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2004-06-29 - 7.58pm��previous entry��next entry

21 weeks, 4 days - walking!

Yyyeaaahhh I get to update!! I have been clicking refresh on that annoying "servers are too busy" page for 10 minutes. Click click click click click click click click click click...

Wow, thanks for all the guestbook messages saying whether you think Bean is a boy or a girl!! I am quite surprised because so far it's a fairly even split! Mind you, I am not sure either way myself. So far there are 4 votes for boy and 6 for girl. I just can't wait to actually find out!! It seems so surreal to me that we have our scan the day after tomorrow. That is so close. I can't believe it's really going to happen.

I am sooo tired this evening, but only for good reasons! I have been quite busy today. I went into town and parked the car and then walked round the shops for nearly 4 hours!!!! I had nooo idea I had walked for that long, well, except my legs and feet were killing me and I felt wiped out. But 4 hours?!!! So this is really good, it means I am definitely doing so much better and having more energy, and maybe that last trip into town has toned up my legs that little bit, to enable me to walk even more today? Well it's all good anyway. I hope I didn't overdo it. Yesterday evening I had a pain in my left ribcage that radiated all round my back and side. It was worse when I breathed in deeply. But today it's better, thank goodness! I am pretty sure I over-stretched a muscle in there when I was lifting one of those parcels up onto the scales in the post office. I nearly dropped one so I did that sudden reflex thing to catch it, and I felt my ribs pull a bit on that side.

But anyway, I'm so happy that I've been out and done something normal and energetic!! I needed cards galore - a wedding card for a wedding I'm going to next week, a baby card for Katie (she had her little boy, Joshua, yesterday I think, but I don't know the details. Except he was 8lbs-something. Yay!), a birthday card for Grandoug, and a card for Cameron's mum because it's his birthday in 2 days. I took 2 really lovely photos of him into town - ones she hasn't seen - and got them copied to send with the card.

At the photo place, I saw a lady who I know from UKparents. I happened to know she lives in the same town as me and that she works in a photo place, so I half expected to see her when I went in, and there she was. She wouldn't know me to look at though. She has been TTC for over 3 years and has had 5 miscarriages :( Just recently she paid a fortune of their personal savings for an IUI and conceived twins, but one miscarried and the other was ectopic. I can't imagine how things must feel for her, and I have to say, for the first time in my pregnancy I felt bad to look pregnant in that shop. I knew if she saw me she would be reminded of her pain, because I look good and pregnant these days. I wore a maternity dress today for the first time. You can see my bump even though dresses are a little bit tenty! :) Anyway so it was weird. She was serving someone else but I think she saw me, because right after that she went out the back into the staff area. I hate to make people feel bad :(

Well anyway I walked all over town. I looked at some maternity clothes but didn't buy any (I am going crazy enough on eBay at the moment, no need for actual shopping!). I found the cards I wanted and also bought chocolate (which I've eaten too much of!). I bought a tiny soft little teddy hugging a giant daisy, with a "special person" emblem underneath, and when I went back to the photo shop for my photos of Cam, I managed to catch this lady from UKparents and tell her who I was and give her the teddy. I said I was thinking of her and praying for her and her husband a lot. She was sooo nice and really open with me about how things are going for them. They are wondering whether to risk the money for another IUI or whether to adopt from China like they have been considering for a while. I felt dreadful being all pregnant in her face, and I held my bag in front of my bump. I feel kind of ashamed for that because I hate the idea of hiding Bean in any way for any reason, but this felt weird, so....

She asked me about my pregnancy and was so nice. I wanted to apologise but I didn't, because that sort of sounded patronising to my mind. I just chatted with her for a while about UKparents and stuff, and she thanked me for the teddy and I went home. Bean kicked me while we were chatting, which is pretty much the first time I've ever felt Bean kicking whilst standing upright and chatting with someone. It felt odd and ironic, and it made me sad that she hasn't got that experience yet :(

On the way back to the car Bean kicked me some more, and I got bumpled all the way driving home! I checked the clock, and sure enough it was mid-afternoon, right when Bean normally wakes up. Sweet Bean.

I am trying to stop saying Bean so much though. I am trying to say "baby" or "little one" more, so that when we make the transition from Bean to real name, it won't seem to strange not to be using Bean all the time.

I have had a few Braxton Hicks contractions since getting home (over the last couple of hours) so I hope that isn't a sign that I've overdone things too much :S My womb seems kind of irritable this evening. I am going to drink some more water, because I sweated a TON walking round town, and it was hot and I haven't had as much to drink as I should have. I read that if you get dehydrated it can cause BH contractions or even pre-term labour if it's bad enough, so I am going to have a big drink of water when I finish here.

My bump feels heavy and achy today. Walking is weird now, I can feel my pelvis swaying slightly back and forth at the back, as I walk. I try to correct it but it just seems to need to sway to counter my shape or weight or something. I don't THINK I look like I am waddling or anything (not that I can see myself, so I don't really know), but I can definitely feel a difference in how my pelvis moves and rocks as I walk along.

I need some comfy shoes for walking. My feet get sore easily.

I need some meat. I don't know why, I just know I need something involving meat for dinner. I guess my little one needs the protein. But we haven't got any meat in the house :) And I had ham sandwiches for lunch but that obviously isn't enough meat for today! Maybe we will have to nip out to the supermarket and get some. Spaghetti bolognese is appealing to me at the moment. Yum!

Anyway that is all for today. No housegroup tonight because Gordon and Katie just had a baby, and the replacement meeting was a walk by the river followed by a drink at the pub, and I just walked the legs off my body this afternoon, and I hate pubs. So we're staying in tonight :)

Will probably update tomorrow. It's helping me with the wait! :)

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