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2005-09-20 - 10.18am��previous entry��next entry

6DPO again, just waiting to see how long this LP is...

Quick update, as Arthur is napping for probably-not-much-longer.

No more oopsies, other than that one incident, this cycle - we have just been too tired, which is a good thing since we really are keen to wait till December/January now. I got 6 negative OPKs before finally getting my positive, and I ovulated the next day - Cycle Day 18!! Yay! Earlier (albeit by only a couple of days) than all my previous PP cycles.

Ohhh Arthur's awake. Hang on, I'll get him and finish this.

Okay, super speedy now...

Sooo that puts the oopsie at 4 days before I ovulated. FF doesn't even show it on the analyser! So I know that makes the likelihood of pregnancy very low. I am 6DPO now and just waiting for my period to see how long my luteal phase will be. I don't know if last cycle's luteal phase would have been longer because I had conceived, and not because it was just doing better on the B6 or whatever. I forgot 2 days running of the B6 so far this LP!! Whoops! I don't know if it will have much effect. I don't really know what to expect from this cycle's LP, so we'll just have to wait and see.

My temps look nice and high above the coverline though, so things are still looking good for my LP, even if it's short still. At least the hormone levels seem to be good enough to keep my temps up during the LP.

It has felt like such a weight-off to not think about the possibility of pregnancy during this 2WW, because of how the chances are very low. I am just preparing myself for a period and that feels stress-free :) Neil is waiting to hear if he got a job (next week) that will mean we have to completely relocate if he does, and quickly too, so the idea of pregnancy on top of that feels very scary at the moment. I'm glad we decided to wait.

But I was just fiddling about in the chart gallery (never a good idea!) at Fertility Friend, and noticed a feature where you can search for charts like yours, and even input the intercourse pattern to find ones similar. So I did that, just out of curiosity. And oh my goodness, I know it's obviously unlikely, but I found quite a lot of pregnancy charts where BD had taken place 4 days before ovulation. Oh my gosh. I did have good quality fertile CM at that time. But I had no expectation of pregnancy with a gap that big. I found it quite a shock to find those charts! Now I hope I don't have in on my mind too much, as it has been nice not stressing about things in this 2WW so far.

So far I am thinking I might be getting a little bit PMSy already. Which might mean a short luteal phase, or not. I am so weepy, but then I am tired beyond tired, so maybe it's that. I cry at children's TV ads. Especially the Barbie ones that usually make me want to puke. The other day I got a charity Christmas catalogue in the post. Looking through that made me really weepy. And the Early Learning Centre toy catalogue. I've been looking through it for ideas of toys for Arthur for his first birthday. Lots of welling up just looking at the toys. I'm so silly!

I was very very hungry yesterday. It will be interesting to see over the next few months whether increased appetite is a normal thing for me in my luteal phase. I charted it so I'll be able to compare. I am still checking my cervix even though I'm not looking for pregnancy signs this cycle. I just think I will appreciate having the non-pregnant cervix records to compare with when we DO TTC again.

Okay I think that is it. Arthur is bored of me typing now! I will update again soon.

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