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2004-05-08 - 7.56pm��previous entry��next entry

14 weeks, 1 day - new belly pic

Yay I'm 14 weeks pregnant! New belly pic is up, but see? I don't look pregnant at ALL!! Except that I have a curve between my hips at the front where I was always flat all the way across, but nobody is gonna notice the difference, only me and Neil. The irony is, I absolutely KNOW I'll be moaning about being so huge eventually, but I still long to show anyway. Tsk, no pleasing some people! ;)

Not too much else to say really. Feeling really sick at the moment despite just having a glass of milk, so I guess I need to eat a meal or something. I am so so so tired at the moment. I think I said that last entry, but really, I am soooooo tired.

Yesterday I spent most of the day not able to focus my eyes on things properly, and took two naps. Every time I came round from sleep my eyes seemed to be just rolling around in my head for ages before I could wake up properly! Hehe! And when I woke from my evening nap, I was SURE it was morning, not evening. And I put a Vanish laundry tablet in the dishwasher and I buttered the sweetcorn left in the can instead of the stuff I'd poured out to cook. *sigh* I'm just really tired. I think it's just this stage of pregnancy, for me anyway. Just to point out, I did stop the dishwasher cycle before I had laundry-fresh dishes!! I was walking away from it thinking, "That tablet looked different somehow...." (it's COMPLETELY different-looking!) and then I figured maybe I should check the cupboard to see what box I pulled a tablet out of, and sure enough it was the Vanish box. Ahhh me.

Had a little shovey movement from Bean this morning - first in a while - which was lovely! Something very hard was sticking out on my right side just inside my hip so I reckon it was a little head. I'm not sure if I could feel the bottom very clearly when it's this tiny, so that's why I'm guessing head. It was hard enough anyway!

Neil has kissed my belly twice today (despite its non-existance!). I asked him who he was kissing, Bean or me, and he said, "Both of you" Ahhhh. There's something so blissful about becoming three within such a loving relationship.

He is looking forward to blowing raspberries on my belly (this is something I've had to put up with for many years already!) when I am bigger, to see how the baby reacts. I told him he may well get a fat lip, hehe!

Today I was listening to my Billy Joel CD and I love some of the catchy rhythms in his songs. I figured Bean would probably like an energetic rhythm too, when he/she is able to hear, because I've seen programmes on TV about babies responding with great energy and awareness when salsa or other rhythmic music is played and they can hear it. Anyway, Bean can't hear yet, but she/he can feel vibrations, so I tapped out the rhythm to a nice bouncy song on my belly where my womb is. Neil says poor Bean, but I don't think Bean minds :)

Bean's heartrate was 150-something today, and 164 half an hour after me eating chocolate - wicked mummy! ;)

I'm not sleeping too well at the moment, despite being tired. I wake a lot and dream crazily and vividly which makes me wakeful too. My cold has stopped bothering me at last, I just have some lingering cattarh but that's it. Yay! I currently wake about 3 times a night to pee, and once it was 4 times, though I'm not drinking gallons or anything, so I guess my womb is still way within my pelvis and seriously running out of space now! I only peed once last night but I somehow managed to have diarrhoea (nice) yesterday and so I think I was a bit dehydrated last night. I'm pretty sure it was just another attack of IBS though. It was painful and crampy like IBS is when it does that. Blah. Pregnancy has definitely made my IBS worse - or maybe just different to normal. I am always symptomatic with it, but since I've been pregnant it has been more the crampy diarrhoearal type rather than the achy um... opposite type! Isn't this nice?! On that subject, first trimester constipation seems to have stayed behind in the first trimester, much to my delight! I have heard it comes back later though.

Today I tried to nap twice but I am fidgetty in my mind when I try to sleep. Lately I am having trouble with certain things in general and especially at night. Cameron is on my mind all the time - I can't think why NOW after all this time, but he is. I can't switch off memory reels at night even if I try, so I am not getting to sleep well at all. Maybe that's a subject for my other diary. Anyway, other things keeping me awake lately are baby names and nappy fabrics/patterns!! I am getting itchy to sew again, and I plan to just as soon as my head stops feeling like it's woozy and full of asbestos after I use my brain for like 6 seconds. I know we've got AGES to sort out baby names, but I am unsettled over the idea that we haven't got a single one that we would use if I was suddenly at term tomorrow (?!) and we had a baby right then. I like to feel prepared, y'know? Even if we change our minds later. I like to have something in place. I don't think I could wait till after a baby is born to name it. To my mind I just like to have that kind of thing ready and waiting. Sooo yeah I've got 26 weeks but I feel like being prepared even now! Oh well, the baby has no name yet, especially if it's a boy. There's a shortlist (and a short one at that!) but nothing chosen as such. Same for a girl really, although I have my favourite picked out, even if Neil doesn't like it that much!

My friend David from church came to visit me the other day, bringing his lovely new fiancee who I only met once before. David was an usher at our wedding (plus he is a lovely friend to us both). Anyway he brought me Lucozade powder (!!) and loads of sermons on CD (!!!), and I showed them all the scan pictures. They were so excited over them, it was SUCH fun to show people! But then their eyes sort of shifted from the 13 week scan picture to my flat tummy, and they were like, "Where are you keeping it?!" Urgh, I sooooo want to show! I don't want to have to EXPLAIN that I'm pregnant, I want people to reach that conclusion without even speaking to me first. Darn it! But oh well. It will happen sure enough, and probably soon too. So patience....

Anyway they took me out in their car for a drive round the park, and I saw baby EVERYTHING while we were there! I never saw so many baby things in one short trip before! I saw hundreds of fawns in the plains, and there was a tiiiny puppy being extremely cute, and wild baby bunny rabbits with their little white tails flashing as they ran along the roadside! And then we parked in a carpark and the people just coming back to the car next to us were a couple with a tiiiny new baby in a Baby Bjorn carrier. I was mush. Seriously. They mocked me for it, but I don't care! :)

We sat on a blanket on the grass and they asked me about names, and I said oooh that's a secret, but I told them if it's a boy the middle name will be Cameron. David told Louise (his fiancee) all about Cam and we had a good long chat about him which was.... refreshing? A relief? What I needed anyway. And not so difficult as I thought it would be. I'm glad I have great friends who love me :)

Then I was knackered and getting queasy again so they drove me home and left me to eat mountains of wholemeal bread and empty my bladder. So that was really nice! I would like to go to church tomorrow but I don't think I feel up to it, plus I am nervous to catch yet another bug right on the back of this one. So I think I will stay home from church this week.

Hmmnnmm this isn't really about pregnancy is it? Well I can't think what else to say about baby stuff. This week feels a bit monotonous, so I'm looking forward to some more change to show me that my body is changing and my baby is growing and my pregnancy is progressing nicely :) I don't know when that will be though.

Oh I thought of one more thing - Bean is over 8cm long from crown to rump now! I can't understand how a baby that is 4 or 5 inches long when it stretches out its legs can possibly be hidden undetected in my rather slim frame! It's befuddling. And frustrating! C'mon Bean, pop out so everyone can see you're there!

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