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2005-11-21 - 11.13pm��previous entry��next entry

Update about the stolen photos and stuff

You guys are all sooooooooooooo GREAT!!! Thank you all so much for your support! I had no idea how many people read, or how incensed you would all be on my behalf :) Really, it has made today so much lighter on my shoulders, when I have felt so stressy about it all. I feel so supported. Thank you to those who never signed before, and who took the time to do so today. It means a lot to me :)Thanks for all the hugs and just for sharing the "ewwwwww, sick!" factor with me. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that! Thank you Jemma for searching for me and emailing me and asking Stu and just EVERYTHING you have done today!

If anybody would like to know a code that you can paste into your diary template to prevent anyone right-clicking on any of your images and stealing them, please do ask me or Jemma. Jemma sent me the code but I can't get it to work at the moment so hopefully it will be in action from tomorrow. Or maybe when I have it, I can post it here so anyone can see it and use it.

"Kerri's" site is up and down all the time. It seems a really unstable site as it's constantly down due to exceding some sort of content limit, but it does keep coming back on and the photos are still there. I don't know why I am checking it so frequently. It makes me feel horrible, but I guess I just can't seem to leave it alone. I can't quite believe it still, that my photos are over there. I keep wanting to go and see, almost (stupidly) like I don't want to leave them there to be all.... messed with or something, without me going to watch over them now and then. I know that is sooooooo silly of me, but I guess it's just how I feel. I feel quite.... what's the word?.... defiled? Violated? Both of those really. Horrid.

So, I have joined which is one of the places this person posts with my 28 week photo in her profile (and on each and every post she makes, although she hasn't made many). I reported her to the moderators like Jemma did, explaining the situation in lots of detail with a link to this diary, etc. I got a reply from them tonight saying they are looking into it, as are the admin dept there, and they are just so sorry about it all. I feel so much better just getting that reply. They said I'll hear from them again asap. Phewwwww. But I know that's just one place.

The way I found out about it was that I got an email this morning from a really nice girl who said she read "Kerri's" diary (soooo not convinced she is who she says she is, or pregnant at all) and has even chatted to her online, and then she happened to come across my diary and saw my belly photos. She got a horrible feeling as she realised they were the same ones as on Kerri's diary. For those of you who haven't been able to access Kerri's diary, she has not only posted lots of photos of me (including one from 3 years ago, as a "before" photo!), but she has written detailed descriptions next to each one, with things like, "I feel more tired than I look in this photo" or "This was taken right before my doctor's appt" or even, for my 20 week photo, "I am wearing a really cute top that my mom bought me" ugggggggggggggh I just feel so sick when I read that stuff. She always says, "Here I am at X weeks pregnant..." (never quite at the right number of weeks that I was actually in the photos) "...and I have gained 14lbs since the last photo" etc. It is so creepy. The photo on her front page is my 28 week belly shot. I hate that they include my face too, that's the worst part. It's ME smiling away at everyone, and they all think it's some pregnant 15 year old (um, HELLO, I don't think so!! I'm actually TWICE that age!) called Kerri. UGH.

Anyway. The lovely girl who emailed me said at first she didn't know who was the fake person (how AWFUL did that make me feel for a second?!) and then she saw my later belly shots and my due date pic, and realised the true owner of the photos (and the face, dangit!) was me. I made sure to mention that I have lots of photos of me with my baby AFTER he was born also. Those really do prove my side of it, don't they? But ugh, all the same.

I am just BEYOND grateful to this girl for raising it. I would never have found out otherwise. Who knows, this Kerri person would probably have started using images of me and my precious little boy after her supposed birth. And I couldn't bear that at all. I am naive enough so that I never in my LIFE would have thought anyone would do such a thing before now. So I never would have found out. I have been exchanging emails with this girl today and she is only too eager to help me do something about it. I hope she'll tell me some more of the forums Kerri uses.

Also I have searched geocites and found out how to legally claim that images posted on one of their websites are unauthorised images of me, but it's annoyingly complicated. I will do it if I have to, of course. It seems I have to mail or fax a signed copy of the prints or something (!!) and get my photo ID and send it to them - what is that?! So I hope it won't come to that. I want it fixed instantly, not to faff around waiting for a letter to be posted to America and wonder if they'll reply or sort it out.

Anyway. That is the latest on that. And now I will chillllllllllllllllll. Or at least, try to :)

Let's see, have I got any pregnancy news to finish off with? That might help. It's late and I need to go to bed, but I should try and focus on something light and cheerful otherwise I'll never get to sleep!

Oh, I know! Today has been another almost-nausea-free day!!!! Yay! I even got super duper hungry at lunch time due to complete disorganisation, and then I had to give Arthur his lunch and didn't get round to making mine till he was happily munching on a gingerbread man afterwards, but I did not even get queasy!! Which is really something, since morning sickness is usually so much worse when I get too hungry. But nothing! I did get hungry enough to feel shaky and lightheaded, so I'm really excited that it wasn't accompanied by nausea! I felt like cheddar cheese and fried mushrooms with my baked potato and cottage cheese, and that went down just dreamily! :) I ate pasta and tomatoes and garlicky sauce and stuff tonight - no nausea :) I am so thrilled! I hope this is the end of morning sickness for me. It feels like such a bonus as I really wasn't expecting it to go for weeks yet.

What else? I am peeing plenty, day and night, and still ridiculously constipated. But oh well. It will pass (excuse the terrible pun, hehe!). Thirsty and hungry a lot of the time. Getting excited about my scan on Friday!

That is all. I am absolutely beat. I'll update again soon about everything. Thanks again everyone! xxx

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