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2008-11-01 - 9:29 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks, 4 days

I'm sharing a (frustratingly slow!!!) computer with Neil this evening, and it's made more frustrating by the fact that the computer is viewed through our TV screen! I therefore have a teensy tiny window to update before the football is on, for Neil to watch!

Which reminds me - I feel that God has told me my next baby is a boy, and I honestly feel like I can't fathom having a girl! I will be just absolutely shocked and disbelieving if we find out this baby is a girl! And, I am 100% happy with that. Each baby I have, I feel happier and happier about the next one being a boy, it seems. Even though I only have boys. I do want a daughter, but somehow eagerly desiring another boy is there alongside that. I feel like my expectation for a boy this time is pretty much 95% or more - by far the most out of all my pregnanies.

That said.... ;) Today is Saturday and Neil was showing the boys the qualifying rounds for the Grand Prix on the TV this afternoon. Now, I am thoroughly bored by racing cars and the like (I asked Neil what it was so I could write the above sentence, even, haha!). Arthur and Matthew were RIVETED! So, Neil and the two boys gazed at the TV absolutely mesmorized, and I sat bored holding my sweet baby boy and thinking, "Ah well, at least I have my cute little pea pie to snuggle while my growing-up boys watch boring sports with their father!" and then said cute pea pie got wriggly and wanted to get down from my arms. So I put him standing at the sofa, whereupon he cruised to the boys by the TV and JOINED the "guys", entranced by the cars whizzing round the track! Even my baby boy!!

That was the moment that I thought, seriously, "Okay, so I need a daughter now!" ;) I know that's terribly sexist, because who's to say boys won't be BORED with "men" sports, and any daughters I have won't be cheering on the cars and the football teams with their brothers, but still! I felt the sudden need for some girly company amongst my offspring, haha! I feel like I KNOW this baby is going to be a boy, but I guess I can start praying after this baby, about my little girl(s)! :) Honestly, Neil and I genuinely wonder if we will have all sons, and our daughters will come from China. We continue to pray about the long-term things like that, and are very excited about it!

Okay my time is running out! And I didn't factor in Nathan waking up, which he could easily do at any point (he normally wakes for a feed around this point in the evening still).

What I MEANT to write about tonight was the fact that my temp went RIGHT back up today, yay! In fact it was 37.0 this morning - the highest temp I've had this cycle, so I'm really excited about that! Then, to make things even better, my pregnancy tests DID turn up in the post today! :) I peed on one first thing this morning and the test line is almost twice as dark as the test line from my last test at 15DPO! I'm 18DPO today. So I'm very much reassured, and so glad to have got the extra tests.

I also feel quite a bit more pregnant today than I have for a few days. I am just exhausted today, reeeally exhausted. I have felt dizzy at times, just like I am too tired or something. I need to get more sleep at night if I can.

I am more crampy again today, on and off. Sometimes I have that feeling of heavy fullness and pressure that ranges now between uncomfortable and slightly painful at times. I am peeing a little more, but not much. My appetite is up, but only as of this evening. I didn't eat too well earlier in the day, and only snacked for lunch before I took Arthur to the park for a ice-cream (his choice of a treat!) since the weather was HORRIBLE and not suitable for the open-air lunch we'd hoped for! We wore full waterproofs and Arthur had his wellies, and we ran (yes, I RAN, haha!) and jumped in puddles and played follow-my-leader (with Arthur as the leader of course!), and talked and talked as much as we could about everything. It was great!

I noticed by the end, that I was feeling a little queasy. Just a bit yeurghy and travel-sickish. When we got home the feeling was still there but it was a tad worse. I knew I'd missed lunch but I really didn't feel like eating anything, and as I put it off, I felt more queasy, and it was really JUST like the queasy feeling I get in the car when travel-queasy, with the smells and everything. I started to mention it to Neil when SUDDENLY it hit me that it was exactly like morning sickness, not travel sickness! Yikes! So I snacked and still felt yucky but not so bad. At dinner time I did not feel like eating, but surprised myself by wolfing down the whole plateful (having said to Neil, "I won't be able to eat it all, so if the boys want seconds they can have it from my plate...", haha!) and only felt like I'd had a starter course or something! ;) I was scrunchingly hungry within 2 hours of dinner this evening, and I still feel hungry now. But there is an underlying "somewhat queasy" feel. It's so similar to miiiild morning sickness, but not ACTUAL morning sickness as I know it. It's definitely pregnancy related though. I think I just need to eat regularly, and properly, and maybe I would not have noticed any queasiness today? Who knows. I'll have to see as time goes by! It's early for me to have morning sickness.

I got my maternity care pack in the post this morning! It was such a surprise, even though I saw the doctor this week so obviously a pack was on its way to me! ;) It was just so surreal to open it. I didn't know what it was till the leaflets fell out, and the starter pack with "Congratulations on your pregnancy, from _____ Hospital!" on the front, and some dates underneath! I literally stopped in confusion, and then did a double take and said (out loud, hehe!), "Oh! I'm having a baby!" hahaha! ;) So silly!

So I'm really excited because I have my booking appt with the midwife and my 12/13 week scan appt set up already!!! My booking appointment with the midwife is on December 19th, when I'll be arond 11 weeks, I think?? I'll have to check my calender where I marked all the weeks out. I remember being unsure as to when they'd schedule my scan, because I'll be between 12 and 13 weeks from Christmas to New Year! But my scan date is December 29th at 10am. Neil doesn't have the day off work that day, and it's only him and another girl in the office, but he's hoping he can talk to them and arrange to be at the scan.

I'm already SO EXCITED about the scan!!!! I can't wait to see tiny Babydot wiggling around. It's so awesome to see. My hospital now offers the double screen thing for Down's Syndrome, which it didn't before - only the nuchal scan. The double screen is a blood test and nuchal scan at the same time. I don't think I'll do the double screen. We always do the nuchal scan, because we're there having the ultrasound already so why not? It makes no difference to us whether our baby has Down's Syndrome or not, but if we are able to find out during the pregnancy then it allows us to absorb, accept, and prepare a little better. I always want to know as much as I can about my tiny one before their arrival! I love everything about my little ones and rejoice over knowing! Even Down's Syndrome, if it ever happens that way.

Okay I have 3 minutes before the football and Neil would be bugging me to get off the computer if he wasn't snoozing, haha! So I must go!

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