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2007-06-18 - 3.53pm��previous entry��next entry

6 weeks pregnant, yay!

I'm updating now (3.15pm) because the boys are asleep and I know I will feel too grim to attempt it this evening. It's nice to have a window to do my update in the day, although I know I should be tackling tonight's dinner instead. *sigh*

Yay, I definitely have morning sickness!! :) I keep thinking, "Oh but maybe I'm just a bit overtired?" or "Maybe it's just IBS tonight?" or even, "Maybe it never WAS morning sickness, since it's not here now!" But I really am sure that it is. Well, I say sure.... I will probably keep having these "hmmm" moments for a while yet! But I am queasy most of the day and it's a pretty yucky way to feel. It's too persistant (and often TOO yucky) to be anything else.

5 weeks and 5 days was when it really seemed to start properly, or maaaybe the evening before that. I felt queasy all day and pretty horrid during the evening (as is my way - I'm much more "evening" sick than morning sick). Yesterday I woke up feeling fine! I ate breakfast better than I have in 2 weeks! It was only around 11am when I started to get a bit worried, thinking it must have gone away, or maybe it never was morning sickness in the first place. But by noon, I was starting to feel a little yeurghy in my stomach. Within the hour, it was back to the full-on queaze that I was used to from the previous day. It did give me hope that perhaps it might be more like Arthur's (in timing) than Matthew's! With Arthur, I had a window from waking in the morning that sometimes lasted a couple of hours, where I felt fine! Then it started to creep in and got progressively worse till late evening. It was always completely gone when I woke in the night though.

With Matthew, I had the same feelings on nausea (intensity, etc) but it seemed to last 24 hours. If I woke in the night, it was there, and it was there from waking every day. Always MUCH worse in the evenings and late afternoons though.

So I wondered if maybe I'll get part of the morning where I'm nausea-free?! How wonderful that would be! Today though, I have felt sick from getting out of bed. Oh well! It IS manageable though, and I'm actually thinking that it's the least awful morning sickness I've had yet (so far). It does get worse though. I seem to remember weeks 7-10 are just the pits, waaaay worse than week 6.

Which, by the way - I'm SIX WEEKS PREGNANT today!!! Again, like 5 weeks, I don't know why I'm so excited, but I am!!! Yay! Another week! Six weeks feels soooo much better than five!

My rest at the weekend was lovely! I did feel horribly lethargic and sluggish by Sunday though, like it wasn't good for me to be lying about so much! I seemed more exhausted than ever and couldn't do a THING of any use. My spotting cleared up by Saturday evening, but then Sunday night I think I had some light tan coloured spotting. Hmmm. None at all so far today though. If I get ANY at all from this point, I am going to the doctor and asking for that scan. I just don't want to faff around worrying about this bit of spotting or that. After 6 weeks, I know they will scan me and if all is well then it will be HUGELY reassuring and I will feel so much more able to ignore any further spotting and get on with the pregnancy. And that would be nice.

The morning sickness does increase my confidence though! Neil says it's finally seeming more real to him now that I'm holding up my hand with a slightly pained expression when he starts to talk to me about food! ;) He hasn't "got it" yet. He still wants to randomly tell me about what kind of poo Matthew did earlier, or details of foody things. I have to do the "stop" sign with my hand before he gets the "Ohhhhh!" lightbulb.

I am not too good at thinking about food. Nothing is appealing at all. I'm SO glad of my list of pregnancy snacks and meals on my fridge!! And I used my first frozen "emergency" ready meal today, for lunch!! It saved the day :) I feel sick again almost instantly that I finish eating something, and sometimes I feel sick all the way through trying to eat. Yuck. BUT, so far, the severity of the nausea isn't nearly as bad as the other two pregnancies. I think it could still get there, maybe in a week or two, so I'm hesitant to start saying, "Oh it's soooo much better this time!" or anything! But we'll see in a few weeks. I think it's hugely helpful that I've been through it 2 times already and I have strategies this time!

I am pretty crampy today. I don't like being crampy when I'm this far into my pregnancy! It's too late for implantation things, but there's plenty of other reasons to feel crampy, I suppose, so it's probably okay. Yesterday I was really quite uncomfortable in my pelvis. I can't even quite describe the feelings. I'm not sure if I even recognised them from previous pregnancies, so that unnerved me a little. I seemed to get quite a few horrible shooting pains through from my hip level through my buttock into my groin, if I leaned too far to one side when sitting on the floor with my legs out.

Today I have quite a lot of general discomfort in the same dept. I keep feeling this fairly constant ache, like a weird combination of something being pressed on juuust a little too firmly, and at the same time something being PULLED on just a little too much for comfort. It's really weird and uncomfy. My lower back aches a lot today, but none of the discomfort feels anything like period discomfort. It seems to cover a wider area than usual period cramps. Maybe it's all the surrounding ligaments and tissues being stretched and pulled and pushed as my uterus starts to grow?

Beanlet's progress is so exciting, even this early!! He/she is now about 5mm long, well visible to the naked eye! Beanlet has upper limb buds now, and also a rudimentary liver and stomach! How amazing! I found a photo of an embryo at Carnegie Stage 13, which is where Beanlet is now, from UNSW embryology:

Sooo amazing! Not very "baby" looking yet, but you can really start to see the beginnings of a tiny beany person that (brain-bogglingly!) I will eventually hold in my arms! How incredible....

Well, I suddenly can't think what else I meant to write. I will need to wake the boys soonish because they are napping so late today that it might impact their bedtime if I don't wake them. But honestly, right now? I don't care! I just want the quiet and the sitting down relaxing on the sofa for a while longer! Oh but I think Arthur is waking! I had better go. Will be back tomorrow perhaps.

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