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2004-03-13 - 11.55pm��previous entry��next entry

6 weeks, 1 day - naauuusea

Thanks for all the lovely guestbook messages!!! :)

Well I am quite encouraged now because MAN do I ever feel sick!!! Yesterday I felt sick the whole day, from waking till sleeping. I had real trouble eating, and eventually managed a proper meal in the evening - even food that I felt like eating! But from 11.30pm to about 1am I was pacing the living room continually - I know I'm meant to be resting but trust me, I could not keep still, I felt that nauseous. I felt nauseous enough to feel like being sick, even though I wasn't, and for those of you who know of my lifelong phobia of vomiting, you can imagine I was pretty scared. I was too uncomfortable to stand still - I have always been someone who has to keep moving if any part of my digestive tract isn't happy. Motion seems to help, or at least make things more bearable. So I walked and paced. My whole abdomen swelled right up, it stuck out further than my hip and an inch from under my ribs, it was sooooo uncomfortable! Yuck. I had to keep my chin up so I wouldn't toss my cookies. Yuck, cookies! ;) I am still off anything sweet.

Well I paced myself completely exhausted and finally was able to sit down on the sofa, so long as I was propped upright with cushions. I meant to sit with a straight back and rub my tummy for a while, but the next thing I knew it was 2.30am, and I was too tired to move so I rolled into a horizontal position and next I knew it was 4.15. Then I went up to bed, nausea-free!! Yay! :)

Today I woke at noon again (!!) and felt queasy but wanted some toast and milk, so Neil brought me some in bed :) Then I got up and have felt sick sick sick ever since. I can't seem to do anything, the nausea is completely distracting. This has surely got to be morning sickness, d'you think? It's too bad to be anything else - I'm not sure that even I could make psychological nausea this bad (and believe me I can really "do" psychological nausea!). I have hardly eaten today. I am trying, really I am, but I just can't stomach anything. I feel too sick to swallow, and if I do manage to get something down, it makes me feel even worse to have something in my stomach. Although it does feel pretty awful when I am completely empty too. Yuck.

I am awfully put off by the idea that I am only 6 weeks and 1 day. That is ALL!!! I have at least 6 more weeks of this, and I do not know how I will bear it. That sounds crazy since I have longed to be pregnant for so long, but this nausea is seriously off-putting. I just want to feel better and I can't for SIX WEEKS!!! My travel bands aren't working - I wore them yesterday for hours and still felt rough. I am going to try ginger (if I can bear to) but I am not that optimistic about that because whenever I've tried it for travel nausea or somethiing, it's always made the nausea WORSE, not better. My stomach has never reacted that nicely to ginger, even though it's meant to be a super-duper stomach settler. Well, not with me. Except I hope I'm proved wrong when I try it this time! I have lemons to sniff/eat if the fancy takes me, and peppermints which I can't bear the thought of because they are sweet. Peppermint tea has always had the same effect on me as ginger. I must be weird - all these natural stomach settlers upsetting my stomach!!

So yes, I am letting my hopes rise a little with this nausea. I don't know what I can do about eating enough or drinking enough though. Noooobody tell me I've GOT to eat/drink better, no matter what, because my baby needs it!! I don't need the guilt-trip. I am trying my very best as I love my Bean, but I simply cannot stomach anything. Including fluids. But I'm trying.

I plucked up a ton of courage and dealt with the uhm, BM issue! People on a miscarriage board said that a BM would not make a miscarriage "worse", and if I'm NOT miscarrying then it won't start one. So I bit the bullet. A fair amount of brown bleeding, but I think it's the same old blood from the original bleed. I hope. No bleeding since though, which is good. I have charted all my bleeding and now that it's been a few days, it looks exactly like a period for me. If I think of it in that context, it isn't nearly as heavy as a normal period, and it isn't as continuous, but the pattern of heavy to spotting is exactly the same as if it was a period.

Neil's mum told us yesterday that she bled with her first 2 pregnancies, and with Neil she bled like a period from weeks 5-8!!! And he's fine :) On my November due date forum, a lady there is expecting her EIGHTH child (!!!), and she bled all the way through her second pregnancy, and intermittantly with pregnancies 3, 4, and 5. Wow. People are giving me so many reasons to have hope. Plus Bean is still in there, and I haven't passed him/her yet. And we saw a patch of bruising in there, so maybe that's all it is? Maybe Bean is okay and still alive? But I am frightened to see nothing on the screen when we go back on Friday. Especially if my hopes are up.

Some people seem to bleed when they would normally be expecting their periods. They have normal but light periods at those times. Apparantly it's not uncommon. But I'm 6 weeks. That isn't when my period would turn up, so maybe it's not that. I just wish I could fast forward to Friday and know for sure. Plus what a relief it would be if I really COULD do that - one less week of sickness to deal with! ;)

Well that's it for me I think. Need bed now while I do not feel too sick to lie down! But nausea is good. I am trying to think of that. It's so hard because nausea is so so so soooo horrible. Yuck. But yay! I hope....

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