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2005-12-14 - 11.54pm��previous entry��next entry

15 weeks pregnant! - irritability and weight and stuff

Fifteen weeks pregnant!!! Yay! I am now 3/8 of the way through my pregnancy :) At 16 weeks I'll be 2/5 of the way through. Yes, I have been idling away Arthur's nap time with dreamy pregnantness! I do believe I am getting more attached to Sprout and more "into" this pregnancy in general. Not overnight, but like affection is sneaking up on me, hehe!

I LOVE being pregnant!! :)

I can't believe how fast the weeks are going right now. Next week it's belly pic time AGAIN! Wow. I am still fitting in my pre-pregnancy trousers, but only one pair of jeans - the lower cut pair, as the ones that do up over my lil bump won't meet at the zipper now. My lower cut jeans are kind of shoved a little lower because of my bulge, so they still do up, but they feel tight. Baggy jogging bottoms fit nicely and are very comfy, but make my bottom look like I have all bottom and no legs. So I don't like to wear those where other people might see me! ;) I have asked Neil if he can get my HUGE boxes of maternity clothes down from the loft this weekend coming, as I am sure I will start to need the smaller things somewhere around 16 weeks. Even if I don't actually NEED them for an actual bump, I'm simply going to be too uncomfy in my pre-pregnancy things, so I'll need them. I can't remember when I was in maternity clothes last pregnancy - 18 weeks?? I'm sure I went to a baby shower at 18 weeks and wore maternity clothes (which FIT my emerging bump!), so I must have started a little before then. Oh wait, I just checked my diary for last pregnancy and I was wearing maternity clothes from 17w4d :) I am sure I'm going to need them soon. I'm so excited about going through the boxes and having a huge trying-on session!!! Yay! I have a zillion maternity things to re-sell on eBay though, because a large percentage of them are size 10 (no idea what that is in US equivalent size) and I went up to size 14 last pregnancy and only came back down to size 12. Although some size 10 things fit, just NOT trousers! I don't care about that, but it does mean that I have a ton of size 10 maternity clothes to get rid of. And a couple of size 8s (I was size 8-10 pre-Arthur). Actually though, my top half is still size 10, but not when I am breastfeeding! :)

Sprout is amazingly big now! Okay, still really tiny, but HUGE in my eyes, since it still feels like I'm only recently pregnant sometimes! He/she now measures 10cm (4in) from head to bottom!!!! Plus legs!! And weighs 1.5oz, thereabouts. Sprout has the rooting reflex all sorted now. Apparently, if I poke my bump and Sprout feels it, he/she will start rooting as though for the breast! HOW cute is that?! Sprout's heartrate was 150 the other day. I don't listen in much at all, maybe once a week, if that. I don't know why. I just feel secure and feel Sprout move now and again, and I don't know, I just feel so at ease with this pregnancy. I don't even think about the doppler. Plus I am kept ultra busy with Arthur so I guess I don't get a moment to think about it!

Although I am feeling Sprout move now and again, it seems less frequently than at first. I was feeling Arthur move such a lot by this stage in my pregnancy with him, and STRONG movements that Neil could feel with his hand too! So far, Sprout is still just doing the odd barely-felt squirm, and some tap-tap-tap bumply things which are so cute, but still so tiny and light. Sprout doesn't really do much shoving like Arthur did ALL the time from like 11 weeks!! I am beginning to wonder if this baby will be less active than Arthur. A though which gives me a sense of relief right at this moment, as I am absolutely worn out chasing Arthur around every day! He was super active during my pregnancy. When it came time for kick counts, he would literally kick me 10 times in the first SIXTY SECONDS, I kid you not. You're supposed to choose a time of day where the baby is usually active. If Arthur was having a particularly active time of day, he literally kicked up to 20 times in one single minute! I even have it on video, which I'm so thrilled about now that it's becoming a memory and being all blurred by this new pregnancy. My whole tummy would lurch around! He is such an active boy. I stopped bothering keeping count of his kicks after the first week. It was pointless. He kicked me like crazy so there was no wondering whether he was okay in there! I wonder how much this baby will kick me, and whether I'll worry and want to keep count if it's a quieter little one later on?

I keep meaning to update my pregnancy links page. I have had a few people ask me where I get my blinkies from, and I soooo mean to put some blinkie links in my page, and remove all the broken links in there and add a few new places that I like to go. And all the embryology info sites too. I started that today, and got LOTS changed before the darn computer lost my page and I hadn't saved the changes yet - grrr! So I haven't the heart to do it all again now, but I will, I promise!! Blinkie links coming SOON! :) I changed my pregnant and breastfeeding blinkie. I just like this one better.

