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2007-06-04 - 11.05pm��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks pregnant!!! Yay!!

Woohoo, I'm 4 weeks pregnant, 14 days past ovulation, and officially definitely totally sans period and thus undoubtedly pregnant! Yay!

I am spotting again today. Just a very little bit, and it's brown, but it always makes me uneasy. Implantation is now COMPLETE, according to Visible Embryo, as of yesterday! I am so excited about going through all the detailed things about the development of another baby inside me, from all these interesting embryology sites, like for my previous two little beans! Gastrulation has begun now. That's a highly impressive feat that is WAY too complicated for me to explain in the few minutes that I have to update tonight, and when I'm this tired! So I'm going to be all lazy and copy and paste a paragraph from an entry from my pregnancy with Matthew, at 4 weeks exactly :)

"Today my new bean is 0.2mm long! Well, this is for 13DPO actually. I don't even think that's really visible to the naked eye! According to online embryology doo-dahs, implantation is now complete, and a rudimentary placenta is already begun. At the moment, the start of the placenta is making more vascular connections with me, and has anchored itself firmly to the womb. The yolk sac has begun development, and is already beginning to make blood cells for the baby before it can make its own with its body. The amniotic cavity is filling with fluid, and the baby is a disc-shaped mass of a million cells, attached to the placental area by a new stalk (which will become the umbilical cord)! The baby is currently just beginning the process of gastrulation, which is where the embryo forms its cells into three distinct layers (the clever inside-out flip thingy!). Each layer will become specific different body parts. It's all just soooo amazing! I can't believe it's actually happening inside me right now! Wow."

NOW I can't believe that Matthew was once like that! And Arthur, for that matter. It's so hard to go back to that in my mind now that they're the gorgeous way they are! :) So amazing too, that this tiny beany person inside me right now will become a little scrummy person (probably another boy-person, I should think!) just like my little ones who I spend all my time with now. Tooooo surreal. But exciting and wonderful!!

Okay, this is meant to be a quick quick entry. It's after 11pm and I'm too tired to stay up any longer. I just wanted to make an entry for 4 weeks because I'm excited about reaching it! And to post my test photo from this morning! I peed on another stick and it was much darker than the previous two - phew! So I took a photo of the three of them together - they are 11DPO, 12DPO and 14DPO (the latter is at the top):

Neil has an interview tomorrow afternoon and says he should be home maybe around 4pm - soooo nice to have him home early on a weekday! He has promised me that I can go upstairs with the laptop and do a proper diary update when he gets home :) Lovely Neil! So I must only post a quick entry tonight. I will just write a list of things I wanted to cover, so that will remind me not to miss any out when I write tomorrow:

* Dr's appt today!
* Maternity form to send off
* Praying
* Differences/comparisons with my other pregnancies, so far
* Skin
* Gender stuff
* Guestbook
* Blinkies (okay, I'll say now - I got new blinkies - hoorah!)
* Beanlet's OWN links (empty as yet, but yay!)!
* Feelings thus far
* Looking ahead to scan dates, etc.

I can't think what else, but I know there was more I wanted to say today. Oh but maybe I've said some of it already, with the embryology stuff and spotting news, etc. Oh my temp went down again to 36.8 today, tsk! Not as low as the flat temps at least. I sort of felt like it wouldn't stay up with that huge spike yesterday! I hope it stays up tomorrow! I'm beginning to really feel differently about this pregnancy today - maybe it's reaching 4 weeks? I'm settling in nicely and feeling more confident. I hope it WILL all be okay. But I'm praying, and I know a lot of you guys out there are too, and I just want to say thank you SO much if you are. It means ever so much to me! xxx

And now, to bed! I will be back tomorrow :)

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