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2004-09-21 - 6.23pm��previous entry��next entry

33 weeks, 4 days

Wow, time is really whizzing by! I keep saying that though, don�t I? Okay so another half-week has passed already! I�m glad it�s passing. My pelvis and my pubic bone hurt soooooooooooo much again now. It isn�t getting me down as much as when it started a month or so ago, because back then the idea of getting through another whole trimester with such bad pain in my pelvis was not a good thought! Plus nobody else seemed to be having such a problem at that stage of pregnancy. But now it�s different I think. I am just hugely pregnant and lots of hugely pregnant women are now starting to waddle and look like walking is uncomfortable and so on. And I only have 6 (or so) weeks to go. So that doesn�t feel nearly as bad as 12!!! If it gets excruciating then it will be a different matter, but then at least I have my osteopath to run crying to! :)

Arthur is so active. He�s pressing on me all the time, and I mean PRESSING. His movements are starting to be more specific and�. just different somehow, I�m not sure how to describe it really. The books said you may notice in the last few weeks of pregnancy that the baby�s movements change a bit, but I thought nah. But they have. His movements are getting increasingly squirmy and twisty, and he presses parts of him out as hard as he can, almost as though he is trying to increase his space in there, even just temporarily. I can really tell that he has all but run out of room now. He is continuing to get stronger, so many of his �pressy� movements are actually painful, depending on how hard they are, which body part is pressing me, and which part of my body is being pressed on! He is still head down, and mostly lies with his back on my left side still, although from time to time he can be found with his back on my right side. I�m soooo glad he prefers my left side because otherwise his feet are pressing me all over my left side and that hurts SO much compared to the other side! I think partly it�s because my bowel is kind of annoyed down that side (!) but also that�s the side of my pelvis that hurts the most. He has a tendency to push a foot against my hip (so that he�s almost got his legs splinted up towards his head) when he lies with his feet on that side, and WOW does it hurt when he does that. I have to yell out and make a sudden move to give my hip more space from his foot! It really hurts. But thankfully he prefers the other side, and having his feet constantly pushing and shoving out of my right side is not that painful at all :) I love to feel his little feet swishing across me under my skin, or pushing out so that I can feel how hard his little foot bones are. He likes to have his feet rubbed when he pokes them out.

I am also continuing to feel his movements more and more clearly, which I thought couldn�t happen because I could already feel him moving so clearly! He seems to fill my pelvis a bit more than before, although I�m not convinced he has engaged in there yet, because I can feel his head moving sometimes. The cutest thing happened today � well, it�s always so cute when I�m aware of him waking up after a long nap, but this made me particularly mushy! He had been completely quiet for a few hours, which is about as long as his quiet times ever get, so I am guessing it was a good deep sleep! I even went for a pee and didn�t get a single squirm (he usually wiggles like crazy when I pee!). Then I was sitting downstairs on the sofa and all of a sudden I felt this little stirring sensation � it was his head moving slightly, nothing else. It felt like he was moving it slightly, lifting his chin, and then turning his head a little from side to side, like he was juuust waking up all sleepy and cute! I felt the little gentle head movements for a few seconds, and then I felt a little hand brush across my bikini line, and that was followed by a little leg stretching out, and then after that he went into full squirm mode! I just thought it was so cute to feel him waking up so clearly, and how I could feel all the little mannerisms that sleepy babies have as they wake. It was so cute! :)

Today I realised I can put a glass of water on my bump if I�m reclining in an armchair, and it stays steady even if I don�t hold it! I do hold it anyway of course, because Arthur is good at suddenly shoving a body part out and thus tipping the whole glass over if I wasn�t holding it! He did actually do just that while I was holding the glass on my bump today � he pushed his bottom out suddenly, and the glass went very lopsided in my hand! He stayed like that for a while. He really likes to have his butt poking out, it usually means he is stretching his legs which is still one of his very favourite things to do! I�m just so glad he prefers stretching his legs out of my side to curling them up and kicking me in the ribs!

