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2004-02-27 - 11.00am��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks pregnant!!!

Woohooooooooo I'm pregnant!!!!!

Did I mention that recently?!

Well I slept badly again, but a little better than last night. I couldn't fall asleep till after 12.30am and then I woke at 2am and 3.15am, but only briefly. I woke at six feeling sick and with horrible IBS, and then I couldn't get back to sleep. Pfthth. I was scared and nervous about my temperature dropping because my period is actually due TODAY!! But I felt so burny and hot against the pillow, I couldn't get cool enough, so that encouraged me a little. I have been feeling almost fevery the last 24 hours.

Anyway my temperature was 37.1 this morning - I almost cried with joy and relief! That's the highest temp yet, and the highest I've ever seen my temperature go. For farenheiters, that's 98.8. Wow. Neil and I were both awake and unable to sleep with the anticipation from 6ish, so we lay and talked about the baby and stuff for hours which was lovely.

I didn't need to pee until 9.30, which was good as it gave my bean more time to work that HCG into my urine!! Go bean, go!! Well my bean works hard already, because I tested positive again - the first shadowy sign of a second line appeared within one minute this time, and by 10 minutes it was about half as bold as the control line - much clearer than the original test a couple of days ago. Hooray!!!!

So I am hugely relieved. My period is not coming if my temp is that high, and so I will officially "miss" my period!! Yay yay yay!!!

I am 4 weeks pregnant today!! I feel really sick and wobbly this morning, and Neil brought me a couple of pieces of dry bread while I was still in bed. I felt gaggy just swallowing tiny pieces, but I am still (naively?) hoping that my lack of sleep, adrenaline rushes, and rotten IBS are the combined cause. I am certainly capable of feeling this sick (and much worse) with those causes when I'm NOT pregnant, so I'm going with that for now. Until I get a good night's sleep and calm down in general, I can't tell what's causing the nausea. I hope it isn't morning sickness, but at the same time it gives me a tiny thrill that my baby could be making that feeling and it reminds me that he or she is there.

I can't, can't, can't, absolutely CANNOT believe I am going to have a baby!! I really can't get my head round it. Will it be a boy or a girl?

On Monday I am going to the doctor to have him confirm things for me. I suspect he'll just hear me say, "I got a positive test" and then say, "Congratulations!" and write it in my notes. I don't think he'll do much else, but I still want to do the confirm-it-with-the-doctor thing. I want to ask him about if I miscarry, because I know I am Rhesus negative blood type, and we don't know what Neil's type is (though he's very likely to be positive since 85% of the population are). If I miscarry (and when I give birth) I will need an injection of anti-D so that I won't build antibodies to any future Rhesus positive babies that I carry. Of course if this baby is Rhesus negative then it won't be necessary, but I think they like to give the shot anyway, just incase, if you are Rh Neg. I think if I start to bleed at any point I am meant to go straight to A&E (that's ER for those of you in the States!) and get the anti-D administered immediately. Or within 72 hours. Or something. Anyway I want to ask about that.

I feel a LOT better now I am still pregnant on the day my period is due, which is such a relief. Now there is the small hurdle of getting home to England this afternoon, and stopping feeling nauseous, and then I can start to settle down and adjust to being pregnant.

I wanted to show you a photo of this morning's test, but I ran out of storage space at my photo place, so I'll have to jig that around and delete some others when I get home, and then I can post a test photo. Except maybe I'll wait till I have a better one now. I plan to keep testing for a while yet!! I know that sounds crazy, but I just need to keep testing for now. Eventually it'll sink in, don't worry! And then I'll stop testing, and probably stop temping too.

Neil keeps saying to me, "You've got my baby in there!" and similarly cute things that make me smile and my brain boggles yet more. Last night in bed, after we put the lights out, we held hands and prayed, and I laid my hand on my non-existant bump, well, on my pubic bone, since I know that's where Bean is settled. It felt nice, like there were three of us involved, and we were physically linked, all three of us. A lovely sense of connection. We prayed for a good journey and that God's will would be done, whatever that was. We prayed that it would be a healthy pregnancy and that my temperature and test results this morning would be very encouraging. And God answered those prayers so I am getting more confident that I really am going to have a little one in November. Wow. Seriously, wow. I can't really grasp this news!

But yay!!!!! I can't think of anything else to write at the moment and I feel less nauseous now, so I'm going to have a bit of toast for breakfast :) Thanks for praying for my journey today!! I really appreciate it. Hope it will be okay and Bean won't mind the plane ride. I hope he/she is snuggling nice and deep in my womb lining. I hate saying he/she!! Bean. I hope Bean is snuggled in nicely. I will write more this evening when we're home, probably. I have an old school friend coming to visit me tomorrow afternoon! She knows we have been trying for a baby. I haven't seen her since our wedding, and I can't WAIT to tell her!! I can't wait to tell EVERYONE!!!! I'm going to have a baby :)

Oooh I changed my profile and got rid of the "pre-pregnancy for now!" bit at the top of this page!!! Yay!! How lovely to be pregnant!! Thank you Lord! :)

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