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2005-12-10 - 11.57pm��previous entry��next entry

14 weeks, 3 days - names and stuff

Thank you for the sweet comments about my belly pic!! I'm still excited about it :) Thanks Jemma for letting me know that your bottom spread when you were expecting a girl, hehe! Not that you probably wanted me to broadcast the fact here, but never mind! ;) I just don't know WHAT to think about whether Sprout is a girl or a boy. I think that makes it so much more exciting somehow! I just had a serious boy vibe after our 13 week ultrasound with Arthur, so it wasn't quite like this. It's going to be fun getting to the next scan and really having NO idea what to expect!

Thanks also to Azzy for your comments on my horrid dreams - how interesting that dreams where you die often mean that the old you is dying off and things are changing - it's so true for this situation!! Oddly enough (or perhaps not!) the only other time I've had such vivid dreams where I died was during my pregnancy with Arthur. I had a lot of them then. And things were surely CHANGING! They are again, so that must be it. Thanks for the message!

Sprout is squiggly and bumpety throughout the day and when I lie in bed at night, but the movements are soooooo tiny still. They are almost like I can hardly feel them, they are so light. Arthur was shoving me much harder than this by this stage! MUCH harder, as I recall. Sprout almost tickles me with the tiny little squirms and taps, it's lovely! Arthur used to shove his whole body so that I instinctively gasped at the sensation, even at this early stage (earlier, actually)!

I wanted beer the other night. I never never drink beer, I mean, I haven't even sipped someone else's beer for like a decade or something! I like it if I have a few sips, but not enough to drink even a small glass of it. But I reeeally wanted some the other night. That was it though. Nothing since, even if I think about beer! Strange.

Sprout has fingerprints!!! And this week he/she is growing hair, both lanugo all over his/her body, and the hair on his/her head. I remember thinking that Arthur probably wouldn't have much hair, when I read in baby books that he would have hair by now, because I didn't have much when I was born. But he had LOADS!!! I was so surprised! He had a head FULL of dark long hair, and even sideburns, hehe! So I imagine Sprout is definitely producing hair! I sort of expect another baby with a lot of dark hair. I hope so! I loved Arthur's newborn hair :)

My skin is not as good as it was last pregnancy. I am getting more spots than usual. I really never get any spots at all, but I am getting some now. I don't think I had any (or many) during my pregnancy with Arthur, so that's another slight difference.

I am beginning to feel the pull of the Baby Name Book! Over the last few days I can't seem to help thinking about names and wanting to get some shortlisted. I really want to do what we did last time - have our shortlist of 2 or 3 names for each sex ready for the scan. That way we can have a good look at the baby whilst imagining those names for him/her (when we find out the sex, that is), and that will help us choose. Last time it worked great. We had two names on our list that we could instantly tell he didn't look ANYTHING like, just from the scan. The scans at our hospital seem to be very clear though, almost like 3D when up close, so it's easy to see the baby's features. We knew Arthur was either Arthur or Matthew, from seeing him on the scan. And he was Arthur in our hearts already, so that was that! I hope to do the same thing this time, but that means having names to take to the scan!!! It's a while away still, but I am already feeling fidgetty about getting those names sorted!

Neil keeps not wanting to chat about it, which bugs me silly when I am all flapping about wanting to sort it out. He wants to chill out and not have a slightly manic wife taking him through lists of names and being contradictory about each name at a time! ;) I try to stay calm, but it's so weird - lately I have become kind of jumpy and fidgetty about everything. It all has to be just so, or I over-react and turn everything into a big deal. How awful for anybody who has to live with me! But even though I can see I'm doing it, it's like almost uncontrollable. Urgh.

