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2008-09-22 - 3:06 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

Well, I tested...

... and it was negative. Which really confuses me, even though it's not necessarily an odd thing to happen at only 10DPO. I should have used first morning urine, but I did save 7.5 hours of pee from 6.30 this morning! Also, Clearblue is really, well, clear - often better than the cheapy ones. My previous positive tests have been at 12DPO (with Arthur), 10DPO (with Matthew - really clear as well, although faint), and 11DPO (with Nathan, which turned out to be 12DPO as I ovulated a day earlier than I'd thought). So I would have thought I would see something by now. The only times I have found it hard to see anything clear enough on a test at this stage, it has ended up as a chemical pregnancy, so now I'm a little bit concerned that that's the way it's going to go. I shouldn't have ANY concerns, since I'm leaving it to God! But I now feel so convinced that I'm properly pregnant that it's already unnerving me slightly that it's not showing on a test, and the thought that it could all disappear again even though I'm highly likely to be pregnant. I hope my luteal phase and hormone levels are sufficient to sustain a little one trying to get settled in. I know they weren't last cycle :( Anyway, we'll see.

I guess now I wait till tomorrow, if I am not bleeding before then (I'll update if that happens). I still just have the on/off bad cramps, but they are not as bad as yesterday evening so far. I have noooo other signs of either period or pregnancy today. In fact my energy levels are unusually good! I walked the boys to the chemist, up a hill and down, a fair distance. Arthur walked, and the little ones went in the tandem pushchair. We stopped at the park on the way back, and then Arthur got too tired when we were a couple of roads from home, and I was so surprised to be able to carry him on my back whilst pushing the boys in the pushchair without getting tired!!

It was a bit squeamish getting the pregnancy tests, but the guy at the counter was very neutral and nice to me :) I had 3 obviously very young kids and was buying a twinpack of pregnancy tests, haha! On the way home when we stopped at the park, I had a weird feeling. I felt like I had four little ones. I know, weird of me. But I stood quietly holding the pushchair handlebar, watching Arthur and Matthew run and run and run on the grass, and then I looked down at the pushchair, and there was little Nathan in the front seat, and a couple of pregnancy tests visible beyond his seat under the pushchair in the basket. For a moment it felt like I had four children, because in some weird way those pregnancy tests represented my tiny 4th bean, who I felt so sure was hiding in there waiting to be discovered by those tests! So I suppose that added to the weird feeling when the test was soooo negative. Hey ho!

I will see what tomorrow's temp is. And if it's high, I will keep my ALL-NIGHT pee (ow!) till the postman brings my cheapy tests, and then test with one of those. And let you know here, of course! :) Thanks for rooting for me! xxx

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