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2004-02-29 - 12.33pm��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks, 2 days

We bought a 2-pack of Clearblue pregnancy tests at the supermarket last night! This morning my temp was 36.9 again (phew!) and I used my last cheapy test which is only slightly darker than the one I did 2 days ago. I was kind of disappointed as I was hoping to see it much darker, but oh well.

Then I used the Clearblue test with the same urine. Can you see THIS vertical line?!!....

Woohoo!! I like my Clearblue tests! :) That is so much darker than the other Clearblue I took a few days ago - the one I posted a few entries back.

Neil keeps looking at me to see if I am changing yet, bless! I mean, in the face. He told me this morning that he thinks there is a subtle change, but more in the "air" around me than anything else. He did not want to mention it for the last couple of days that he noticed it, in case he was imagining it :)

I slept better last night, although when I woke I had the worrrrrst IBS which made me feel nauseous, but after that subsided I have felt fine. We bought soooo many good healthy foods at the supermarket last night! Yesterday I got my 5 fruit and veg in, and my prenatal supplements. This morning I had oaty/wheaty cereal with raisins and shredded coconut. Very healthy for me! And smoothie. But I am having trouble with the thick consistency so I am having to sip it like once every 10 minutes. It has my glyconutrient supplement stirred in so I have to get it down.

Oooh I forgot to mention that yesterday I was really clumsy!! I read that this is common in pregnancy too. I opened my bottle of baby aspirins, and I do not know what happened but the next second they were spinning and rattling all over the kitchen floor. I was too busy rejoicing over doing something so "pregnant" to be cross that I'd dropped them all! :) Also I walked into the kitchen door frame yesterday when I could have SWORN it was the opening between the door posts!! Hehe! I fell against the wall too, for no good reason, a bit later on. I just feel a bit unglued, sort of, like I am so tired my head feels a bit spinny, and I can't co-ordinate myself quite like I thought! In France, the day we left I think, I stood up from sitting at the computer desk but my hip was still under the desk, so yeah I banged it really hard and now it has a bruise on it. Then about 20 minutes later I smacked my knee right into the kitchen table. So I think this is me being pregnant. Neil things maybe I should wear cushions! ;)

Ahhhh I can't believe I haven't mentioned yet - my lovely pregnant friend Deborah who I was totally jealous of because she got pregnant the month before we started TTC (but now I am over that), had her baby!!!! Yay! February 25th, four days after her due date. I was sooooo sure she was gonna have a boy, but she didn't! She had a little girl - Katherine Deborah, weighing 8lb. I am so proud of her, and so amazed that she is a mummy. I can't wait to get there too!

Okay I could probably say a few more things but Neil is needing the computer so I will stop for now. I may write later, but if not I will definitely write tomorrow! I have a feeling this is going to be a daily diary - I can't imagine getting tired of writing about my pregnancy!

Thanks for the ongoing support and prayers everyone. You are just too groovy :D

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