I am making a ton of colostrum for Arthur these days. Yesterday there was so much food for him, I spent the entire morning and afternoon dabbing myself with tissues. And when I wasn�t wearing a bra I got a drip on my belly, which was such a shock, I couldn�t figure out where it came from! I was looking up at the ceiling till I realised my right breast had a load of fluid coming out of it! I keep telling Arthur, �Mummy has lots of food for you if you need to come out early.� But he is happy in there for now :)

Oooh Arthur got his first present in the post!!! Thank you Laura-Ann!! It�s a soft Miffy rattle � very cute! Arthur was awake and wiggling at the time I got it, so I shook it next to my bump as I was telling him all about it, and he went BESERK!!! I kid you not! He went absolutely nuts. Wherever I rattled it around my bump, his little arms swept across me as if he was reaching for it, no matter where I moved the rattle to. He kicked and pushed with his legs, and his whole body kept squirming over and over like he was rolling around in there! I could feel his head moving too. I don�t think he hates the rattle though, because he seemed excited almost, and he was making movements towards the sound, not as though he was trying to get away from it. Anyway after a while I figured maybe the rattle was freaking him out too much, so I stopped rattling it, and that�s when his movements went even MORE crazy and violent. After a few minutes I got worried incase he was all tangled in his cord or something and frantically trying to free himself (I know, I know, my imagination doesn�t help me sometimes!). So Neil said to listen with the doppler. I�m so glad we have that doppler! Have I said that before?! ;) Well his heart rate was up around 180, which is higher than it ever is, but it�s still within the normal range, and he HAD been very active. It took 5 minutes to slow to 160 and then eventually down to 150. I checked him later on that day when he was asleep and his heartrate was a steady 139 :) He�s such a sweetie. So I guess he loves his new rattle! It does make a very nice rattling sound, not like some rattles which sound really aggravating. It�s a nice sound.

Urgh, my ribs are killing me already but I haven�t finished my entry yet!! I will just have a little walk around and then come back and carry on�

Okay I�m back but yeah they still hurt, so maybe I�ll try to finish this quickly!

My noggin is growing, but slowly at the moment, so that�s something. I have been careful not to get any nosebleeds and so far it�s working. Actually I have been having a lot of sneezy �hay�fever this week and I�m glad that my nose hasn�t been bleeding from that! So that�s good! I have felt dizzy a bit but no swinging walls or anything since Thursday, which is good as well.

Sunday was soooo busy! I think I must be feeling a lot better than I have for a while, because we were busy on Sunday and I did really well and mostly felt great! We went to church in the morning and then stayed for a while afterwards to chat to lots of people. When we came home I was sooo hungry, but I just wanted MEAT and we didn�t have any, and I didn�t want to go shopping and therefore wait ages to eat it. So guess what we did?!! Something we haven�t done in�. maybe not even since we got married, it�s that rare for us! We went out to a Harvester restaurant to eat!!!! Wow. I am usually soooo picky about my food and don�t like to eat out at ALL, but on Sunday I felt great, I had a huge appetite, and suddenly the prospect of going out to eat with my husband was really appealing! So we went. We had a lovely time. It�s a shame we�ve just �discovered� this a few weeks before our first baby is due! But oh well. We will just take him with us when we�re over the first few months of exhaustion and feel like going out again. I�m sure it will be fine. Anyway I had a massive burger. Mmmm. And fries and a side salad. I was soooo sad that I was too full for a dessert :( But never mind! I got my meat so I was happy! Then in the evening we went to the Alpha supper that our church was running. It was at a local hotel and we had a Christian comedian/magician (!!) for the entertainment and a buffet meal. I was so full from lunch that I didn�t feel like eating at all, but I still put away four egg and salad sandwiches (the little triangley kind) and 2 little pizza fingers! Pfffffft. I should only eat when I�m hungry. I am already feeling so huge! I have gained another lb or two I think, since I last mentioned my weight, whenever that was. I think I am about 10st 5lbs now. Maybe that�s just one lb? I can�t remember. Anyway yeah, I feel huge and heavy these days. Sunday was so great though. We came home at around 10pm from a really enjoyable evening out and I was really tired but otherwise feeling great still, which is a new thing and I like it a lot!! I have been feeling better since taking action on my dietary intake of iron and my prenatal vitamins with iron. So maybe I have been a bit anaemic or something. I am curious to know what my blood results will be this week.

