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2007-06-16 - 10.29pm��previous entry��next entry

5 weeks, 5 days - morning sickness

Just a quick update:

Spotting has stopped for now, yay!

Morning sickness has begun, bleurgh. One day shy of my "usual" bleurgy starting date! It's soooo odd how all 3 of my pregnancies have had morning sickness begin within the same 24-28 hour period. Maybe Beanlet is another boy? Or maybe that's just pregnancy for me? My mum had morning sickness pretty much exactly the same with both me and my brother, so I know there was no difference with different genders for her. So I can't really go predicting yet!

Today I have felt queasy all day long, from getting up in the morning. Just queasy though, not unbearable. I haven't felt like eating much, but I have eaten anyway. Not great meals really. I did eat a normal dinner with the boys, but nothing is much fun to chew and swallow. Still better than I remember it being the last two times, but I hesitate to say it's better because I'm only 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and it didn't even HIT me yet till the next day, the other two times! So tomorrow I might reeeeally know I'm morning sick, you know?!

This evening, however, I really do feel different to just queasy. Two things are suddenly familiar from my previous pregnancies that finally convince me that this really is morning sickness - 1) I feel actually CAR sick, not just queasy. It's just a certain subtle type of nausea, exactly as I felt with the boys. Carsick. Yuck. And 2) I suddenly feel acutely aware of what feels like a constant post-nasal drip. My nose has been slightly snotty since before my positive test, which is definitely a pregnancy thing for me, but hardly enough to actually make me need to blow my nose. But NOW it's suddenly a hugely bothersome nauseating thing. Every time I swallow I feel sick because I have this post-nasal drip, and my queasiness makes the amount of goo seem waaaay more than it actually is. Yuck-o. I remember it so well from last time, but only now I am experiencing it again.

So, blargh, but YAY! I feel so much more secure about this pregnancy now that I have the morning sickness kicking in at the normal healthy time for it to do so! :) I hope it doesn't get toooo awfully worse than this. I have had the luxury of Neil at home and this "rest" thing that I'm doing, today. I haven't found the constant queaze very easy at all, especially if I have to watch/deal with the boys for even a short length of time. I haven't had to do any nappy changes or deal with any mealtimes (in terms of preparation or clean-up) today. I rather dread how I will feel when Monday comes and morning sickness is well and truly HERE, and I need to do everything for the whole long day. I just hope it stays as "queaze" and does not progress to heave-y or anything worse!

But I am really thrilled because it means Beanlet might really really be here to stay! He/she is growing upper limb buds as I type this! How exciting!!! I don't care if Beanlet is a boy or a girl! I am just so happy to think that he/she is healthy and growing well, and that I may well be holding him/her in February, all happy and joyful about whoever he/she might be!

I did google about the pasteurised Brie, and oh my gosh what I found scared me! Listeria still happens even in pasteurised soft cheeses, and it's dangerous to the growing baby. It can cause brain damage - actually one site said it can liquify the fetal brain!!! Yikes! I got so scared reading that! But thank you so much Shelley, for signing my guestbook to say about heating soft pasteurised cheeses through to kill the listeria! I ate the rest of that Brie melted under the grill on toast for lunch, and didn't take it out till the cheese was hot enough to burn my lip! Yum! But gaggy, all the same.

Okay I am feeling pretty nauseated in my throat (specifically, for some weird reason!) and horrid in my tummy, so I am going to stop for now.

Now that I'm morning sick, I might find computer sessions too queasy-making so will need to make them shorter. I will probably get behind (more than I already am!) on my friends' diaries, and maybe not update so often on my own. I will always check messages and emails, even if I can't respond to them, so please keep leaving them! I love to read your messages, they uplift me and encourage me so much! Thank you!! :)

[edited to add] I forgot to note here yesterday that I had some painful shooting/stabbing pains in my breasts yesterday. Today I have lots more of them, and I had my first ligament pain when sneezing today too! Ow. But yay! How pregnant of me! :)

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