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2005-12-07 - 11.06pm��previous entry��next entry

14 weeks pregnant!! New belly pic and stuff...

Fourteen weeks today!!! Yay! Sprout now weighs about 1.5oz and measures 8.7cm (that's 3.5 inches!) from head to bottom, and his/her legs are getting pretty long too, so that is quite a BIG baby in there now! Thankfully I think I really am starting to show now, otherwise I would be very confused given those measurements, hehe! I was not showing last pregnancy till about 16 weeks, maybe 15 and a half? I did look a little more pregnant in my 14 week belly picture but I didn't really start to stick out until my 16 week one. But people at church didn't have a clue that I was pregnant till 18-20 weeks I think.

I put a new belly picture in Sprout's belly gallery today! Actually it was taken last night at 13w6d, because Neil is at his work's Christmas party so isn't home to take the photo! I am so excited about it. I'm wearing the same pink pyjamas from my 5 week belly pic and my belly seems to me to look soooo different to the first one, and the second one even, at 10 weeks. The weird thing is, I'm a completely different shape than I was at 14 weeks with Arthur. I have been comparing like crazy, because a) I love doing that! and b) my two other belly pics have looked basically very similar to the ones from my first pregnancy at those times. But this one is reeeeally different. I have a really low, rounded, "pouchy" bump. I carried super duper low for my whole pregnancy with Arthur, but I think that is because of how I'm built. I have a weirdly long torso and ultra short legs (!) - honestly my torso is so long, I am taller than people who are 6ft sitting at a table with them. I was always the tallest in line at school when we had to sit cross-legged on the hall floor for assemblies! Like WAY tallest. Not just a bit. I found it so embarrassing at school, I learned to slouch. But I was always the shortest in my class. So yeah, I am weirdly out of proportion! ;) My osteopath said it's why I have back trouble. Anyway, so I have a TON of room lengthways in my torso for carrying a baby. I am really grateful for that though, because I never get the whole thoroughly crushed stomach and lungs thing at the end of pregnancy. I mean, it gets tight in there, but Arthur was so low that he never bothered the top part too much. I am pretty sure it's my build, and that I'll carry low for all my pregnancies.

So I'm not surprised to see my first bumpishness very low, it's just so POUCHY!!! Last time at this stage I was so much more taut-looking and just more curved than the previous photo. I guess it's really true how your abs and everything stretch during your first pregnancy so that you show sooner with the next, because everything sort of hangs out due to the stretched bits! How nice! But I don't care because the result for me is YAY I have a teensy bump!!!! I do still have the Big Bloat but Sprout is definitely the person behind the bump! :) Anyway. I am so excited!

I have the most awful stomach aches lately. I am the gassiest person ALIVE it seems, and also happen to be the gassiest person alive who um, can't go for a #2. Hence, ow. I have tried crushing the linseeds I'm sprinkling (more liberally every day!) on my cereal, but it's not having any effect at all. I am thinking I will need to take something but I get nervous about that. Most remedies are GREAT for anyone who DOESN'T have active and hideous IBS. If I ever take anything like that when I have IBS (which is always active with me), I get doubled up in pain, followed by, well, more "help" than I needed. So much so that I would rather not take the stuff really. Then the constipation just comes back afterwards anyway. Anything high-fibrey makes me bloated and my IBS worse. Soooo frustrating. So far I have just been hoping and waiting for it to clear up by itself after the first trimester, but nothing so far. I need something to change. My tummy hurts like crazy after every meal, and most of the night :(

What a nice paragraph that was!

Arthur is still breastfeeding. I still have milk. I am sure there is not so much of it now, but I definitely have milk. I see it in his mouth or on my nipple after he finishes, and at night I hear him gulping most times that he nurses. At night there is more but I am night-weaning him at the moment - tonight should be the first night where I don't let him nurse if he wakes between midnight and 5am. It absolutely breaks my heart - I SO don't want to do it, and Arthur doesn't want to do it, and okay if you look at what's best for Arthur out of this - um, well, that would be CONTINUING to nurse him at night, not stopping. Ugh. But my stupid body wants to die with exhaustion and I just have no choice but to claim my night sleep back by force. It breaks my heart to though :( I swear though, if this upsets him enough to look like weaning completely, I will go back to nursing on demand at night EVEN if I die of exhaustion! ;) I don't want him to wean any time soon. I have good hopes that Arthur will continue to comfort nurse after there is no milk or only colostrum. I reeeeally hope. He really likes to nurse, so that bodes well for continuing throughout pregnancy.