I have my 34 week antenatal appointment with the midwife this Thursday (day after tomorrow). I have to get blood taken again and I also have to have another Anti-D injection :( So far I have shown no signs of antibodies to Arthur so that is good. I can�t wait to find out his blood type when he�s born. If he�s rh negative then I think we will consider getting Neil�s blood type checked. I know the NHS won�t do it unless you�re having surgery or pregnant, so maybe we�ll have to pay to get his blood type checked privately, but I really want to know. If Neil is rh negative then I will be refusing all Anti-D injections in future pregnancies. I know it�s the routine thing to do when a pregnant woman is rh negative, but if the father of the baby is also rh negative there is absolutely no point in having the injections. So yeah. I would like to find that out. He�s way more likely to be rh positive though, since 85% of the population are.

Interesting things are happening with our finances at the moment. We�ve been so blessed to be very comfortable financially in recent years, and at the moment we are suddenly way in the red, which I guess we didn�t see coming because it took us both by surprise to find that out! We would be better off if Ford would give us back our deposit on the car they messed us about with that we don�t want anymore (since we just went and bought a Renault instead!). But they are really putting us in the poo now. They lied to us about there being a 30-day return policy (four times � we kept asking just to be sure and they kept saying yes, no problem if you want to return the car and get your deposit back). Well it turns out there is no such thing and we can�t have our money back OR return the car. We can�t afford two cars so we�re stuck. We took it to the managers at Ford and when they investigated, the sales guy lied to them and said he never told us we could take the car back and get our deposit back. Grrr. So now we are stuck. Neil is looking into legal action and writing to the Fair Trades whatsit, but we don�t know what we�ll do really.

Then the day this all blew up, our washing machine/tumble drier broke down. It turns out to be a bearing problem and the repair bloke said that we may as well buy a new one for the cost it will be to replace the bearings. Great. So we have no washing machine and have had no choice but to fork out for a new washer/dryer on the credit card. I�m just thanking God that it did not break down a couple of months from now, right before Christmas, whilst laundering a bunch of pooey nappies, with another bucket full of them waiting to be washed, no clean clothes for us because we�ve been too knackered to do laundry, and only a few clean nappies left for Arthur�s bum!!! Wow that would have been soooo much worse! So the new machine will be delivered on Friday. I don�t think we can get someone to install it till next week though, so I think we will need to take a trip to the launderette before then! Our phone broke too last week, and I have to hold the wire to the receiver in just the right place to hear anyone speaking to me! So yeah we need a new phone too. I ordered a cheap one and that should be here Friday too. And while I was at it I ordered a pack of 4 cheap pillows. I think we�re going to need a lot more pillows than we currently have for when I�m breastfeeding and in labour. We could have picked up the phone and pillows at the shops, but Neil is worked off his feet and I can�t walk round the shops at the moment with my pubic bone hurting this bad, so I ordered them online to be delivered. I know we need to save our pennies but the delivery charge wasn�t much and we don�t need any extra chores to do right now. Neil thinks he is going shopping for them tomorrow though � I hope he won�t be mad when I tell him I�ve ordered them to be delivered! I just figured he already does way too much for me and he had work and the car stress to sort out too. He starts back at Uni on his final year of his MSc next week too, which is going to give him a LOT of hard work. And then we�ll have a new baby. So I don�t want any extra stuff for Neil at the moment. It�s so frustrating that I am getting progressively less able to do things! And that the finances seem to have chosen this particular time to get a bit iffy. But oh well. God has always provided for us before, in a million different ways, and I�m completely confident that he will provide again and again.

There is more I wanted to write but my ribs are complaining too much so I will stop for now. I�ll update again soon though!

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