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2004-05-12 - 8.37pm��previous entry��next entry

14 weeks, 5 days - little kicks??

Hello, hello! This has got to be super quick because Neil is fetching pizza and I HAVE to write a diary entry before tomorrow.

Yay, thanks to everyone who has told me they think I have a pregnant-looking belly!!! Made me smile a lot :) I like hearing things like that!

Tomorrow I have my very first appointment with the midwife - wow, that came round fast! I thought I was waiting for EVER and suddenly here it is! I am kind of nervous in case I get a naff midwife, but I'm hoping she'll be lovely and the appointment will be fun as well as informative and all that. I know I'm gonna have to have a gallon of blood taken :( Yeurgh. Also I need to save up enough pee to produce a sample, but these days that is not difficult! I am peeing so frequently at the moment.

I'm kind of worried about something at the moment. Today, yesterday and the evening before, the area around my womb has been really sore, like almost a bruised feeling. A very similar feeling to when my bladder is sore from an infection, only I'm sure it's not in my bladder. It's around the whole of the curve of the top of my womb, and that bothers me a lot since I don't know what's causing it.

Today I think I am showing a fair bit more than previously, and Neil thinks so too. I don't think it's bloating because not much of it disappears when I try to suck my stomach in. It sort of pooches out slightly, low down. All my trousers are sooooo uncomfy anywhere from my belly button down, so I'm wearing tracksuit bottoms hoisted up to my armpits (practically)!! It's just so uncomfy to have anything pressing on me lower down. I know my bowel is severely piddled off with my womb for shoving it out of the way, but I'm not sure if that can be the only reason it all hurts so much. Hmmm. Oh well, at least I can ask the midwife tomorrow. I am peeing more than usual today but it doesn't hurt and I've been drinking a lot more just incase it IS a UTI or something. So we'll see.

I know it's still waaaaay early but today I thought I might possibly have felt the baby kick for the first time!!!!! I am so excited if it's true!!! I was lying on my back (well, reclining, but mostly lying flat) on the sofa watching Neighbours or something this afternoon, and all of a sudden I felt four little movements in a row, a few seconds apart but quite rhythmic. They felt like muscle tics, you know like when you get a tic in the bag under your eye? Well it was just like that. Quite a small muscle tic, not a strong one at all, but there it was, right under where Bean is, about an inch above my bikini line and just a bit to my left. I spend a lot of the rest of the day lying in the same position with my hand on my tummy straining to feel more things like it, but I haven't felt anything more. I don't think it was wind because wind doesn't feel like a muscle twitching. But I know it's still early so I'm not gonna jump on it and be SURE it was Bean until it happens again and again. So I'll wait and see! But yay if it's Bean!!! How exciting!!

I am feeling lots better these days - I'm completely over my cold now, yay!!! Yesterday I went out to the cemetery and did a TON of gardening on Cameron's grave, which was tiring! And I took a little walk there too, so I have had a bit more exercise and activity at last. Today I have actually done HOUSEWORK!!! Yay!! I did a lot of tidying and laundry, and got pretty tired out, but never mind. I can't wait to get cleaning. The bathroom is gross.

I hurt my finger the other day and today I jabbed myself under my thumbnail with a sequin (?!), and I'm noticing how easily I'm bleeding these days. I just bleeeeed and bleed, and I'm usually still dabbing away at whatever is bleeding an hour later, even though there's not much. I'm never usually like this so I'm guessing it's to do with my enormously increased blood volume! I am also soooo hot and sweaty if I exert myself, like with housework or even eating a hot meal. My stomach gets sweaty. It's hot in there! My womb is actually warmer to the touch than the bit of my abdomen directly above it - no matter whether I'm feeling cold or hot or warm. My book says the womb is almost a full degree higher than the rest of my body temperature, and the rest of me is warmer than usual anyway, so Bean must be nice and toasty!

Okay there's probably more but Neil is home with the pizza so I have to go. I feel kind of bad that I'm eating stuff like pizza instead of meat and 3 veg, but we don't have any meat in the house at the moment. In fact all we have is fish fingers, and my whoooole system is saying bleurghhh to that right now! So it was either pizza or fish and chips. I should have picked fish and chips for the protein but it just made me think grease, so pizza it is. Tomorrow after my midwife appt I am planning to go to the butcher and buy enormous amounts of minced beef, and make it into vast quantities of shepherds pie with a billion veggies in it, and then I can freeze some for easy meals. Yum. I'd LOVE some shepherds pie right now.... *drool*

But pizza it is. We're gonna sit down and figure out some more nutritious meals and start making sure we have the ingredients in the house at all times. Mmmm... food.... so goooood!!

Okay gotta go. Pizza is calling. Will write tomorrow after my appointment!

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