Alice�s Pregnancy

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2003-01-01 - 6:53 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

Test entry

Testing one two three!

I'm gonna have a baby..... eventually :)

I am just setting up now, even though I have a way to go before we start trying to conceive (like 6 months). Yeah, I like planning ahead, and I want to keep a pregnancy journal here because I have kept a regular diary for two years here and I love it. Plus I love reading other pregnancy journals, so when I am expecting I want one too! And I want this diary to look right and have links pages and all that stuff, so I'd better start working on it, since HTML doesn't exactly come naturally to me! And anyway, I thrive on preparing, especially for things I've been looking forward to my whole life....

Recent entries.....

Babies 7 and 8! :) - 2016-01-10
Babies 6 and 7! - 2013-02-17
Baby #5 !! - 2010-04-03
Nearly 3 months postpartum! - 2009-10-05
6 weeks old already! - 2009-08-25