So, names. I am looking at both girls and boys, because we don't really have any fixed ideas for either right now. We DID have a "definite" boys name, which was Matthew (the back-up for Arthur, which we both LOVE), but I don't know, both of us seem to feel now as though it's tooooo popular. We don't really want our son to be called Matthew K. through his whole school career! Nobody else was called Alice at school and I loved that. We had 3 Katys, 3 Sarahs and 4 Emmas in my class. I always felt so great that my name was more unique. But I do love the name. The middle name will be Gerrard no matter what first name we use, as it's Neil's dad's name. Matthew Gerrard goes well, and Matthew also goes with Arthur. I love soft sounding names, even though they have both got "th" in them. But it's so ultra popular.... I don't know if it FEELS special enough to us somehow.

So we're looking for alternatives. We aren't the types for off-the-wall unusual names, so it's hard to find in-between types. Also the name has to live up to Arthur. Arthur is just such a great name, and it is sort of strong but soft, and quite unusual but everybody knows it at the same time. There seem to be very few names that live up to that! I don't want to have a great name for our first child and one that seems kind of so-so in comparison. We have one idea in the pipeline at the moment but it's popular too so I'm not sure.

I seem to be focusing much more on girls names at the moment. I guess I have more of a girl vibe about Sprout, but I don't know if that's wishful thinking or just me looking at the pointers so far (parsnips timing, Chinese Gender Chart, some of my symptoms, etc). I have a few ideas for girls names, but none totally grab me. Because I have more of a girl vibe and because any of the names we're thinking about COULD end up being used for Sprout, I'm not revealing our ideas just yet! I really want the middle name to be Jane though, after my mummy. And not all first names go with Jane. I DO find myself liking Georgia again, which was my absolute number 1 favourite name last pregnancy, and the one we would have used if Arthur had been a girl. But I went off it in the time since, and wasn't interested in it at first this pregnancy. But lately I find myself liking it again. The only two things are, Neil isn't crazy about it at all, and it really doesn't go well with Jane. Too many j-j-j sounds. But we have two other names that we're seriously thinking about at the moment, so maybe it will be one of those? Or there's still plenty of time, so it could be a completely different name that we're not even considering yet! I had a name that I loved 2 weeks ago and was hoping Neil would come round to liking it too, but weirdly I have gone off it now! How contrary of me! ;)

Anyway. Names, shmames. Sprout will have one eventually.

I am still peeing aplenty. Which means maybe my womb is still down in my pelvis? So maybe my cute lil bump is all constipation?!! Haha! How nice! Oh but that has inexplicably improved lately, which I'm relieved about :)

I sometimes feel heavy and pressurey in my pelvis, not crampy, but just well aware of my womb. So maybe it IS still in there, but running right out of room? I am getting round ligament pains if I move suddenly or twist funny as I move, but noticably fewer problems with ligament pains than last pregnancy.

I am off white bread now. I think I just go through stages in pregnancy where I want to eat a certain thing for weeks, and then when it gets old, it REALLY gets old! For example, I never want another baked potato ever again!! And I ate one every day for most of my first trimester. I have had white bread for weeks and now I just want brown. Wholemeal is still weirdly bitter, ever since I got pregnant, but brown wheatgerm is niiiice! I seem to want/need much more flavour to my food than usual at the moment. If something is too bland then I just have absolutely no motivation to eat it at all. I am really into ham and salad sandwiches at the moment, but not really with tomato. Lettuce and cucumber, and pickles sometimes too. I am loving ham at the moment! I hated - HATED - ham up till last week!

I added a new "boy or girl?" blinkie that I found and liked, and also replaced my second trimester blinkie with one I like better :)

Still tired as anything, but Arthur slept a little better last night and I only got up twice to nurse him, and then Neil took him out in the morning and when I woke up it was TEN THIRTY!!!! So I feel a little better for that! I think I just need a ton of sleep and then I would be okay. I keep forgetting my prenatal vitamin, tsk. I should go and take it now. It's sooooo late, so I should go to bed after that too. I'm sure there was more I meant to write but I think it fell out of my head or something. I'll write again soon!

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