I don't think I have a lot of milk at the moment. I am so thankful to have made it to 15 weeks already and still be making milk! But I don't know how much longer it will last. I keep wondering when it will turn to colostrum. I checked my diary for last pregnancy and I first noticed colostrum leaking at 21w2d. I know it could be sooner though. Who knows when it will arrive! My breasts are going through another really sore patch, and that means it's sore to breastfeed again. I go for as long as I can though. Arthur no longer nurses in the night :( He does nurse if he wakes in the evening, up till midnight, but he is frequently sleeping through that time now, and I don't nurse him till between 5 and 6am. I know this will only further reduce my milk but the need for sleep is too urgent! He is doing great with it, but I wish my milk was all leaky and flowy like it was before I got pregnant. I know it's normal and it will be like that again after Sprout is born. I HOPE so much that he'll still want to nurse by then, so that I can give both my sweeties lots of lovely milk. I keep telling him it'll be all lovely and plentiful again in a matter of months, but yeah, he doesn't understand that yet! I am happy to "dry nurse" him if it all goes though, however uncomfy it might be. He does still comfort nurse a LOT in the day, which I am thrilled about. I do still see white milk at those times, but not much now.

I am sooooo irritable lately! Like when you're over tired and snappy and everything is blown out of proportion. I AM over tired enough for that to be the case, but then I always am, and the irritability is maybe a touch more than usual, so I'd say it's hormones. I am irritable with just about EVERYONE, even people I think about in my head if they bug me in some way!! But mostly poor Neil gets it :( I am a crazy woman, I just can't seem to help myself. It's stupid little things as well, things that I can plainly see do NOT warrant me getting all cranky about them, but they seem to make me get like it anyway. I am so relieved to see a post about this very thing on my due dates group online today!!! Phew! All these other women who are 15 weeks pregnant are snapping at their poor husbands over absolutely nothing, and feeling like there is something wrong with them, and we are all just so relieved to see that everyone else is going through the same thing, hehe! It makes me feel less horrible and weird. I wish I could think of some examples of my crazy crankiness, but it's probably for the best that I can't right now, because if I write them out then I see more than ever how awful I'm being, plus so does everyone else who reads this! Urgh.

I don't know what else to say this entry.... The top of my uterus is on a level with the top of my hip bones. I still pee a lot. The constipation seems to be improving lately - phew! I desperately need chocolate all of a sudden and we have had none in the house for weeks!!! I want cheese on pasta sauce (on pasta) over and over and over again if I eat it once. It is starting to hurt me or feel like something is straining when I pick Arthur up or put him down or lift him over to myself, etc. I am always trying to lift him safely by bending my legs and keeping my back straight, but he just feels sooooooo heavy, and holding him on my hip is no longer comfy. I can't hold him against my front very well anymore like I always have.

I got curious yesterday and weighed myself. I can't remember when I last did. Weeks ago, probably when I was still feeling sick but eating okay. I was 8st 7lbs (or 8lbs?) at the start of this pregnancy, and went down to 8st 3lbs in the first trimester when I was feeling gross and not eating as much as I usually could. Yesterday I was amazed to see that I still weighed 8st 3lbs!! I haven't gained a pound yet! For some reason I expected to have, because I have been eating so well since I stopped feeling sick. And drinking full cream milk (which no longer seems too creamy, hooray!) and everything. Although I do still feel queasy from time to time. Today I felt mildly queasy a lot, but I don't know if that was just tiredness and the fact that I was out shopping with Arthur a lot and getting really wiped out. Anyway, no weight gain is FINE with me! I know I will pile it on soon enough.

I have my first midwife appointment (at LAST!) next week! Yay! It's on the 20th, I can't remember what time, I'll have to look it up. I'm excited but only because I get to meet my midwife (or one of the midwives in the team) and also it's another milestone that I've been waiting for - to be far enough in my pregnancy to start proper midwifery care!! Yay! I think it will be ages before my next appt after that, but oh well. I am not thrilled about the gallons (slight exaggeration) of blood that will be removed from me, but hey ho. I REALLY wish there was a way to get Neil's blood type tested. They won't do it on the NHS unless you are having major surgery or are pregnant. Neither of which fit with Neil! I found mine out by cheating, haha! I was having a blood test for something else, years ago, like ohhh.... something, I can't even remember what. Anyway it was after hours for taking blood at the doctor's so they sent me with the form to the path lab at the hospital to have my blood taken there. On the way there I checked a few more boxes on the form, hehehe! ;) I was curious to know my cholestorol level and my blood type, heh. I asked the doctor once before then about finding out my blood type and he said no, and I would have to go and give blood to find out. Which I couldn't do as I always came below the minimum weight requirement. So I cheated ;) And found out I'm O negative. Arthur is also rhesus negative (so the anti-D injections turned out to be for nothing, tsk!), so I will have to go through all the darn anti-D jabs again this pregnancy incase Sprout is rhesus positive. But if I knew for sure that Neil was rh negative then I would simply refuse the jabs. But how to find out, that is the question.... (without paying money). Hmmm.

Anyway. Oh my gosh, it's nearly midnight. I am so stooooooopid. No wonder I get tireder and tireder and tireder every day. I am going to bed! Will update again soon!

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