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2004-03-08 - 11.17am��previous entry��next entry

5 weeks, 3 days - viral yuckiness!

Thanks for the guestbook messages!! Especially Andrea and Simone, because I know things are not easy for you girls *hugs*. Laura, I have written all the things I did when TTC in this diary, and it took me many months to be "so successful" at conceiving! If you look back through my diary you will see where I have listed things we were trying each cycle - we tried different things each time, but the things we tried that were DIFFERENT the cycle I conceived were:

* Sex every day during fertile window.
* Used Pre-Seed every time we had sex.
* Took 75mg baby aspirin every day from 3 days before ovulation.
* 1 cup of green tea per day to try to increase CM (it didn't work for me).
* I used Robitussin just once, a few hours before our last BD session on the day I ovulated - just a long shot, but I didn't notice any difference in my CM.
* Ironically, I was much more relaxed this cycle, after ranting about people telling me to relax last cycle!! Hehe!

Okay, I'm sorry it's been a few days - I fully did not intend it, but I have been soooo ill. That throaty/coldy thing turned out to be nastier than I expected. I had a low grade fever (thank goodness not a high one), and haven't been well enough to get up. I did have a little surfy session a couple of nights ago when I perked up a bit, but then I felt worse so I stayed in bed or on the sofa after that.

My pregnancy books say a cold or virus like this will not affect my Bean, unless it's one of those that are dangerous or you get a temperature of 101 or more, which I didn't. I am sure I got ill because I am pregnant. My immune system is lowered so that I do not reject my Bean, and I nevvver get ill like this. I have a bad cold now and a cough, and my throat finally eased off enough to let me sleep yesterday. I can't BELIEVE how little sleep I am getting by on, considering I'm pregnant as well!! I had been so tired before I got ill, and now I am getting about 3 hours of broken sleep per night (last 3 nights) and maybe a couple of hours broken sleep in the daytime. I wake absolutely drenched in sweat, and I mean like I had a bath, I've never known anything like it! Some people say that pregnancy makes them sweat like that, but I'm sure it's the virus, whatever it is. I also have ached and ached like crazy and had to take paracetamol after it got too horrid. I had a hard time staying warm and have had a lot of shivers and chills. I have sinus pain and congestion and I can't take anything for it since I'm pregnant, which is difficult. But I can breathe Vick though. I hate being unwell. But I'm sooooooo incredibly overjoyed to be starting to feel better!! I am just feeling weak and tired now so I am staying wrapped in bedcovers on the sofa or in bed mostly.

I haven't had much of an appetite so I haven't eaten so well. But it's weird, I haven't had any meals for the last few days, just snacks here and there, both in the day and at night, but I noticed the other day that I had been nibbling on little things I felt like eating, which turned out to give me my 5 fruit and veg, chicken soup, some bread, crackers, and a huge pile of cottage cheese!! So I am pleased that my baby is still managing to get what it needs, even if I'm only eating sporadically. I wasn't drinking enough though, till yesterday. It messed my throat up to drink.

I am soooo so so grateful that I did not have this virus in combination with morning sickness! I would have been throwing up everywhere for sure. My throat kept making me gag and I am swallowing so much goo these days that I would have had noooo chance if I'd had morning sickness too. Yuck. But yay, no signs of morning sickness yet!

So I am pretty much 5 and a half weeks pregnant. I am 24 days past ovulation. Websites say that Bean has grown another mm or so, somewhere between 2.5 and 4.5mm now. The neural tube is nearly completely closed now. Sometime between today and day 26, arm buds should appear! Leg buds follow a bit later apparantly. Bean's heart has been beating for a couple of days :) It's the weirdest, most lovely feeling I ever had, to think that there's a little one inside me with a beating heart.

This virus has been good for me, in that it has made it impossible to focus too much on being pregnant, since I felt too ill for anything. I watched Pride and Prejudice twice!! I haven't really felt very pregnant these last few days. I didn't pee as much because I wasn't drinking enough, but I'm back at Pee-Fest 2004 now! Also for the last couple of days my breasts have been a little bit smaller, which slightly freaked me out, but I am just trying to rest in God and not worry, whatever happens. They are nice and sore today though, which is encouraging! :)

I haven't been taking my temperature on waking since I figured it would be all skewed with being ill. Plus I can't breathe through my nose! But I think I will temp again the first morning I have slept well enough and haven't been mouth-breathing. I was going to do that this morning but I did not sleep till after 4am and then kept having to get up so it would have been inaccurate anyway.

My appetite is back this morning!! I ate at 2am, 4.30am, and when I woke around 7.30, I tried to stay in bed and fall back to sleep but my tummy was HURTING with hunger!! So I got up, ate cereal, felt too full of it to finish it, and yet I was hungry at the same time as feeling too full - what?!! That's a first for me! I am hungry now. I feel like I'll never stop being hungry no matter how much I stuff in my stomach!

Today is the day I was supposed to take a urine sample to the hospital for a comfirmation of pregnancy test. I have the container and the path lab form here, but I am not well enough to go out so it will have to wait. I am eager to get it done, especially since I know it's gonna take them a week to give me the results, but I don't want to take any chances with my health. My mum is itchy for me to get that confirmation, but she says it's not going to make me any less pregnant if I wait till I'm well enough to go out! So I'll wait.

What else? Ohhhhh when I was online the other day for a little bit, I read some posts in an early pg buddy group. Everyone was having a laugh over online gender predictions, so I went and tried them out for myself. There were several websites, mostly really silly old-wivesy ones. They all said GIRL!! There was one that gave you a percentage chance, based on a few things about your pregnancy and conception, and my result was 70% girl, 30% boy!!

Then I did the Chinese Gender Chart thingy, which is supposed to be pretty good with accuracy. It's based on the mother's lunar age (what is that?!) at the time of conception (mine was 29) and the conception date. That's it. I thought, "Yeah right!" so I entered in all the details for my entire family (about 8 people, v. small family!) first, to see if it predicted right for them. It did. Scary. Well, it thought my auntie was a boy, but other than that, the others were all accurate. Even me! I saw a feedback thing where one lady had entered in 103 people at her workplace and it got 97 of them right!!!! That is pretty good! Anyway, it says I am having a girl. Wow! But what about all these boy vibes?!!! Neil and my mum said they thought it would be a boy, the day I found out I am pregnant, but at the time I said I had a girl vibe. Then evvveryone online started saying BOY, and people we were telling did too, so hmmm, I started to wonder. I would LOVE a little boy, but I would also love a little girl, and mostly I just want a healthy baby :)

Well, enough rambling for today. I'm sure there is something I meant to say but didn't, but oh well, I can say in the next entry. I should update a bit more now, since I am getting better!

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