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2008-10-29 - 11.58pm��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks pregnant!

Yay, I'm 4 weeks pregnant! That's always my first milestone because I've always missed my period by that time, officially! And it FEELS better than 3 weeks and X days :)

I went to the doctor with the boys yesterday, to book in for maternity care, and it went fine. My baseline weight is 9 stone 2lbs :S I haven't lost nearly as much weight since having Nathan as I did after my other two. I was 8 stone 5lbs before I got pregnant with Nathan. Anyway, here's hoping I don't gain the usual 4 stone this pregnancy!! Added to just over 9 stone, it will not be a comfy 3rd trimester if I do! Although "comfy 3rd trimester" is obviously an oxymoron as it is! ;)

She took my blood pressure which was 106/76 - about right for me. She reminded me to keep drinking (water!) because I never do very well at that, and it's more important every time I have another baby on the way really, with the breastfeeding as well. I forgot to ask her about my earache! It's there every evening, but no trace of anything during the day. It's just nasty searing flashes of pain right down my ear canal, but it doesn't really hurt when I press there. Weird.

Anyway, so the appt went well. She asked if the pregnancy was planned, and I said yes. Because it wasn't exactly a surprise, and we were happy and expecting it. She asked (in hopeful tones) if I thought maybe I might have a little girl this time, and I said I did not think so, haha! I told her I couldn't fathom having a girl now! ;) She got out the little dating wheel thingy and asked me the first day of my last menstrual period. I had already decided to LIE (gasp!) about it this time. The last two times, I ovulated later than CD14 and so I KNEW I was not due when they said I was due! They ONLY calculate due date based on the fact that every woman MUST have ovulated on the 14th day of her cycle. *sigh* With Arthur, I actually DID ovulate on CD14, haha! So that one was easy, and the scans confirmed the dates. The scans with the other little ones have also confirmed MY ovulation dates, but it annoys me that they won't take that into account even when I say, "... but I am charting and I know I didn't ovulate till Cycle Day 18" or something like that. So, I made the decision to lie and be done with it! It doesn't make a difference to them, it just means that until my scan, their records will actually be accurate about how far along I am, and my scan will thus be scheduled for the right week. Tsk!

So I told her the first day of my period was October 1st. She gave me a due date of July 8th from that, a day out, but good enough for me! ;)

My "new week" day is Tuesday this time! Every Tuesday I am a new week pregnant. I marked on the calendar my pregnancy week numbers so I can see at a glance how far along I'll be at whatever date. I expect my first scan (the 12 week one) will coincide with Christmas a bit, since I'll be 12 weeks and a few days on Christmas Day.

I took a Clearblue test yesterday and it was nice and positive first thing in the morning even though I went for a wee at 1.30am. So that's encouraging! Today I planned to use my LAST pregnancy test (feel a bit sad that it's the last test!), but I had to pee too late into the night for it to be much use doing first thing in the morning, and I HAD to go when I got up. I will see about tomorrow morning! :)

Here's the Clearblue from yesterday:

Today I talked to Arthur about some stuff - how he's feeling, and how I can best make sure he isn't lacking for attention, that kind of thing. We have decided not to tell the little ones about Babydot for a while. I don't think Arthur would be excited right now, and I need to work on changing some things so that he is more ready for the news later on down the line. It's so early in any case, and there really isn't any need to tell them at all till they start asking why I'm changing shape, haha! ;) I would normally go into more detail about my conversation with Arthur, but I'm not going to at this time.

Thanks for the many prayers, and the love and support since my last entry. You have no idea how much I value them! I covet your prayers right now. I am going through some spiritual attack at the moment from various sources all at once, and my energy is low and I feel sick a lot of the time. It isn't morning sickness yet. I know the difference, lol! ;) I am pretty sure it's a GOOD thing that I'm under attack, since I must be doing something right, no?! ;) Also, it has had the wonderful effect of driving me closer to God than before, and so although I plan on updating here as usual, I am going to spend more of my online time at sites that build me up and encourage me in Jesus, and at Christian forums for large families, etc. I think it's a good idea to surround myself with the kind of words and thoughts and support that would best uplift me and point me to Jesus right now, and already it is making SUCH an incredible difference to do so. I'm reading my Bible a lot more today and spending more time praising God too. I am thinking about Babydot much less today, somehow, but I feel a bit deflated in the Babydot department for some weird reason. I'm sure it's temporary and will pass! God is always the BEST thing to focus on, even when there's something as marvellous as a new little life growing inside me, so that's okay! :)

I made a bulk lasagne recipe and put 3 in the freezer yesterday! I would have done the crockpot chicken casserole (4 meals worth) today except that I used the crockpot for dinner instead! I'll get to that next. Then I need to buy more ingredients and get to the shepherd's pies. I'm going to make macaroni cheese sauce too - 6 meals worth so we can have it every week as usual for 6 weeks, without me having to make it as such. It won't take up much room in the freezer, so that's good!

Neil told me today that he's inquired about options for hired help for if I have trouble again like heavy bleeding, or if I get horrible morning sickness this time and can't do what I need to do with the kidlets. He mentioned that last time, but I was on the defensive and it felt like he was threatening it! ;) I didn't want anyone else looking after my children! So I said no. But this time I am going to let him do what he thinks is necessary (and what we can afford - who knows if we can?!) as he sees fit. He said he has looked into a part-time mother's helper, to help alongside me (not a nanny to take over all care!) if I should need it. I'm glad to have it as a Plan B option, or at least to have looked it up in advance.

Okay it's so late, I must go to bed. I have no real pregnancy symptoms at the moment - it seems very quiet in that department. I am weeing more and have a big appetite, and I'm tired. I am having less cramping now, but I DO have a fairly constant pressurey discomfort in my pelvis, which feels burny sometimes and just full and achy other times. It's not too comfy and I don't know if it's what happened the other times, but it does have a familiar feel to it. I know it's my womb that I'm aware of there, so I guess Babydot is keeping busy in there! I hope so! :)

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