My bottom has changed shape. I mean, it already did when I first got pregnant (bottoms just DO when you get pregnant), but it has really changed just recently. All of a sudden it seems to have spread in all directions!! I don't know why. It's not actual fat, it's just... spread! I can't describe it any other way. My buttocks seem to finish almost at my KNEES lately (!!) and I seem to have more girth there too. This does not thrill me at all. Also my tailbone has been feeling funny for a couple of weeks. It feels WAY bigger than it ever did before. I don't remember it like this in my last pregnancy, but maybe I just never noticed? It feels wide and flat and squared, rather then a lil pointy bone. Weird. It doesn't hurt at all, but I can't slump horribly like I sometimes like to. It just doesn't want to go that way now.

I showed my grandparents Sprout's ultrasound picture today! Arthur and I went over for lunch and they hadn't seen it yet so I took it with me. They were so amazed. They were last time, with Arthur's pictures, but it's so nice that they are amazed afresh, as though they never saw an ultrasound picture before :) It's nice, for Sprout to be appreciated like that already, even though we were only wowing at his/her older brother a little over a year ago like this! I like that it isn't all "been there, done that" for Sprout.

I soooooooooo need to update my other diary but I have been so beyond any kind of exhaustion that I have known so far this pregnancy. Just CRYING with tiredness, you know? In the day I get zero chance to nap. Arthur does not nap well. He is the busiest most active toddler! I really never expected him to be with his more laid-back personality, but I guess that has nothing to do with it! He literally never keeps still for more than a few seconds. Even when he stands still, he bops or dances, or SOMETHING that means his body is still moving! I am just drained all the time. If he was a good napper and I got the lovely couple of hours (or more!) a day that "normal" mothers seem to get from their little ones, I think I would be coping much better, maybe even fairly well. But a combination of that and the night wakings (oh, and the pull-your-hair-out annoying thing where I can't sleep for 2 hours when I go to bed, and then can't sleep again from 6am when Neil gets up with Arthur to give me 2 precious hours more sleep) mean that every day I get more exhausted and it's to the point now where I feel sick with tiredness and have to keep sitting down because I'm breathless and weak, etc. It's not like when I had M.E. That was the suckiest kind of exhaustion EVER, because you felt utterly ill with it, and by ill, I mean &$*%)�$* because there really isn't a word adequate enough to describe how truly awful it feels. So this is joyful skipping compared with that. But I AM exhausted. When I happen to glance at my (unmade, thus somehow more "See? I'm ready for you to climb in, just as you left me!" tantalising) bed having followed Arthur upstairs or something, I literally just cry at the sight of it, I am LONGING for it so much. My whole body aches and my eyes feel sore and burny. It COULD be iron. I usually have good colour in my cheeks and I am really pale and gaunt looking for some reason, so I gues that might be the reason. But if I ever get this tired I do tend to look like that anyway. I am back on my prenatals (ooh, good reminder to go and take today's now) because they have iron in, but have only taken 2 so far. If it's iron, I hope they kick in soon.

Urgh, I'm sorry to be so moany this entry! Some things are difficult at the moment, but that's all. It's ALL worth it though!! I am soooo blessed to be having a baby. I grin randomly during the day because it keeps occurring to me that, WOW, I am this blessed, I am actually pregnant again, and I just can't believe it! I'm so thankful and excited. But also, tired, hence the moan! ;)

Other than that, not too moody. I do seem oversensitive if Neil and I argue (well, have a "discussion" - we never yell and stuff, just discuss heatedly!). No matter if it's all resolved, the emotion of it is always too much and I have to have a big cry afterwards. Even if it was a tiiiny thing over something piffly. But no noticably mood swings (yet!) other than that. Although, I don't remember much of that with Arthur either.... Well, the odd crazy hormonal moment, but that's to be expected! I don't think I was a crazy hormonal pregnant woman who terrorized her nearest and dearest! I hope that doesn't happen this time. I hate when my emotions are all over the place and I can't seem to control them.

Anyway, they're not now, so I don't know why I'm waffling on about that! I need to go to bed. It's way too late. I just nursed Arthur so now would be a good time to hit the hay. Also, I have heartburn. I think it will burn a hole right through me if I don't find an antacid. I usually don't take them and it goes by itself but this time I think I will find one.

I'll try to update again soon. Next belly pic in 2 weeks, yay! I should start seeing changes in each and every one from now on!! :)

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