hehe! Anyway it was all quiet for a while and I sort of held my breath, and then Neil said, "Ooh I think I can see a heart beating!" The sonographer said, "You stole my thunder! I like to be the one to announce that kind of news!" Hehe! It was lovely. She swung the screen round to face me, and I saw my little baby in such amazing detail. At Arthur's 7 week scan, they didn't magnify him nearly as much as they did this time, so we saw him as a little peanut with a flashing light for a heart. This time I saw my little baby blob with a real pulsating, chambered heart! I watched it beat and beat and beat and just felt amazed that I have a baby in me who is thriving with a beating heart, and - the main thing that boggles me at the moment - it isn't Arthur! I can't get my head round the fact that it's OUR baby, but that our baby is not Arthur. I'm not explaining it very well, but never mind.

I could see one of the upper limbs like a little paddle - so cute! Sprout was sort of sideways on but turned a little so that his/her back was to the screen. We could see the heart beating so clearly through Sprout's back. Sprout was in a really lovely big black space, the gestational sac, and we saw the yolk sac next to Sprout really clearly, about half the size of Sprout at this time, or maybe 2/3.

Then after we had a good look, the sonographer scanned my ovaries, which I always dislike since I find it soooo uncomfortable to have them poked! The right one was normal and fine, and the left one was tucked out of sight a little, so when she was trying to get to it, it was too uncomfy for me, and she stopped. She saw part of it and it looked fine. I asked which side I ovulated from and she said I have no obvious corpus luteal cyst this time so it's hard for her to tell. Last time I had a huge one on my left ovary. I'm sure I ovulated from my left again though, because that's where I felt ovulation pain.

So I think that's it! Oh but I'm so pleased, because Sprout measured exactly 7 weeks and 1 day according to the sonographer!!! Yay! Right on time! She measured Sprout at 10mm from crown to rump though, which I have down for 7 weeks, 0 days (should be 11mm today) but that doesn't matter. I'm just so happy!!!!! Sprout is fine, Sprout is fine! And I am REALLY going to have another baby! Really really!

NOW we really feel like we are becoming a family of four. Before the pregnancy was just in our minds (well, obviously a little more than that for me!) but now we have seen our second baby, it makes it feel so different, y'know? The sonographer said to Arthur, "I wonder if this is a little brother or a little sister for you?!" and it felt like the first time I even thought about it with a sense of such REALITY to the situation. Arthur is going to be a big brother! But, but! He's still so little! Yikes! This time last year I was still pregnant with him! So weird! I feel proud of my little family though, and excited to see it grow! I can't wait to have two children! Although I still have plenty of times when I want time to slow down so I can hang on to my one-on-one times with just my Arthur while we still have the chance.

Anyway, that is my scan news! Now I have to take a copy of my scan report to my GP and then I wait for my next scan appt, which should be somewhere around the end of November. That's only just over a month away, yay!

Oh oh, but I also wanted to say, I have been feeling for any changes above my pubic bone for the last week. Obviously it's waaaaaaaaay early for me to feel my womb yet, but I am checking early to have something to compare it when I do feel it. Also last pregnancy I first felt a bulge of resistance at 8.something weeks. I figured it was the "stuff" that gets pushed up in front of my womb since it was so early to feel my womb itself, and also it didn't have that hard ridge feeling that I knew so well from feeling a million uteruses during my midwifery training. The ridgey feeling came at 9 weeks though, I think, so I know I will feel my womb early. I also get movement extremely early. I felt Arthur pressing this way and that from around 11 weeks, which EVERYONE told me wasn't possible, but HA because his movement at my 13 week scan confirmed that I HAD been feeling him move all along :) I never got the fluttery movements, as he went right to flicks and bumps at 14.something weeks. Very early for a first baby, and subsequent babies are usually felt earlier still, unless there is an anterior placenta blocking the sensation of their movements. So I am expecting to feel things early. Anyway, last night when I checked lying down in bed, I felt some firm resistance just tucked under my pubic bone!! How exciting! It wasn't there before. Today it is still there, and when Arthur leans on it when he climbs on me, it's rather tender and makes me feel like a tennis ball is pushing me in the groin - very weird sensation, but one that I remember from last time about a week from now :)

Because my womb tends to be palpable very early, I can find the baby's heartbeat very early on the Doppler too. Last time I heard Arthur the day my Doppler arrived, at 9 weeks, 3 days. I am so excited that there are only a couple of weeks till that time now! Of course I will try sooner if I have my Doppler back from Jemma before then - perhaps that would not be a good thing though?! ;)

Anyway, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I have a baby with a beating heart in me!!! I SAW him/her!!! I am so excited. I have my little boy, and I have seen my second baby for the very first time today. I just feel amazing about that, and I can't describe the way it makes me feel.

I still feel really grim and sick but that's okay. No awful IBS last night, which was nice! Jemma, I tried cutting wheat out years ago when my dietitian recommended that I try it, but didn't find any difference. Dairy too. I could try again though. But I love my wheat so I'm loathed to!! We'll see. I'm not really worried about wheat having any effect on my birth experience. I was a wheat-a-holic (!!) last time and I was doing great for a first time birth until Arthur turned. The midwife said it was just one of those things. I know if he hadn't, and if I had been able to give birth upright and relaxed, etc, I would have had a quicker than average, pretty easy birth, and who knows, maybe even minimal (or no) tearing? I am really confident about my next birth and wouldn't change anything or particularly prepare for it in advance. I'm looking forward to it! Yay! :)

Well I don't have Neil's cold yet. I hope I manage to avoid it or fight it off! Arthur too, he seems fine at the moment - phew! I am so hungry suddenly that I hurt, so I am going to eat something. Arthur and Neil are out getting food shopping. I put peppermints and lemon drops on the list to see if they help my nausea at all. I couldn't try the sweet remedies last time, because I couldn't BEAR sweet things, but this time I don't mind the idea. I haven't wanted to eat sweet biscuits or sugary cereal, but I have been very happy to eat Ben and Jerry's ice cream! ;) So it seems I am happier with sweet things this time. But I still wonder. Maybe Sprout IS a boy after all? But it's great that I just don't know at all. There's no predicting it! In many ways this pregnancy has mirrored my last one, so I wonder if that points to another boy? But then the parsnips would suggest otherwise. So we'll have to see! I am excited that I can't guess and will have to wait and see! We do want to find out at the 20 week scan if possible. If we can't see, I also feel excited about the possibility of having to wait till the baby is born to find out! That would be so nice! But I hate not having any idea by the time I'm nesting and shopping and wanting to attach a name to the baby. It would drive me crazy. So we'll find out, probably :)

Anyway, that is all. I have other groups to update online about my scan but they will have to wait till later now. I'm glad I got to write about it here though! :)

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